
Livestock Competitiveness, Economic Growth and Opportunities for Job Creation in Namibia - A Policy Note. Republic of Namibia, May 31, 2012. Poverty Reduction Economic Management 1, Southern Africa, Africa Region

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The livestock and meat sector plays a critical role in growth and job creation in Namibia. The commercial farming sector, mainly based on livestock farming, is considered to be the largest source of private employment in the country, providing jobs to 25,000-30,000 workers. Namibia enjoys a revealed comparative advantage in exporting cattle and beef, and is one of very few African countries able to meet strict import regulations in Europe. The sector accounts for 7 percent of national merchandise exports. While the sector is important for economic growth and job creation, the relevance of the sector to livelihoods and food security is revealed by the fact that over 40 percent of households own or have access to cattle.

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