
Goanikontes Uranium Project, Vegetation study

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The Namib Desert harbours numerous endemic and near endemic plant species, of which many are of restricted distribution or habitat. This makes them extremely vulnerable to disturbance. The floral specialist study aims to: By means a field reconnaissance survey and review of relevant information, identify the plant species that occur or are thought to occur on the site, with emphasis on those that are valuable from a biodiversity and/or ecological point of view; Classify the area into broad habitat zones according to vulnerability, ecological and scientific value; Identify and assess the potential impacts on the flora resulting from the proposed mining activities during both development and operational phases. It is important to note that the exact location of the various facilities have not been determined yet. It was therefore assumed that mining activities will be concentrated in the zones of the indicated areas of interest (Appendix 1; Suggest mitigating measures to avoid or minimise impacts. The vegetation was to be considered regarding sensitivity to disturbance created by both direct and indirect impacts.

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2008_Goanikontes_vegetation.pdf 1.96 MB

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