
APP-001259: Comprehensive Environmental Management Plan to operate: Otji-bricks and sand factory

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Namibia’s economy is highly dependent on a healthy environment however and striking a balance in meeting demands for economic development (harvesting natural resources e,g sand mining) and maintaining biological diversity can be a challenge. Thus, it is imperative that developmental endeavours are conducted in the most sustainable manner. Environmental and development sectors should work together and identify synergies in order to ensure that natural resources are harvested sustainably. Development takes place on land (in the environment) and hence the quest for economic development requires a trade-off with certain parts of the environment in-order for the development to be realized. Meaning, for development to take place, some part of the environment will be affected. However, it is of utmost importance that such impacts are mitigated through the EMP.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Monday, 7 September 2020

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