
Pilot project for small-scale pearl millet seed production in Namibia

Publication Year:

At a meeting convened in 1993 by the Agricultural Development Centre (ADC) in the Omusati region, Namibia, local farmers were invited to participate in a pilot project for the production and multiplication of pearl millet seed (var. Okashana 1). Fifty farmers registered, but this number was later reduced to 10 after the suitability of their farms had been assessed on site in accordance with 15 criteria. These farmers were supplied with seed for sowing, but followed their normal crop management practices, with occasional guidance, and brought their crop to the purchasing centre for machine threshing and Grade 1 quality assessment. An encouraging amount of + or - 17 t of seed was produced from 70 ha of smallholder farmland. Author's summary. Keyword: TROPAG, Pennisetum typhoides, Pennisetum, seed production, pilot farms, Namib.

Publication Title:

Drought-Tolerant Crops for Southern Africa

Conference name:
SADC/ICRISAT Regional Sorghum and Pearl Millet Workshop, 25-29 July 1994
Gaborone, Botswana
Item Type:
Conference Paper