
APP-001638: Construction of the Swakopmund Smallholdings potable water reservoir on remainder of Portion 79 of the Swakopmund Town and Townlands 41, Erongo

Publication Year:

The ECC application is for the construction of the proposed Swakopmund Smallholding Potable Water Reservoir, and it will consist of the following main elements: • Supply and installation of a prefabricated water treatment plant including all fittings and accessories: • Construction of a concrete storage tank The reservoir will be a reinforced concrete structure, and will have a round shape with a smooth surface. The round shape of the reservoir will result in the strongest and most cost effective solution. Size of the Reservoir: The size of the reservoir is determined bon actual consumption figures for the last years for the smallholdings. As not all of the plots are occupied, an average consumption is applied to these plots to determine the total demand for full occupation of all plots.

Item Type:
Last date for commenting on this EIA: Friday, 21 August 2020

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