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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 309
Wednesday, 2 October 2024
Smit E 2024. US hunters push for rhino trophy imports from Namibia.

Two American hunters have applied to import black rhino hunting trophies from Namibia. The United States Fish and Wildlife Service requested comments with regards to the two applications - one from a hunter in Texas and another from a hunter in Florida. "We invite the (American) public to comment on applications to conduct certain activities with foreign species that are listed as endangered under the Endangered Species Act," a statement read. Comments must be received by 24 October. The rhinos - Lippie and Willem, aged 28 and 31 - were hunted in Namibia.

Monday, 23 September 2024
Smit E 2024. Conservation areas feel betrayed by Environment Commissioner.

Two communal conservation areas near Khorixas feel betrayed by the decision of the environment ministry to allow mining activities in a joint management area where rhinos are threatened. The conservation areas of Doro ! Nawas and Ûibasen Twyfelfontein recently succeeded in obtaining a court order to stop road construction activities related to mining claims within their nuclear rhino conservation area.

Friday, 20 September 2024
Smit E 2024. Mines in the nature reserve?.

The Doro ! Nawas and Ûibasen Twyfelfontein recently obtained a court order to halt road construction work for planned mining operations to protect rhinos in their area. They are supported by the traditional authority Aodaman and Ultimate Safaris, a tourism partner, in their lawsuit against mining entrepreneurs Ottillie Ndimulunde and Timoteus Mashuna. The lawsuit is also directed against the Ministry of the Environment, the Ministry of Mines, the Commissioner for the Environment and the Commissioner for Mines.

Tuesday, 3 September 2024
Smit E 2024. Namibia scores extradition success.

Namibia's recent success in returning a fugitive from South Africa to stand trial has underscored the importance of cooperating with Interpol to adhere to the complexities of the extradition process worldwide.  The International Criminal Police Organisation (Interpol)'s National Central Bureau (NCB) in Windhoek focusses its global police cooperation activities around Namibia's crime areas of concern, including wildlife crime (particularly stock theft), drug crime, money-laundering, firearms’ trafficking and human trafficking.  The Namibian Police (Nampol) uses its…

Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Smit E 2024. ICCWC highlights achievements in combating wildlife crime.

The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) launched its annual report for 2023, highlighting the successes and achievements of countries it supports in combating wildlife and forest crime, of which Namibia is one. The consortium uses targeted and evidence-based approaches to strengthen criminal justice systems and provide coordinated support to enhance responses to wildlife crime.

Wednesday, 28 August 2024
Smit E 2024. Man vas vir onwettige jag.

Gerhardus Petrus van Zyl (50) is in hegtenis geneem en van onwettige jag van jagbare wild aangekla. Hy het na bewering 23 koedoe-, 17 eland-, nege hartebees- en 139 gemsbokvelle in sy besit gehad. Gerhardus Petrus van Zyl (50) was arrested and charged with illegal hunting of huntable game. He allegedly had in his possession 23 kudu, 17 eland, nine hartebeest and 139 oryx skins.

Tuesday, 6 August 2024
Smit E 2024. Policing alone not enough to stop wildlife crime.

The ongoing high rates of wildlife crime in Namibia and its expansion into new sectors, despite active law enforcement efforts, are clear signs that rigorous crime fighting alone will not reduce these activities. This is according to the Namibia National Report on Wildlife Protection for 2023, which warned that while law enforcement is vital, particularly in combatting organised criminal activities, further initiatives should be employed to reduce wildlife crimes.

Thursday, 1 August 2024
Smit E 2024. Spike in pangolin poaching.

Pangolins continue to rank second behind rhinos among the wildlife most targeted by poachers in Namibia in terms of the number of cases registered in 2023. Last year, 60 wildlife crime cases were registered for pangolins and 90 cases for rhinos. In 2022, 36 pangolin cases were registeres.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024
Smit E 2024. Criminal syndicates target Namibia's plants.

Illegal harvesting and trafficking of plants have skyrocketed in Namibia over the past few years. Arrests of suspects for crimes related to plants have increased from three in 2021 to 42 last year. According to the Namibia National Wildlife Protection Report for 2024, Namibian flora is clearly becoming increasingly popular in the ornamental-plant trade, driven by online marketing. Statistics provided in the report showed that 1 211 plant products were seized last year and 18 cases related to plant crimes were registered, while nine cases were finalised.

Wednesday, 24 July 2024
Smit E 2024. Criminal syndicates target Namibia's plants.

Illegal harvesting and trafficking of plants have skyrocketed in Namibia over the past few years. Arrests of suspects for crimes related to plants have increased from three in 2021 to 42 last year. According to the Namibia National Wildlife Protection Report for 2024, Namibian flora is clearly becoming increasingly popular in the ornamental-plant trade, driven by online marketing. Statistics provided in the report showed that 1 211 plant products were seized last year and 18 cases related to plant crimes were registered, while nine cases were finalised.

Thursday, 11 July 2024
Smit E 2024. Wildlife crime a complex problem to address.

Surging organised wildlife crime syndicates, limitations in wildlife protection, prosecution and sentencing, and inappropriate sentencing are just some of the wildlife crime challenges authorities grapple with in Namibia. According to the Namibia National Report on Wildlife Protection 2023, organised criminal activity appears to be increasing in various sectors involving Namibia's natural resources. The report said that during 2023, complex syndicate operations were investigated related to rhino poaching, live-plant trafficking, illicit timber harvesting and trophy shooting.

Thursday, 4 July 2024
Smit E 2024. Over 1 300 arrested for wildlife crimes in two years.

The wildlife crime cases over the last two years have mostly involved antelopes, pangolins, small mammals, rhinos and elephants.

Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Smit E 2024. Rhino Protection Unit in the lap of luxury.

The Rhino Sanctuary Namibia, located about 60km from Windhoek will officially open its doors this September. Although they have already had guests at the lodge to experience the magnificent surroundings and to pay a visit to the white rhinos roaming the area, they are still busy with some final touches. Manager Stefanus Prinsloo explained that the idea for Rhino Sanctuary Namibia came from the lodge owner, Tom Kjær who wanted to assist in protecting the rhinos against increasing poaching in Namibia.

Tuesday, 2 July 2024
Smit E 2024. Empowering data-driven rangers.

Rangers from across the southern African region, including Namibia, have established a new community of practice for monitoring and reporting on elephant mortality. Accurate and consistent data on elephant deaths is crucial for understanding and effectively addressing the threats faced by 'nature's gardeners', which include human-elephant conflict, habitat loss and the illegal killing for ivory. Reliable data allows for informed decision-making and effective conservation measures to ensure the long-term survival of African elephants in their natural habitats.

Tuesday, 4 June 2024
Smit E 2024. Namibia threatens to withdraw CITES membership.

Environment and tourism minister Pohamba Shifeta has come out strongly against CITES' decision to ban ivory from being sold on international markets. In an interview with New Era on the sidelines of the just-ended KAZA summit in Livingstone, he said if the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) refuses member states to sell off ivory stockpiles, they will withdraw their membership. "If CITES refuses, we have some alternatives and plans. We can go for arbitration.

Monday, 3 June 2024
Smit E 2024. Cargo-trucks confiscated over illegal wood.

In early May, the environment ministry's forestry directorate raided farms in the Kunene Region where protected mopane trees are being harvested and exported for charcoal and firewood. Trucks carrying loads of wood and charcoal - without permits to do so - have already been seized, the directorate confirmed. An outraged charcoal producer in the Outjo district, who preferred to remain anonymous, claimed a forestry official threatened him and demanded a bribe from him to not stop his charcoal business.

Wednesday, 22 May 2024
Smit E 2024. Illegaler Handel mit Wildtieren "bleibt Immens".

Trotz Bemühungen um Eindämmung des Handels mit bedrohten Tierarten wie Elefanten geht der illegale Handel mit Wildtieren weltweit unvermindert weiter. Dies geht aus dem einem Bericht des Büros der Vereinten Nationen für Drogen- und Verbrechensbekämpfung (UNODC) hervor, der eine Bestandsaufnahme der weltweiten Anti-Wilderei- Maßnahmen enthält.

Tuesday, 21 May 2024
Smit E 2024. Illegal wildlife trade 'remains immense' - UN.

Despite progress to curtail the trafficking of iconic species such as elephants, illegal wildlife trafficking continues unabated on a global scale. This is according to the 2024 World Wildlife Crime Report by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), which takes stock of efforts to counter poaching worldwide. The report highlights that wildlife trafficking has not seen a significant enough decrease over the past two decades, prompting a call for enhanced enforcement of existing laws, including measures to combat corruption.

Wednesday, 10 April 2024
Smit E 2024. Hundreds behind bars for rhino poaching.

A total of 707 suspects have been arrested in connection with rhino poaching between January 2023 and March of this year. Currently, 589 suspects are in custody awaiting trial, 91 suspects have been convicted, 21 are out on bail, five have been released, two were acquitted, and one suspect has died. Environment minister Pohamba Shifeta provided these statistics during his budget motivation for the 2024-2025 financial year.

Wednesday, 3 April 2024
Smit E 2024. Urgent meeting called to discuss steep rise in rhino poaching.
The environment ministry has called for an urgent high-level meeting with security clusters after 28 rhinos were poached in Namibia this year, with 19 of them killed in Etosha National Park.
Tuesday, 2 April 2024
Smit E 2024. 28 renosters reeds vanjaar gestroop.

'n Dringende hoëvlak-vergadering tussen die ministerie van omgewing, bosbou en toerisme en sekuriteitsgroepe is belê nadat 28 renosters in die eerste drie maande van die jaar in Namibië gestroop is. Uit die 28 renosters is 19 in die Etosha Nasionale Park gestroop. Volgens die ministerie se woordvoerder Romeo Muyunda is tien van die 19 gestroopte renosters in die park verlede maand tydens onthoringsoperasies ontdek.

Tuesday, 19 March 2024
Smit E 2024. Growing number of leopard-hunting guides arrested.

A handful of hunting guides have been arrested in various parts of the country over the past few months, each charged with separate illegal activities related to leopard hunting. The ministry is working very closely with the police and has decided that if the industry cannot rid itself of illicit practices, then rigorous law enforcement is the only option.

Monday, 15 January 2024
Smit E 2024. SRT challenges military-style approach to poaching.
The Save the Rhino Trust (SRT) Namibia approach to rhino poaching has challenged the conventional military-style rhino protection tactics that, in many cases, exacerbate the divide between local people and rhinos. "These conventional anti-poaching regimes perceive and target local people as part of the problem," said SRT Namibia in its new strategic plan for 2023 to 2028. SRT said it has therefore taken on a highly simple but effective approach by employing local residents to harness their unrivalled skills.
Monday, 15 January 2024
Smit E 2024. SRT volg eenvoudige benadering tot stropery.
Save the Rhino Trust (SRT) Namibia se benadering tot renosterstropery het die konvensionele militêre styl-taktiek vir renosterbeskerming uitgedaag, wat in baie gevalle die gaping tussen plaaslike mense en renosters vererger het. Dié konvensionele taktieke teen stropery beskou en teiken plaaslike mense as deel van die probleem, het SRT in sy nuwe strategiese plan vir 2023-’28 gesê. SRT het gesê die organisasie het dus 'n uiters eenvoudige, maar doeltreffende benadering gevolg deur gerespekteerde plaaslike mense in diens te neem om hul vaardighede in te span.
Thursday, 11 January 2024
Smit E 2024. Nashornschutz auf andere Weise.
Konventionelle militärische Taktiken können nicht die einzige Lösung zum Schutz der Nashörner sein - davon ist der Save the Rhino Trust (SRT) Namibia überzeugt. Denn diese verschärften in vielen Fällen die Kluft zwischen der lokalen Bevölkerung und den Nashörnern nur weiter, so SRT in seinem neuen Strategieplan für 2023 bis 2028. SRT hat daher einen anderen, effektiven Ansatz gewählt, indem es lokale Einheimische einstellt, um deren einzigartigen Kenntnisse zu nutzen. Dazu gehören traditionelle Fährtenlesetechniken sowie Kenntnisse über die Landschaft und das Verhalten der Tiere.
Friday, 22 December 2023
Smit E 2023. Wildlife conflict, poaching threaten conservation.

Wildlife conservation continues to face the acute challenges of poaching, habitat fragmentation and human-wildlife conflict. Environment ministry executive director Teofilus Nghitila said due to Namibia's successful conservation methods, which have led to increased wildlife populations outside national parks, human-wildlife conflict has increased. "The situation is worsened by the current disparities in rainfall as well as the growing human population," he said in his end-of-year message.

Thursday, 21 December 2023
Smit E 2023. Rhino poaching decreased by half.

Environment ministry executive director Teofilus Nghitila says 48 rhinos have been poached so far this year. The figure shows a decrease from the 92 animals poached last year. Meanwhile, eight elephants were poached this year - compared to four last year - but this still much better than the previous years' figures, which reached 27 in 2018. The ministry – in collaboration with various law enforcement agencies - set up a response team when poaching skyrocketed in 2013.

Wednesday, 20 December 2023
Smit E 2023. Pangolin trafficking arrests surge.

There has been an increase in the number of arrests made in crimes related to pangolin trafficking between 1 September and 30 November. According to environment ministry spokesperson Romeo Muyunda, 18 pangolin skins, 12 live pangolins and 146 scales were confiscated, resulting in 23 registered cases and 38 suspects being arrested. "These numbers surpass that of elephant and rhino arrests combined for this period."

Sunday, 17 December 2023
Smit E 2023. Organised crime low in Namibia - Report.

Namibia's average criminal market score was 4.1, an increase of 0.2 since 2021. The country scored 3.5 on human trafficking and 4.5 in arms trafficking. For flora crimes, Namibia scored 6.5, and for fauna crimes - which would include rhino poaching and the linked trade in horns - it scored 4.5.

Tuesday, 28 November 2023
Smit E 2023. 24 elephant tusks confiscated.

A total of 24 elephant tusks were confiscated, while one suspect was arrested and seven others fled the scene when their car was searched last Friday in the Zambezi Region. According to the environment ministry, the police, the defence force and ministry officials searched vehicles as part of an intelligence-led operation in pursuit of a syndicate of Zambian nationals who were embarking on transnational poaching of elephants in neighbouring Botswana using Zambezi as a transit root. It said security operatives intercepted the vehicle used to transport elephant tusks.

Sunday, 26 November 2023
Smit E 2023. 24 elephant tusks confiscated.

A total of 24 elephant tusks were confiscated, while one suspect was arrested and seven others fled the scene when their car were searched on Friday in the Zambezi Region. According to the environment ministry, members of the ministry, the police and the defence force were searching vehicles as part of an intelligence-led operation in pursuit of a syndicate of Zambian nationals who were embarking on transnational poaching of elephants in neighbouring Botswana using the Zambezi Region as a transit root.

Sunday, 26 November 2023
Smit E 2023.  24 elephant tusks confiscated.

A total of 24 elephant tusks were confiscated, while one suspect was arrested and seven others fled the scene when their car were searched on Friday in the Zambezi Region. According to the environment ministry, members of the ministry, the police and the defence force were searching vehicles as part of an intelligence-led operation in pursuit of a syndicate of Zambian nationals who were embarking on transnational poaching of elephants in neighbouring Botswana using the Zambezi Region as a transit root.

Sunday, 26 November 2023
Smit E 2023. 24 Elefantenstosszähne beschlagnahmt.

Insgesamt wurden 24 Elefantenstoßzähne beschlagnahmt, während ein Verdächtiger verhaftet wurde und sieben weitere bei der Durchsuchung ihrer Fahrzeuge am Freitag in der Sambesi-Region flüchteten.

A total of 24 elephant tusks were seized while one suspect was arrested and seven others escaped during searches of their vehicles in the Zambezi region on Friday.

Monday, 16 October 2023
Smit E 2023. Minstens 13 jaar agter tralies vir renosterstropers.

Die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme het vonnisse van minstens 13 jaar tronkstraf elk vir vier renosterstropers verwelkom. Die vonnisse is onlangs in die Windhoek-streekhof opgelê.

The Ministry of the Environment, Forestry and Tourism has welcomed sentences of at least 13 years in prison each for four rhino poachers. The sentences were handed down recently in the Windhoek Regional Court.

Wednesday, 11 October 2023
Smit E 2023. Wärter bekommen Geldstrafe.

Zwei der Justizvollzugsbeamten, die wegen des Verdachts, an der Flucht des chinesischen Nashornschmugglers Wang Hui beteiligt gewesen und deshalb suspendiert worden waren, wurden für schuldig befunden. Ihnen wurde eine Geldstrafe auferlegt.

Two correctional officers who were suspended on suspicion of being involved in the escape of Chinese rhino smuggler Wang Hui have been found guilty. They were fined.

Wednesday, 11 October 2023
Smit E 2023. Co-accused in Kandjii poaching case get years behind bars.

The environment ministry has welcomed sentences of at least 13 years in prison each for four rhino poachers. The sentences were handed down in the Windhoek Regional Court last week. Former Brave Warriors chiropractor Gerson Kandjii (51) was also involved in the case, but died in custody in 2021. The arrests stem from an incident in December 2016, when four white rhinos were poached on a private farm in the Gobabis district. On 22 December 2016, the suspects, allegedly without a hunting permit, killed four white rhinos - two…

Tuesday, 10 October 2023
Smit E 2023. Prison wardens fined for chinese inmate's escape.

Two correctional officers who were suspended after the escape of Chinese rhino-horn smuggler Wang Hui have been found guilty by an internal disciplinary process. Deputy Commissioner-General Mariana Martin of the Namibian Correctional Service (NCS) told Namibian Sun that based on an investigation, three officers were suspended after Wang's escape. "All three correctional officers suspended were eventually charged, with at present two found guilty of misconduct under the Correctional Service Act."

Monday, 25 September 2023
Smit E 2023. Horses roped into rhino protection fight.

This year, 39 rhinos have been poached so far in Namibia, compared to 92 in 2022 and 50 in 2021. Tourism minister Pohamba Shifeta presented these figures at the commemoration of World Rhino Day on Friday at Okaukuejo in Etosha National Park. At the event, the minister also officially launched a horse anti-poaching unit. A total of 13 horses have been purchased by the ministry for N$10 000 each, with funding support from the Game Product Trust Fund.

Monday, 18 September 2023
Smit E 2023. Erneute Kaution für Lombaard.

Die Brüder Lombaard sind wegen mehrerer Vergehen im Zusammenhang mit illegalem Wildtransport angeklagt. Gegen Johan Lombaard, der jüngst auf Kaution freigelassen wurde, liegt nun noch ein ausstehender Haftbefehl vor, für den er wieder Kaution erhielt.

The Lombaard brothers are charged with several offenses related to illegal game transport. Johan Lombaard, who was recently released on bail, now has an outstanding arrest warrant for which he was granted bail again.

Friday, 15 September 2023
Smit E 2023. Lombaard arrested again.

Right after wildlife dealer Johan Lombaard was released on bail earlier this week, he was arrested again in connection with a case dating back to 2014. The 57-year-old appeared in the Gobabis Magistrate's Court on Wednesday for the illegal capture and transport of game to the value of N$817 000. He and his co- accused, his brother Johannes Jacobus Lombaaard (54) and Rudie Kotze (49), were granted N$50 000 bail each. The Lombaard brothers established Golden Game, a wildlife farming, capturing and export business in Mariental.…

Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Smit E 2023. Lombaard brothers charged with illegal capture of game.

Two brothers will appear in the Gobabis Magistrate's Court today for their formal bail application on charges of illegally capturing and transporting game to the value of N$817 000. Johan (57) and Kobus Lombaard (54) - who founded Golden Game, a wildlife farming, capturing and export business - stand accused of illegally transporting game or game meat under the Nature Conservation Ordinance and selling and purchasing game without a permit. They also face charges under the Prevention of Organised Crime Act for disguising the…

Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Smit E 2023. Lombaard-Brüder angeklagt.

Die beiden Lombaard-Brüder, die in Mariental das Wildtierzucht-, Fang- und Exportunternehmen Golden Game gegründet haben, werden heute (Dienstag) vor dem Magistratsgericht in Gobabis erscheinen, um einen formellen Antrag auf Kaution zu stellen. Ihnen wird vorgeworfen, illegal Wild im Wert von 817 000 N$ gefangen und transportiert zu haben.

Tuesday, 12 September 2023
Smit E 2023. Broers in heftenis oor 'onwettige wildvangery'.

Die twee Lombaard-broers wat die Golden Game-wildboerdery-, vang- en uitvoeronderneming
in Mariental gestig het, sal vandag in die landdroshof op Gobabis verskyn vir ’n formele aansoek
om borgtog op aanklagte van die onwettige vang en vervoer van wild ter waarde van N$817 000.

The two Lombaard brothers, who founded the Golden Game game farming, trapping and
exporting business in Mariental, will appear in the magistrate's court at Gobabis today for a
formal application for bail on charges of the illegal capture and transport of game to value of

Wednesday, 6 September 2023
Smit E 2023. Initiative gegen Naturkriminalität.

Als eine der größten illegalen Wirtschaftsformen der Welt ist die Naturkriminalität eng mit Terrorismus, Korruption, Menschenrechtsverletzungen, Finanzkriminalität und anderen Bedrohungen für Frieden und Sicherheit verbunden.

Tuesday, 22 August 2023
Smit E 2023. FIC vital in fight against organised wildlife crimes.

The Financial Intelligence Centre (FIC) plays a vital role in countering organised wildlife crime in Namibia. With a renewed spike in rhino poaching in 2022, the FIC's role underlines the extent to which rhino poaching is driven by organised criminal gangs and the extensive criminal networks that facilitate horn trafficking. This is according to the National Namibia Wildlife Protection Report for 2022, which found that poaching and trafficking of live plants also appear to be coordinated via well-organised online platforms…

Tuesday, 1 August 2023
Smit E 2023. Lion bone trafficking rare in Namibia.

Cases of lion and other predator bone trafficking have been registered in Namibia, although cases are still rare, a new report has found. However, the illegal keeping and breeding of predators is much more widespread, and there is a reported increase in illegal practices within the trophy-hunting industry. This is according to the Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement in Namibia report for 2022, which said that large African predators, including lions, leopards, cheetahs, spotted hyenas and brown hyenas, have created a unique dilemma…

Thursday, 27 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Special wildlife crime courts highly effective.

Assets and goods seized and forfeited to the state during the finalisation of wildlife crime cases at special courts last year were valued at more than N$4 million. The seized items included illegal wildlife products, firearms and vehicles used in wildlife crimes. According to the Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement Report in Namibia, the judicial system faces a range of challenges in dealing with high rates of crime and ensuring justice is served; a central hurdle is a growing backlog of cases on the court rolls. "This has…

Monday, 24 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Elefantenwilderei geht zurück.

Rund 24 000 Elefanten leben derzeit in Nambia. Die Aufzeichnungen über Elefantenwilderei in Namibia waren im vergangenen Jahr auf dem niedrigsten Stand seit 2016. Laut dem Bericht "Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement in Namibia" wurden im Jahr 2022 "nur vier" Elefanten gewildert, verglichen mit 2016, als 101 Elefanten durch Wilderer abgeschossen wurden. In den folgenden Jahren sanken die Wildereivorfälle immer mehr.

Friday, 21 July 2023
Smit E, Bause T 2023. Trae hofprosesse knou stryd teen wildstropery.

Statistiek toon altesaam 404 verdagtes is verlede jaar in verband met wildstropery vir vleis in hegtenis geneem, terwyl 89 verdagtes skuldig bevind is.

Statistics show a total of 404 suspects were arrested last year in connection with poaching for meat, while 89 suspects were found guilty.

Friday, 21 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Slow convictions impede poaching fight.

"Of the 2 442 suspects arrested since 2015, only 822 (33.7%) had been convicted by 15 May," a report said.