
Bwabwata National Park - Kwando Core Area. Namibia Parks and Wildlife


Natural features: The Kwando river system with its floodplains, associated grasslands and riparian forests. Deciduous woodlands found on low, vegetated sand dunes with old drainage lines (omiramba) in between. Old dunes and interdune valleys inhabited by combretum and acacia species. Vegetation: Broad-leafed Kalahari woodland with trees such as the Zambezi teak and false mopane in the sandy areas, Camel-thorn and Leadwood in the omiramba and reeds and papyrus on the floodplains, which are lined with trees such as the Jackal-berry, Mangosteen, Knob-thorn and Fan palm. Wildlife: Large concentrations of elephant and buffalo; also sable and roan antelope, waterbuck, impala, kudu, giraffe and wildebeest. Main predators are lion, leopard, cheetah and hyena. One of the last refuges of the African wild dog in Namibia. Common reedbuck, red lechwe, sitatunga and hippo are seen along the river. Birds include Wattled Crane, Western banded Snake Eagle, Wood Owl, Narina Trogon, Cape Parrot, and both Red-billed and Yellow-billed Oxpecker.

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