
The influence and effects of disturbance on the distribution, nest ecology, breeding biology and reproductive success of the African Skimmer Rynchops flavirostris in the Panhandle of the Okavango Delta, Botswana

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Knowledge of the distribution and abundance of skimmers in the Panhandle and lower Delta is limited to a few anecdotal reports and computer records held at the Botswana Bird Club. These records include frequent but local reports of between 2 to 6 skimmers along sections of the Okavango River between Nxamaseri to Ikoga and the lower Delta at Txichira Lagoon and, Third bridge, Khwai River and Xakanaxa in the Moremi Game Reserve (Burm J; Ives M; Pryce E; Liversedge T; Motlotle S; Ouzemann L all pers comm.). Elsewhere in Botswana, up to 45 skimmers have been sighted on the Chobe River (Randall 1994) whilst, less recent records indicate up to 15 pairs frequent Lake Ngami and, up to 30 pairs occur at Mopipi (Tree 1989) The objective of the study outlined in this section is to present results of a survey on skimmer distribution and abundance between Mohembo to skimmer Island.

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