
Plant resources and monitoring. Follow up report and recommendations on further integration of high value plant species (HVPS) into Community Ecosystem Management in Namibia

Publication Year:

Over the past year, it is encouraging that progress has been made on a fair number of the recommendations made in 2007, with partial or on-going progress with others. A significant number of recommendations have not been followed up at all, despite the widespread that they dealt with important issues. There appear to be two main reasons for this. Firstly, that the 2007, although available in electronic format and hard copy was not widely distributed, possibly due to confusion between ICEMA and CRIAA-SADC on who was to take responsibility for this process. Secondly, a common problem in Namibia - that of the skills shortage that so often poses a major constraint.

Series Title:
Community Ecosystem Management in Namibia (ICEMA)/French Fund for Global Environment (FFEM) Project
Item Type:
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ICEMA-Plant-Monitoring-Report.pdf 2.3 MB