
New study reveals shocking white rhino declines

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In South Africa, which holds over 80% of the species on the continent, numbers are down from 15 625 in 2017, to 12 968 at the end of 2021. This is a decline of 17% in just four years, bringing the population to its lowest level since before 2005. The report, compiled by the African and Asian Rhino Specialist Groups of the International Union for Conservation of Nature and the wildlife trade monitoring network, TRAFFIC, takes an in-depth look at several issues, including rhino numbers, poaching incidents and rhino horn trade. South Africa accounted for 90% of the 2 707 poaching incidents that were recorded in Africa between 2018 and 2021. South Africa was the country most affected by the rhino horn trade between 2018 and 2020. An estimated 1 116 whole horns were seized, representing more than 558 rhinos.

Series Title:
The Citizen
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