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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 851 - 900 of 2694
Monday, 24 October 2022
Vuso S 2022. Third Eastern Cape prison escapee nabbed after begging for food in Makhanda.

Cape Town - A third prisoner who escaped from custody in Makhanda last week has been rearrested. Trymore Chauke was nabbed on Sunday after police received information about a possible escapee who was alleged to have been asking people for food in the farming community of Seven Fountains in Makhanda. A police task team immediately followed up on the lead and within 30 minutes Chauke was rearrested, police said. He escaped from the facility through a window with six other inmates last week. He was held in custody for rhino poaching.

Friday, 21 October 2022
Smit E 2022. Ondersoek staar wildhandelaar in gesig.

Die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme het 'n ondersoek na die wildhandelaar, mnr. Johan Lombaard, van stapel gestuur nadat hy na bewering twee witrenosters sonder die nodige papierwerk vervoer het. Die ondersoek is na bewering genoodsaak nadat Lombaard Dinsdag in 'n motorongeluk tussen Rehoboth en Kalkrand betrokke was terwyl hy ’n witrenosterkoei en haar kalf vanaf Mariental na 'n plaas in die Karibib-distrik vervoer het.

Friday, 21 October 2022
2022. Four in court for possession of rhino horn and rifle silencer.

Four men have appeared in court after allegedly being found in possession of two rhino horn and a rifle silencer in Sannieshof, North West, on Tuesday night.

Friday, 21 October 2022
2022. Uganda court hands life sentence to man caught with elephant ivory.

A Ugandan court has handed a life sentence to a man caught with nearly 10 kg of elephant ivory, the country's highest punishment ever for wildlife violations, authorities said on Friday.

Thursday, 20 October 2022
Smit E 2022. Prominent wildlife dealer faces probe.

The environment ministry is investigating prominent wildlife dealer Johan Lombaard after he allegedly transported two white rhinos without the necessary paperwork. Namibian Sun understands the investigation was necessitated after Lombaard was involved in a car accident on Tuesday afternoon between Rehoboth and Kalkrand while transporting a rhino cow and its calf from Mariental to farm Uitkyk in the Karibib district.

Thursday, 20 October 2022
Smit E 2022. Anhänger mit Nashorn überschlägt sich.

Der Sprecher des Ministeriums, Romeo Muyunda, bestätigte den Unfall, der sich im Kalkrand-Distrikt ereignete, und sagte, dass die Polizei sie am Dienstagabend darüber informiert habe, weil Nashörner beteiligt waren. Laut Muyunda waren die Nashornkuh und ihr Kalb in zwei verschiedenen Autos mit Anhängern unterwegs. Er sagte, dass der Wagen, der die Kuh transportierte, in den Unfall verwickelt war.

Thursday, 20 October 2022
Reiter C 2022. Vier Fälle von Wildtierkriminalität in zwei Tagen gemeldet.

In der vergangenen Woche wurden vier neue Fälle der Wildtierkriminalität gemeldet, und fünf Verdächtige wurden im Zusammenhang mit diesen Straftaten verhaftet. Dies geht aus einem Bericht der Abteilung für geschützte Ressourcen, der namibischen Polizei, des Innenministeriums und des Umweltministeriums hervor. Dem Bericht zufolge wurden insgesamt acht Wildtierprodukte beschlagnahmt, darunter Duiker-Kadaver, Elefantenstoßzähne und lebende Schuppentiere.

Thursday, 20 October 2022
2022. Missing rhino horn at Otjiwarongo allegedly recovered in Angola.

The rhino horn that reportedly went missing while in the care of a 45-year-old police officer at Otjiwarongo between 30 September and 03 October this year, has been recovered in Angola.

Thursday, 20 October 2022
Rheeder G 2022. K9 patrol unit makes R8 million rhino horn bust on N4.

The Middelburg K9 Unit spotted a suspect Toyota Quantum on the highway and after bringing the vehicle to a halt, conducted a spot search. When the engine bonnet was opened, K9 members discovered two large object wrapped in plastic. Upon closer inspection, the two horns were discovered. The driver, whose identity is known to Middelburg Observer, but who has not appeared in court, was arrested and booked into custody on charges of possession of rhino horns.

Thursday, 20 October 2022
Marriah-Maharaj J 2022. Makhanda prison escape: second suspect nabbed while hiding in bushes.

Simba Masinga, one of the seven prisoners who escaped from Waainek Correctional Centre in Makhanda in the early hours of Tuesday morning, has been rearrested. Police said Masinga, convicted for rhino poaching, was the second person to be arrested.

Thursday, 20 October 2022
Dlamini N 2022. Poaching syndicates are trapping vulnerable villagers in Zimbabwe.

Poaching syndicates are recruiting vulnerable villagers in Zimbabwe's animal corridors to kill animals such as elephants for their ivory, and to find markets, even on the streets, it has emerged. Police in areas such as Hwange, Kamativi and Victoria Falls in Matabeleland North have in recent months arrested people found trying to sell pieces of ivory on the streets. Conservationists say most of the locals arrested are people that were exploited by cunning syndicates, including some run by Zambian nationals, and they often lacked knowledge about wildlife crimes.

Wednesday, 19 October 2022
2022. Five arrested in relation to four wildlife crimes.

Four newly registered wildlife crime cases have been made between 11 and 12 October and five Namibian men were arrested in relation to these cases. This was revealed by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism's weekly wildlife crime statistics. These statistics indicate that two elephant tusks, two live pangolins and four full duiker carcasses were confiscated after the arrest of the suspects, which took place in the Oshana, Kavango East and Omaheke regions.

Wednesday, 19 October 2022
Reiter C 2022. Nashornschmuggler entkommt aus der Haft.

Der chinesische Nashornschmuggler Wang Hui (48) ist am Montag gegen 11 Uhr aus der Haft entkommen. Wang entkam, als er mit einem Wärter des Windhoeker Zentralgefängnisses nach Brakwater gefahren war, um Material von einem Lieferanten abzuholen. Dies bestätigte der Sprecher der Strafvollzugsbehörde, Kommissar Michael Mulisa. "Sie fuhren zu dem Lieferanten, um Material für eine Werkstatt im Gefängnis zu besorgen, für ein Projekt des Gesundheitsministeriums, an dem die Gefangenen arbeiten" sagte er.

Wednesday, 19 October 2022
Luckhoff P 2022. Private reserves stop poachers but it takes R200 000 per rhino, per year.

The Balule Nature Reserve (BNR) reports that it has recorded not a single rhino killing in the past two years. The reserve is situated on the Olifants River, between Hoedspruit and Phalaborwa. It shares an unfenced border with the Greater Kruger, and forms part of the Associated Private Nature Reserves bordering the Park. Ryan says their worst period was between 2014 and 2018 when they lost 37 rhino in total to poaching. In 2017 alone, 17 animals were killed.

Tuesday, 18 October 2022
McGrath M 2022. Ivory seized decades ago still turning up in raids.

Confiscated ivory from elephants killed more than 30 years ago has turned up in recent raids, say scientists. The tusks were once part of a stockpile seized from poachers and held in sealed containers by the government of Burundi. In this study, researchers used DNA and carbon dating techniques to show that some of that stored material is now in the hands of smugglers.

Tuesday, 18 October 2022
Karuuombe M 2022. Rhino horn smuggler on the run after escape.

The prisoner, Wang Hui (47), escaped in the Brakwater area north of Windhoek, where he was part of a team of inmates doing work outside the prison, around 11h00 on Monday, the Namibian Correctional Service's head of directorate central staff, Michael Mulisa, says. Wang Hui is serving a 15-year prison term for attempting to smuggle 14 rhino horns and a leopard skin out of Namibia in March 2014.

Tuesday, 18 October 2022
Rademeyer R 2022. Rhino-horn smuggler on the run.

Chinese rhino-horn smuggler Wang Hui (48) escaped from custody at around 11:00 yesterday and was still on the run at time of going to press last night. Wang escaped when he went to Brakwater with a warden from the Windhoek Central Prison to pick up material from a supplier.

Tuesday, 18 October 2022
Rademeyer R 2022. Smokkelaar in renosterhoring op die vlug.

Die Chinese renosterhoringsmokkelaar Wang Hui (48) het gister omstreeks 11:00 uit aanhouding ontsnap en was teen druktyd gister nog op die vlug. Wang het ontsnap toe hy saam met met 'n bewaarder van die Windhoek Sentrale Gevangenis na Brakwater gegaan het om materiaal by ’n verskaffer te gaan oplaai.

The Chinese rhino horn smuggler Wang Hui (48) escaped from custody at around 11:00 yesterday and was still on the run at press time yesterday. Wang escaped when he went to Brakwater with a warden from the Windhoek Central Prison to pick up materials from a supplier.

Tuesday, 18 October 2022
Marais R 2022. Seven escape from Makhanda prison 'through open window'.

The public has been cautioned not to approach the seven men who escaped through an open window from a Makhanda (Grahamstown) prison during the early hours on Tuesday as they are considered to be dangerous. The department of correctional services and the police are hunting for the seven inmates, all in prison for serious offences, including rhino poaching, murder and robbery.

Sunday, 16 October 2022
2022. South Africa: Abalone to the value of R190 000 confiscated.

A successful multidisciplinary, intelligence driven operation led to the arrest of two suspects and the confiscation of abalone to the value of R 190 000-00. It is alleged that on 15 October 2022 at about 23:00, information was received from the colleagues of Queenstown K9 and CI with regard to armed, suspects traveling with an Isuzu bakkie fully loaded with abalones from the direction of Queenstown to Maletswai. Members from James Calata SAPS, Maletswai, Aliwal North, Aliwal North K9, DOCC, TRT and Aliwal North stock unit were activated as a team and intervened.

Friday, 14 October 2022
2022. New study reveals shocking white rhino declines.

In South Africa, which holds over 80% of the species on the continent, numbers are down from 15 625 in 2017, to 12 968 at the end of 2021. This is a decline of 17% in just four years, bringing the population to its lowest level since before 2005. The report, compiled by the African and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the wildlife trade monitoring network, TRAFFIC, takes an in-depth look at several issues, including rhino numbers, poaching incidents and rhino horn trade.

Friday, 14 October 2022
Tan J 2022. Poaching surges in the birthplace of white rhino conservation.

Poaching has more than doubled this year in South Africa’s Hluhluwe-Imfolozi Park, the birthplace of white rhino conservation. Conservationists say poaching syndicates have turned their attention to this and other parks in KwaZulu-Natal province because rhino numbers in Kruger National Park, the previous epicenter of rhino poaching, have been drastically reduced, and private reserves around Kruger are dehorning their animals. Hluhluwe-Imfolozi is a very challenging game reserve for anti-poaching patrols to defend, exacerbated by leadership issues in Ezemvelo, the…

Tuesday, 11 October 2022
Smit E, Steffen F 2022. Nashorn Wilderei nimmt zu.

Die Zahl der Nashörner, die in diesem Jahr gewildert wurden, liegt nun bei 57, verglichen mit den 44 Nashörnern, die im vergangenen Jahr von Wilderern getötet worden waren. Der Sprecher des Umweltministeriums, Romeo Muyunda, bestätigte auf Nachfrage, dass in der vergangenen Woche zwei Breitmaulnashörner auf privaten Farmen gewildert wurden. Er sagte, dass es zwar in letzter Zeit im Etoscha-Nationalpark zu Wilderei gekommen sei, dass aber in der vergangenen Woche keine Nashörner im Park gewildert worden seien.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022
2022. Pangolin rescued in Boksburg.

A multi-disciplinary operation successfully recovered a pangolin and arrested three suspects on October 9 in Trichardts Road, Boksburg.

Monday, 10 October 2022
Moser K 2022. Südafrikanische Syndikate an Nashornwilderei in Namibia beteiligt.

Nach Angaben von Nashornschützern sind anscheinend grenzübergreifende Syndikate an der Nashornwilderei in Namibia beteiligt. Während auf dem afrikanischen Kontinent die Zahlen der Nashornwilderei insgesamt sinken, verzeichnet Namibia seit einigen Monaten beunruhigend viele Fälle. Laut dem Direktor des Save the Rhino Trust, Simon Uri Khob, zeigen Berichte, dass Syndikate von Nashornwilderern aus Südafrika in Namibia agieren und es vor allem auf kommerzielle Farmen absehen. Das berichtete das US-amerikanische internationale Nachrichtenportal VOA.

Monday, 10 October 2022
2022. Environmental crime is world's third most lucrative crime.

With environmental crime ranking as the world’s third largest illegal trade, INTERPOL has joined calls at the United for Wildlife (UfW) global summit for enhanced collective efforts against the criminal syndicates behind wildlife crime and its impact on communities and biodiversity. Poaching and trafficking undermine the rule of law and economic development.

Monday, 10 October 2022
Smit E 2022. Rhino poaching increases to 57.

The number of rhinos that have already been poached this year stands at 57, compared to the 44 rhinos that were killed by poachers last year. Spokesperson for the environment ministry, Romeo Muyunda, confirmed to Namibian Sun that two white rhinos were poached on private farms last week.

Monday, 10 October 2022
Nyamukondiwa F 2022. 4 nabbed for ivory possession in Zimbabwe: About CITES and International Trade in Ivory.

Four Zimbabweans were recently arrested for possession of 5 pieces of raw ivory in contravention of the Parks and Wildlife Act, Chapter 20:14.

Saturday, 8 October 2022
Labutte D 2022. Pangolin trafficking is rife in Bronkhorstspruit and Cullinan area.

Pangolin trafficking in the Bronkhorstspruit area is at an all-time high. Three of these animals were rescued in the Bronkhorstspruit and Cullinan area in September, while court cases in which pangolin traffickers are being prosecuted are also underway in both the Bronkhorstspruit Regional Court and the Cullinan Regional Court.

Saturday, 8 October 2022
Rogers G 2022. Rhino poaching conspiracy ruling boosts conservation efforts.

Rhino conservation has received a major boost with the recent Gqeberha sentencing of a gang convicted of conspiring to poach rhino. The September 22 sentencing of the Chitlongo Three in the Gqeberha Regional Court, the first achieved under National Environmental Management Act "conspiracy to poach" legislation, gives SA lawmakers a lethal new weapon to pursue suspects who have often escaped prosecution in the past because of a lack of evidence.

Friday, 7 October 2022
Mtawali W 2022. Malawi: Zambian national guilty, convicted in MK53 million wildlife crime, awaits sentencing.

Malambo, who started defending himself on 8 March this year, was found with 22 pieces of raw ivory, weighing 64.905 kilograms and valued at about MK53 million. He was arrested at Mwami Border Total Filling Station in Mchinji in February, 2021.

Friday, 7 October 2022
Angula V 2022. Cross border syndicates implicated in surge in rhino poaching.

While Africa is seeing a drop in the rate of rhinoceros poaching, Namibian wildlife authorities say they are seeing a surge in rhino killings in the southern African nation. Conservationists say poachers seeking rhino horns for Asian markets are targeting Namibia’s commercial farms. Save the Rhino Trust CEO Simson Uri Khob said there are reports that syndicates of rhino poachers from South Africa are operating in Namibia. He said poaching cases are rising, especially in Etosha National Park and commercial farms. "It's a problem," Khob said.

Friday, 7 October 2022
Heita J 2022. Only 36 arrests for rhino poaching this year compared to 80 in 2021.

Only 36 people have been arrested for rhino-related poaching cases this year, compared to 80 last year. This was revealed by environment minister Pohamba Shifeta as the ministry received a donation of 10 vehicles, park management and law enforcement equipment worth approximately N$ 21.7 million funded by the Integrated National Park Management II (NamParks V and Covid-19 Fund) and Integrated Wildlife Protection (IWPP) projects. In contrast, 55 rhinos have been poached this year, compared to 44 in 2021. Two elephants have been poached so far this year compared to eight in 2021.

Friday, 7 October 2022
Gallagher C 2022. Malaysian group sanctioned for 'cruel trafficking' of ivory, rhino horn and pangolins from Africa.

The US has imposed sanctions against a Malaysian group, accusing it of engaging in "the cruel trafficking of endangered and threatened wildlife and the products of brutal poaching". The Treasury department said on Friday it has designated Malaysian national Teo Boon Ching, the Teo Boon Ching wildlife trafficking transnational criminal organisation and Malaysian company Sunrise Greenland. Teo Boon Ching specialises in the transportation of rhino horn, ivory and pangolins from Africa. It uses routes through Malaysia and Laos to reach customers in Vietnam and China, the department…

Wednesday, 5 October 2022
Vatileni E 2022. Rhino poaching cases on the rise.

The minister of environment, forestry and tourism, Pohamba Shifeta, says 36 people have been arrested for rhino-related cases this year alone. Shifeta was speaking at the handover of 10 vehicles, park management and law enforcement equipment funded by the Integrated National Park Management II (NamParks V and Covid-19 Fund) and Integrated Wildlife Protection projects in Windhoek on Wednesday. According to Shifeta, it is of great concern that 55 rhinos have been poached to date this year. "This is compared to 44 rhinos poached in 2021.

Wednesday, 5 October 2022
2022. Rhinos poached this year up to 55 - Ministry receives NS 21.7 million worth of equipment to assist in poaching.

A total of 55 rhinos have been poached to date this year, the Ministry of Environment, Forestry, and Tourism (MEFT) said Wednesday, adding that the current statistics are deeply concerning. This is compared to a figure of 44 rhinos in 2021, however, 36 people have been arrested for rhino-related cases this year, compared to 80 in 2021, the MEFT Minister Pohamba Shifeta highlighted on the occasion of the handover of 10 vehicles, park management and law enforcement equipment funded by the Integrated National Park Management II (NamParks V and Covid-19 Fund) and Integrated…

Wednesday, 5 October 2022
2022. Singapore seizes South African rhino horn worth R15 million from smuggler.

Singapore authorities have made their biggest ever seizure of rhino horn with a $830 000 (almost R15 million) haul confiscated from a smuggler arriving from South Africa, officials said Wednesday. The city-state's National Parks Board said 20 pieces of horn weighing a total of 34 kilograms were discovered Tuesday in two bags at Singapore Changi Airport. The contraband was detected by sniffer dogs and belonged to a passenger travelling onward to Laos, the board said, adding that the suspect had been arrested.

Tuesday, 4 October 2022
Muronga P 2022. Otjiwarongo cop to appear in court over missing rhino horn.

A police officer working at Otjiwarongo police station is due to appear in the Otjiwarongo Magistrate's Court on Tuesday after one of six rhino horns left in his care went missing.

Sunday, 2 October 2022
2022. SA: Zimbabweans convicted of rhino poaching, illegal possession of arms.

South Africa: Six Zimbabwean nationals have been found guilty in the Makhanda High Court of conspiracy to commit rhino poaching and illegal possession of firearms. They’ll be back in court on the 4th of November for the start of sentencing proceedings. The court heard previously that information uncovered relating to the crimes of the accused dates back to before their arrest in 2018. It included the tracking of their cellphones which was later linked to rhino poaching incidents at Kragga Kamma and Shamwari Game Reserves.

Friday, 30 September 2022
Davie M, Henry M 2022. The wildlife sanctuary bringing rhinos back from the brink.

Rhinos were poached to near extinction in Zimbabwe. Now a private wildlife sanctuary is reintroducing them to places.

Wednesday, 28 September 2022
2022. Hazyview man arrested in possession of endangered Pangolin.

A man has been arrested in Hazyview for being in possession of a Pangolin, following a tip-off from a local community member. On Tuesday September 27, a private game reserve near Hazyview received the tip-off that a white Bantam bakkie was driving around town looking for a buyer for the Pangolin which is the world's most trafficked animal species.

Tuesday, 27 September 2022
Ngounou B 2022. South Africa: Rhinos have lost 75% of their population in less than ten years.

The future of the rhino is becoming increasingly bleak, despite efforts to combat poaching. According to the non-governmental organisation (NGO) Save the Rhino International, South Africa, which is home to around 80% of the world's rhinos, has lost almost 75% of its rhino population in less than ten years. These figures were revealed on 22 September 2022, World Rhino Day.

Monday, 26 September 2022
Smit E 2022. Rhino's not negatively impacted by dehorning.

The dehorning of rhinos began in 1989, making Namibia the first country to use it as an anti-poaching method. There remains a lot of conjecture surrounding the possible implications of dehorning rhinos. While the benefits of such an exercise have long been proved, some sceptics believe it could have some effect on rhino behaviour and biology.

Monday, 26 September 2022
McCain N, Lekoma N 2022. Rhino poaching hits private game reserves in the pocket.

Private game reserves are buckling under the costs of keeping rhinos safe from poachers. This as the trend shows poachers have set their sights on private reserves. More than 250 rhinos were poached in the first half of the year.

Monday, 26 September 2022
Nhongo K 2022. Rhino poaching rises in Namibia as population falls in South Africa.

The number of rhinos being poached in Namibia, home to the world's second-biggest population of the animals, is surging with the government and environmental non-profits suspecting that international syndicates are shifting their focus from South Africa. In the 12 months to the end of August, 74 rhinos were killed illegally, compared with just 16 in the first eight months of 2021, according to government statistics.

Sunday, 25 September 2022
Pillay M 2022. Calls for wildlife crime to be recognised as transnational crime.

Director of Intelligence at the Wildlife Justice Commission Sarah Stoner is calling for wildlife crime to be recognised as transnational crime and not simply as a conservation issue. According to Stoner, "Our analysis found that rhino horn is most often smuggled with no concealment at all so around 1/3 of horns that were seized in the last 10 years indicate there was no attempt to hide the contraband in the shipment.

Sunday, 25 September 2022
2022. SARS clamps down on the illicit rhino indust.

SARS is focussing on tax audit investigations aimed at suspect non-compliant taxpayers benefitting directly or indirectly from tax evasion and illicit financial flows stemming from wildlife crime. Resulting tax investigations have resulted in notable successes including legal recovery, civil proceedings and criminal charges against a criminal syndicate involved in wildlife trafficking including rhino poaching.

Friday, 23 September 2022
2022. Africa's white rhino population is under pressure from poaching and continues to decline - 2022 state of the rhino report reveals.

The International Rhino Foundation (IRF) has revealed that Africa's white rhino population, under pressure from poaching, continues to decline. This was according to the IRF's State of the Rhino report which is published every September. The report documents current population estimates and trends, where available, as well as key challenges and conservation developments for the five surviving rhino species in Africa and Asia.

Friday, 23 September 2022
2022. CapeNature takes action after massive rise in succulent plant poaching in South Africa.

CapeNature is taking proactive steps to ensure the Western Cape's precious biodiversity is protected, following the shocking escalation in succulent and other plant poaching, which has seen hundreds of thousands of plants being stolen from South Africa. The poaching has increased hugely since 2018, with most of these plants being destined for the Asian market.

Thursday, 22 September 2022
Kruger K 2022. Dausab se oor verlore dossier.

Die minister van justisie, me. Yvonne Dausab, het agterdog oor die verdwyning van 'n dossier in 'n saak waarin 'n Chinese burger van wildmisdaad beskuldig word, in die kiem gesmoor. Xuecheng is na bewering in 2014 vasgetrek met 'n jagluiperd- en luiperdvel in sy besit en is aangekla van die onwettige handel in vier olifanttande. Hy is maande later weer in hegtenis geneem nadat 'n ietermagovel, 'n luiperdkop en sewe sebravelle glo in sy besit by die China Town-inkoopkompleks in Windhoek gevind is.