Status of succulent shrubs in the southern Namib Desert, Succulent Karroo Biome
Publication Year:
The ratio of dead to alive succulent shrubs as an indicator of turnover was investigated to test whether the accepted notion of rapid turnover rates and cyclic succession in the Succulent Karoo Biome are applicable in the southern Namib. Based on counts of dead and alive plants, twelve species in two habitat types were investigated. These short-term data which could not incorporate recruitment rates or changes over time, generated, however, some hypotheses. (i) Rapid turnover rates are likely not supported by all succulent plants at the Succulent Karoo Biome's northern boundary. With the exception of one species, mortality rates in succulent shrubs across a range of plant functional types were lower than reported in other parts of the biome. (ii) Sand plains appeared to support some transient species, indicating that there may be differences in vegetation dynamics between habitats. (iii) Species of different plant functional types showed no differences in ratio of dead to alive plants related to habitat. These species may have broad ecological tolerance limits and are perhaps less affected by changes in their environment. (iv) Shrubby Mesembryanthemaceae have high turnover rates and hence a short live span in the investigated area, but are longer lived than elsewhere in the Succulent Karoo Biome. As these hypotheses have implications for management and conservation of succulent species in this global biodiversity hotspot, a detailed evaluation of vegetation turnover, balancing mortality versus recruitment, should be investigated over a longer time span. Keywords: conservation, Namibia, Southern Africa, vegetation dynamics.
Publication Title:
African Journal of Ecology
Item Type:
Journal Article