ICCWC highlights achievements in combating wildlife crime
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The International Consortium on Combating Wildlife Crime (ICCWC) launched its annual report for 2023, highlighting the successes and achievements of countries it supports in combating wildlife and forest crime, of which Namibia is one. The consortium uses targeted and evidence-based approaches to strengthen criminal justice systems and provide coordinated support to enhance responses to wildlife crime. This includes technical assistance, intelligence-led global operations, capacity-building, financial investigations training, anti-corruption risk assessments and support to mobilise forensic science in the fight against wildlife crime. "Wildlife crime continues to be a global epidemic causing serious destruction to nature, communities, public health and global security," Ivonne Higuero, the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES) secretary-general, said. "The good news is that CITES parties have demonstrated again and again their commitment to enhance their efforts, both individually and collectively, to combat this crime and rise to the challenge. ICCWC is proud to have supported many efforts and initiatives across 2023, which have resulted in significant strides and notable achievements."

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Namibian Sun
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