
The Upper Swakop River Basin - Supplying Namibia's capital Windhoek with water


Windhoek, Namibia’s capital in the dry and hot central highland, has water demand which outstrips both conventional (rivers and dams, groundwater) and unconventional (desalination, managed groundwater recharge, water reclamation) water resources. An economically viable mix of all conventional and unconventional resources must be established to sustain the City’s development, including inter-basin transfer of fresh water from the bordering perennial rivers or desalinated seawater. But as these additional supply options are costly, there needs to be active water user involvement in reducing water consumption and losses as well as setting incentives to develop water intense industries in areas with better water supply. As the population of Windhoek continues to grow and the incidence of droughts becomes more frequent, ensuring water security will involve numerous measures and stakeholders to plan and prepare for future water crises in the arid city.

International Water Association
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