
Mudumu National Park - Zambezi Region. Namibia Parks and Wildlife


Natural features: Kwando River floodplain and associated grasslands and riparian woodlands. The area is completely flat. The Kwando River forms the western border with Botswana. A fossilised river course, the Mudumu Mulapo, drains the Mopane woodlands. Vegetation: Situated in the Tree and Shrub Savannah Biome, vegetation types such as Northeastern Kalahari Wood-lands, Riverine Woodlands and Islands, Caprivi Mopane Woodland and Caprivi Floodplains are found. Mopane Colophospermum mopane), Wild syringe (Burkea africana), leadwood (Combretum imberbe) and mangosteen (Garcinia livingstonii) are common trees. Keywords: Wildlife, African elephant, buffalo, lion, leopard, spotted hyena, cheetah, African wild dog, hippopotamus, crocodile, sitatunga, red lechwe, roan and sable antelope, eland, giraffe, common impala, Burchell's zebra, blue wildebeest and spotted-necked otter.

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