
It's time to grow - Mainstreaming education for sustainable sevelopment in Namibia

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Education for Sustainable Development is about enabling all people to constructively and creatively address present and future global challenges and thereby create more sustainable and resilient societies. This approach is not limited by age; children and adults alike can participate, and it should be mainstreamed in all levels of learning and teaching. Education for Sustainable Development has been emphasised at the international level through the adoption of the Sustainable Development Goals by world leaders at a United Nations Summit held in New York in 2015. Specifically, Quality Education (Goal 4) aims to ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles. Furthermore, this is a cross-cutting theme in the Namibian national curriculum. The Namib Desert Environmental Education Trust (NaDEET) offers Education for Sustainable Development through several projects managed from its centres on the NamibRand Nature Reserve and in Swakopmund. NaDEET's environmental literacy project is aimed at promoting and encouraging environmental learning at different levels in education. This is done through the production of a variety of environmental learning materials. One of the booklets - It's Time to Grow - is written for young children just entering school. Developed in 2013, this booklet was originally meant to be used as a child's environmental learning pack at home. In practice, however, it was primarily used in a school setting. We consequently received feedback that the booklet was too small for use in the classroom, as teachers reported that they "could not use it with many children". Another issue for many teachers was that it was written only in English.

Namibia Chamber of Environmnet (NCE) and Venture Media
Conservation and the Environment in Namibia
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