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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 1 - 38 of 38
Monday, 27 November 2023
Steffen F 2023. Sambische Elefantenwilderer festgenommen.

Laut Polizeibericht wurden Elefantenstoßzähne beschlagnahmt, ein Verdächtiger festgenommen und sieben weiteren Verdächtigten gelang es, zu flüchten, nachdem Polizisten und Mitglieder der Anti-Wilderei-Einheit des Umweltministeriums sowie namibische Soldaten ein Fahrzeug anhielten, das unter Verdacht stand, in den Schmuggel von Wildtierprodukten verwickelt zu sein. Der Vorfall ereignete sich früh am vergangenen Freitag. Der Einsatz war die Folge von eingegangenen Informationen, die zur Verfolgung sambischer Staatsangehöriger führte.

Wednesday, 22 November 2023
van der Walt I-M, Steffen F 2023. Wilddiebe wiederholt Angeklagt.

Nachdem eine Anti-Wilderer-Einheit zwei Wilddiebe gefasst hatte, stellt sich heraus, dass sich diese scheinbaren Gewohnheitsverbrecher für zahlreiche Wilderei-Fälle oder sogar wegen versuchten Mordes im Gericht verantworten müssen. Staatsankläger scheinen die schwerwiegenden Vorwürfe kaum zu beachten, sodass die Angeklagten oft ungeschoren davonkommen.

Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Steffen F 2023. Red-breasted bee-eaters caught with nets in the north.

A media team from Namibia Media Holdings (NMH) during a visit to the area east of the road from Katima Mulilo to the border point at the Ngoma bridge and past the Nakabolelwa settlement en route to Impalila Island on the breeding area of the southern red-breasted bee-eater in the Kabulabula Conservation Area. The breeding area is strategically covered with nylon mesh in such a way that the birds become entangled in it when leaving or entering their nests.

Monday, 14 November 2022
Steffen F 2022. Mynbou bedryg Huab se renosters.

'n Mynmaatskappy word toegelaat om sy aktiwiteite in die Huab-gebied uit te voer ondanks 'n swak omgewingsimpakstudie en geen konsultasies met geraakte bewaringsorganisasies nie.

A mining company is allowed to carry out its activities in the Huab area despite a poor Environmental Impact Study and no consultations with affected conservation organizations.

Monday, 14 November 2022
Steffen F 2022. Bergbau bedrängt jetzt Rhinos.

//Huab Conservancy und Rhino Rangers verlieren Lebensgrundlage. Ein weiteres Bergbauprojekt nimmt seinen Anfang, obwohl es das CBNRM-Programm als Grundsatz für Kommunalhegegebiete gefährdet. Ein Bergbauunternehmen darf am Huab-Rivier seine Aktivitäten trotz mangelhafter Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung aufnehmen und gefährdet sogar den Nashornschutz. Das Umweltministerium versäumt indessen seine Pflicht.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022
Smit E, Steffen F 2022. Nashorn Wilderei nimmt zu.

Die Zahl der Nashörner, die in diesem Jahr gewildert wurden, liegt nun bei 57, verglichen mit den 44 Nashörnern, die im vergangenen Jahr von Wilderern getötet worden waren. Der Sprecher des Umweltministeriums, Romeo Muyunda, bestätigte auf Nachfrage, dass in der vergangenen Woche zwei Breitmaulnashörner auf privaten Farmen gewildert wurden. Er sagte, dass es zwar in letzter Zeit im Etoscha-Nationalpark zu Wilderei gekommen sei, dass aber in der vergangenen Woche keine Nashörner im Park gewildert worden seien.

Monday, 27 June 2022
Steffen F 2022. Nun sind es zwölf gewilderte Etoscha-Rhinos.

Vor knapp zehn Tagen gab das Ministerium für Umwelt, Forstwirtschaft und Tourismus (MEFT) bekannt, dass ihre Mitarbeiter im Etoscha-Nationalpark seit Anfang Juni 2022 elf Nashornkadaver entdeckt hätten (AZ berichtete). Nun gab MEFT-Pressesprecher Romeo Muyunda bekannt, dass ihm ein weiterer Fall bekannt sei, wodurch die Zahl der gewilderten Nashörner auf zwölf zu stehen kommt.

Wednesday, 2 February 2022
Smith J-M 2022. Skoolhoof en vrou met twee renosterhorings gevang.

Nadat hy sewe maande agter tralies deurgebring het omdat hy met onwettige renosterhorings in sy besit betrap is, is 'n skoolhoof van die Zambezistreek vry op borgtog ná ’n suksesvolle appèlaansoek by die hoërhof in Windhoek.

After spending seven months behind bars for being caught with illegal rhino horns in his possession, a Zambezi school principal is released on bail following a successful appeal to the Windhoek High Court.

Monday, 24 May 2021
Steffen F 2021. Rhino cows poached at Ghaub.

A game farm in the Otavi area is offering a reward of N$50 000 for information that would lead to the arrest of the poachers who killed two nursing white rhino cows last weekend. Both rhinos had young calves. One calf was found, but another remains missing. Only one of the carcasses was dehorned. The other rhino escaped from the criminals, but died of her wounds in the bush.

Friday, 21 May 2021
Steffen F 2021. Renosters gestroop, kalfie soek.

'n Renosterkalfie is steeds soek nadat haar ma, wat met die hand grootgemaak is, en nóg ‘n witrenoster die afgelope naweek op ‘n gasteplaas gestroop is. ‘n Hartseer mnr. Joachim Rust van Ghaub Nature Reserve and Farm het gister vertel hoe hulle die tweejarige Zanna in 2014 as 'n kalfie gered en met ‘n melkbottel moes grootmaak. Zanna se ma het ná swaar reën in diep modder op ‘n plaas naby Waterberg vasgeval en is van uitputting dood. Zanna se karkas is Sondag in die veld gevind. Sy is geskiet en onthoring. Haar kalfie van 18 maande kon nie opgespoor word nie.

Friday, 21 May 2021
Steffen F 2021. Nashörner auf Ghaub gewildert.

Ein Gastbetrieb im Otavi-Dreieck beklagt den Verlust von zwei Breitmaulnashörnern, die am vergangenen Wochenende Wilderern zum Opfer fielen. In beiden Fällen waren es Kühe, die junge Kälber mit sich führten - eines wurde gefunden, doch ein weiteres bleibt verschollen. Nur eines der Tiere wurde enthornt. Das andere entkam zwar den Verbrechern, verendete dann aber qualvoll im Busch in Folge einer Bauchverletzung.

Friday, 5 February 2021
Steffen F 2021. Wildschutzstrategie bis 2026.

Umweltminister Pohamba Shifeta präsentiert Zahlen und Statistiken, die eine deutliche Verminderung der Anzahl WildereiVorfälle anzeigt, aber andererseits eine ständige Zunahme der Verhaftungen vorweist. Er zeigt sich zufrieden mit den eingeführten Kontrollen, moniert aber die ständige Kritik an dem Programm des MEFT, das versucht die Dickhäuter unter Kontrolle zu bringen.

Monday, 21 December 2020
Steffen F 2020. SRT großzügig unterstützt.

BIOPAMA: 200000 Euro für Schutz des Spitzmaulnashorns. Knapp 3,8 Millionen N$ soll der Naturschutzfonds Save the Rhino Trust in den kommenden zwei Jahren zwecks verbesserter Ausbildung und Nachrüstung der Naturschutzbeamten in den Kommunalgebieten empfangen, in denen die letzten freilebenden Spitzmaulnashörner Namibias und sogar der Welt vorkommen.

Tuesday, 8 December 2020
Raiva F 2020. Mozambique: Seven arrested on poaching related charges in Sofala.

Two teachers and five other people from Muanza district in Sofala province, including a smallholder and a public administration technician, were arrested this weekend while trying to sell two elephant tusks and the skin of a leopard for 44,000 meticais (24,000 for the tusks and 20,000 for leopard skin).

Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Steffen F 2020. Große Pläne mit wenig Geldmitteln.

Umweltministerium setzt auf Nachhaltigkeit und bekämpft erfolgreich die Wilderei. Obwohl der Sektor als maßgebliches Wirtschaftsstandbein gehandelt wird, steht das Ministerium für Umwelt, Forstwirtschaft und Tourismus mit seinem Ausgabenplan im namibischen Haushalt für 2020-21 gerade Mal an 16. Stelle von insgesamt 33 Ausgabenposten. Der Minister verlässt sich indessen auf viel Hilfe aus Deutschland und von weiteren Entwicklungspartnern.

Thursday, 4 June 2020
Steynberg F, Steffen F 2020. Wilderern wird Kaution verweigert.

Prophet Babi und Mitbeschuldigte Teil eines größeren Wilderei-Syndikats. Kurz bevor der aufsehenerregende "Prophet Babi" und der mitbeschuldigte Dumeni dem Haftrichter vorgeführt werden, werden neue Wilderei-Fälle bekannt, in die Babi ebenfalls verstrickt sein soll. Die Kaution wird ihm verweigert und am Montag muss er wieder vor den Kadi.

Wednesday, 8 January 2020
Smith J-M 2018. Suburban women tackle robbers.

An 80-year-old Chinese man who has lived in Namibia for more than 17 years was granted N$180 000 bail in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court last week, after he was arrested for being in illegal possession of one rhino horn and 60 pieces of raw elephant tusks, a leopard head skin and one cheetah hide.

Tuesday, 6 November 2018
Smith J-M 2018. Calls for legal horn trade.

The Namibia Chamber of Environment has made a call for the legalisation of trade in rhino horn. Calls to legalise rhino horn trade in Namibia are growing louder in an effort to save the species from annihilation, particularly after China partly lifted its already weakly implemented 25-year ban on the use of rhino horn and tiger bones in traditional medicines. In a letter to members and affiliates last week, Namibia Chamber of Environment (NCE) CEO Chris Brown warned that the demand for animal products such as rhino horn, ivory, pangolin scales, tiger and lion bones will…

Monday, 15 October 2018
Smith J-M 2018. Namibia calls for review on wildlife trade ban.

Namibia's environment minister Pohamba Shifeta has urged for a review on the blanket ban on the trade of wildlife products, including rhino horns and ivory, in order to better curb the poaching epidemic threatening the survival of high-value species. Speaking at the Illegal Wildlife Trade Conference in London last week, Shifeta told delegates Namibia believes that "banning any trade in products will not necessarily achieve the outcome of stopping the demand and illegal trade. This has not been successful with alcohol, drugs and indeed, rhino horn, pangolin scales and ivory…

Monday, 17 September 2018
Smith J-M 2018. Three men arrested for rhino horns.

Police are clamping down on poachers, with two police busts leading to the arrest of an alleged poaching gang found in possession of rhino horns and another man attempting to smuggle ten elephant tusks. Police at the Divundu police checkpoint arrested two men driving a white BMW in the early hours of Thursday morning after they were found in possession of three rhino horns. They were identified as Liebelo Erick Manja (31) and Aldrian Masule Musisanyani (41), and both were charged with possession of controlled wildlife products.

Wednesday, 23 May 2018
Kambowe K 2018. Rhino horn accused fights for bail.

One of three suspects, who were denied bail by the Oshakati Magistrate's Court after allegedly being found in possession of two rhino horns, is appealing the decision in the Oshakati High Court. Petrus Mashuna (35) from Iitapa village in Omusati is hoping to reverse the decision by Magistrate Makapa Castro Simasiku to deny him bail.

Tuesday, 18 April 2017
Smith J-M 2017. Kandjii granted bail, remains behind bars.

Gerson Kandjii (51), who is facing multiple charges in four separate criminal cases, was granted N$2 500 bail by the Windhoek Regional court in Katutura on Wednesday. The bail was granted in a case of unlawful possession of a firearm and ammunition, in which he was arrested in December last year. Magistrate Johannes Shuveni postponed the case to 22 May.

Monday, 3 April 2017
Smith J-M 2017. Kandjii court cases continue: Gobabis poaching case postponed to May.

The poaching case against Gerson Kandjii (51) and four co-accused charged with killing rhinos on a Gobabis farm in December has been postponed to May. The five men remain in custody. Kandjii, a former Brave Warriors physiotherapist, made another appearance before the Gobabis Magistrate's Court on Friday on poaching charges, following three months behind bars after his arrest in late December.

Monday, 27 March 2017
Smith J-M 2017. Lawyers dispute evidence in rhino case: ‘Not    a clear-cut case of possession’.

The lawyers of two Chinese nationals arrested for possession of rhino horns in January say their clients should be granted bail because the case against them is deeply flawed and would likely not lead to a conviction.

Wednesday, 1 March 2017
Smith J-M 2017. Kandjii on cross-country court spree.

Rhino-poaching accused Gerson Kandjii and his five co-accused did not enter a plea before the Okahao Magistrate’s Court on Monday after their lawyer failed to make an appearance. Kandjii, 51, along with David Stephanus, 35, Karunga Martin, Hinu Lucky, Daniel Nghidinwa and Kakuva Tjeparu were arrested in November 2014 and charged with poaching four critically endangered black rhinos in Etosha National Park.

Tuesday, 21 February 2017
Smith J-M 2017. Multi-million fines for wildlife crimes.

The Ministry of Environment and Tourism yesterday tabled a bill for an amendment to the Nature Conservation Ordinance to increase fines related to rhino and elephant poaching from the current N$200 000 maximum penalty to a maximum penalty of N$25 million.

Monday, 6 February 2017
Smith J-M 2017. Rhino wounded by poachers dies.

A young rhino cow that was shot multiple times by poachers at a farm near Gobabis in December, has died of her wounds.

Wednesday, 25 January 2017
Smith J-M 2017. Fourth poaching suspect nabbed: No bail for David Stephanus.

A fourth suspect implicated in last month's Gobabis rhino poaching case, in which two white rhinos were killed and two critically wounded, was denied bail yesterday. David Stephanus (35) appeared before the Gobabis Magistrate's Court on charges of illegal hunting of specially protected game, possession of an unlicensed firearm, illegal possession of ammunition and illegal possession of game meat.

Monday, 23 January 2017
Smith J-M 2017. Four more rhino horns seized: Two Chinese, two Namibians arrested.

Undercover police operations last week led to the arrest of two Namibians near Outapi and two Chinese nationals in Windhoek for illegal possession of two rhino horns in each case. A joint operation lasting most of last week between Namibian intelligence units, the Namibian Police Protected Resource Unit (PRU) and City Police led to the raid on Thursday night of the Eros flat rented by the two Chinese, during which two rhino
horns wrapped in aluminium foil as well as a cache of weapons and ammunition were confiscated and the two men arrested.

Friday, 13 January 2017
Smith J-M 2017. Elephant poaching up, rhino down.

While the poaching spotlight is intensely focused on rhino in Namibia, official poaching statistics released by the environment ministry this week show that rhino poaching declined in 2016 while elephant poaching doubled compared to 2015. In total, 216 black and white rhinos have been killed over the past four years, while 266 elephants have been killed by poachers since 2013. According to official figures released by the Ministry of Environment and Tourism this week, poachers killed 63 black and white rhinos in 2016, compared to 91 killed during the previous year and…

Wednesday, 11 January 2017
Smith J-M 2017. Kandji and Co remain behind bars: Bail denied in rhino poaching case.

The case of three men accused of brutally killing two white rhinos and wounding two others on a farm near Gobabis in December has been postponed to 31 March. Gerson Uakaerera Kandjii (51), a former Brave Warriors football team medic, and his two co-accused, Domingo Justice Moma (32) and Erwin Tjiteere (37), appeared before the Gobabis Magistrate’s Court yesterday after a prison transfer from Windhoek last week.

Thursday, 5 January 2017
Smith J-M 2017. Poaching suspect Kandjii behind bars again.

Four of the five suspects in a rhino-poaching case at Gobabis in December have been arrested. Former Brave Warriors football team medic Gerson Uakaera Kandjii – previously accused of rhino poaching and murder - is again behind bars after he and three other suspects were arrested for the killing of two white rhinos in the Omaheke Region in late December.

Tuesday, 11 October 2016
Smith J-M 2016. Hope for the pangolin.

Although pangolins are already protected in Namibia, the Cites decision will raise awareness of this critically
endangered animal.

Monday, 1 August 2016
Kambowe K 2016. Poaching suspect Kandjii a no-show.

The rhino-poaching court case of former Brave Warriors team doctor Gerson Kandjii and four other accused was postponed to 23 September after he and co-accused Stephanus David failed to turn up at the Okahao Magistrate’s Court on Friday.

Tuesday, 19 July 2016
Smith J-M 2016. Rhino-horn trio remain behind bars.

Bail was denied to three accused rhino poachers who appeared before the Otavi Magistrate’s Court yesterday on charges of rhino poaching and illegal possession of three rhino horns. Tjihange Japyangula, Tjingee Kaukamburua and Tjambira Paulus are each charged with one count of hunting of specially protected game and one count of possession of controlled game products.

Thursday, 30 June 2016
Smith J-M 2016. Black rhino slaughter uncovered.

Three carcasses of black rhinos were discovered in the Uukwaluudhi conservancy situated between Oshakati and Kamanjab last week on Thursday.

Tuesday, 28 June 2016
Smith J-M 2016. Questions about bail for rhino suspects.

Two apparently well-connected businessmen accused of smuggling rhino horns have been released on bail.

Friday, 17 June 2016
Smith J-M 2016. Suspects caught with 4 rhino horns.

Four rhino horns were found in possession of two Namibian suspects arrested during a police operation in Windhoek on Wednesday.