
APP-002642: Construct a proposed construction and operation of the shopping complex "Las Vegas City Center" at Onashiku shaLaban village, Oshana Region

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Dr. Erastus Shikongo Shapumba, hereinafter referred to as the proponent, intends to construct a shopping complex to be named "Las Vegas City Center" at Onashiku shaLaban village, Oshana region. The proposed business complex will consist of different facilities such as retail shops, accommodation, entertainment, hospitality, and recreational facilities as well as associated infrastructures. Given the fact that the proposed development site is located on an area which is prone to seasonal flooding, an earth dam will be constructed at the site. This will enable the harvesting of seasonal flood and rainwater for the benefit of the local community. The proposed development will trigger activities listed under the Environmental Management Act and the Environmental Impact Assessment Regulations (GN 30 of 2012) as activities which cannot be carried out without an Environmental Impact Assessment being undertaken and ECC being obtained.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Sunday, 13 June 2021

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