sustainable development

Development that provides economic, social and environmental benefits in the long term having regard to the needs of living and future generations. Defined by the World Commission on Environment and Development in 1987 as: development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (Source: GILP96)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 430 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Paterson B, Kirchner C, Ommer RE 2013. A short history of the Namibian hake fishery—a socialecological analysis. Ecology and Society 18 (4) 66
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Paterson et al 2013 History Nam Hake ES-2013-5919.pdf 94.97 KB
Manning N, Pallett J 2004. Kuiseb Basin Management Committee - the first of its kind in Namibia. Conservation 26-27
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Kuiseb Basin Management Committee.pdf 3.15 MB
Kaiser E, Beetz W 1919. Die Wassererschließung in der südlichen Namib Südwestafrikas. Zeitschrift für praktische Geologie 11/12 165-186
Bergholtz M, Piekarzewska M, Waernquist J, Vignuolo Y, Öberg H 2001. Land degradation - natural and human induced - Hoanib River catchment.
Economic Commission for Africa 2001. State of the Environment in Africa.
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State of the Environment in Africa_2001.pdf 1.4 MB
EcoSurv 2003. Tourism potential.
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Tourism_potential.jpg 4.11 MB
EcoSurv 2003. Tourism Developments Wuparo Conservancy.
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Tourism_developments_Wuparo.jpg 4.5 MB
EcoSurv 2003. Tourism Developments Mashi Conservancy.
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Tourism_developments_Mashi.jpg 4.22 MB
EcoSurv 2003. Tourism Developments Malengalenga Community.
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Tourism_developments_Malengalenga2.jpg 4.33 MB
EcoSurv 2003. Tourism Developments Malengalenga Community.
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Tourism_developments_Malengalenga1.jpg 4.38 MB
EcoSurv 2003. Tourism Developments Kwandu Conservancy.
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Tourism_developments_Kwandu.jpg 3.34 MB
EcoSurv 2003. Potential tourism development zones southern areas.
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Tourism_development_zones_south1.jpg 4.97 MB
EcoSurv 2003. Potential tourism development zones southern areas.
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Tourism_development_zones_south2.jpg 6.95 MB
United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) 2006. Africa Environment Outlook 2: Our Environment, Our Wealth.
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Africa Environment Outlook 2_2006.pdf 21.13 MB
Directorate of Environmental Affairs (DEA) 1995. Namibia's Environmental Assessment Policy - For Sustainable Development and Environmental Conservation.
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Environmental Assesssment policy.pdf 335.22 KB
Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) 2007. Natural Resource Tenure - A position paper for Sida.
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SIDA_Natural_Resource_Tenure.pdf 163.05 KB
Lange G-M 2009. Natural capital, total wealth and sustainable development in Namibia.
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Discussion paper no 42.pdf 190.88 KB
Margoluis R, Margoluis C, Brandon K, Salafsky N 2000. In Good Company: Effective Alliances for Conservation.
Margoluis R, Russell V, González M, Rojas O, Magdaleno J, Madrid G, Kaimowitz D 2001. Maximum yield? Sustainable agriculture as a tool for conservation.
Morelli J 2011. Environmental Sustainability: A Definition for Environmental Professionals. Journal of Environmental Sustainability 1 (1)