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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 313
Thursday, 27 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Special wildlife crime courts highly effective.

Assets and goods seized and forfeited to the state during the finalisation of wildlife crime cases at special courts last year were valued at more than N$4 million. The seized items included illegal wildlife products, firearms and vehicles used in wildlife crimes. According to the Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement Report in Namibia, the judicial system faces a range of challenges in dealing with high rates of crime and ensuring justice is served; a central hurdle is a growing backlog of cases on the court rolls. "This has…

Monday, 24 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Elefantenwilderei geht zurück.

Rund 24 000 Elefanten leben derzeit in Nambia. Die Aufzeichnungen über Elefantenwilderei in Namibia waren im vergangenen Jahr auf dem niedrigsten Stand seit 2016. Laut dem Bericht "Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement in Namibia" wurden im Jahr 2022 "nur vier" Elefanten gewildert, verglichen mit 2016, als 101 Elefanten durch Wilderer abgeschossen wurden. In den folgenden Jahren sanken die Wildereivorfälle immer mehr.

Friday, 21 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Slow convictions impede poaching fight.

"Of the 2 442 suspects arrested since 2015, only 822 (33.7%) had been convicted by 15 May," a report said.

Friday, 21 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Olifantstropery die laagste sedert 2016.

Verlede jaar was olifantstroperysyfers in Namibië die laagste sedert 2016. Skuldigbevindings is egter steeds ver agter arrestasies wat in stroperysake gemaak is. Volgens die verslag oor wildbeskerming en wetstoepassing in Namibië is slegs vier olifante in 2022 gestroop vergeleke met 2016 se 101. Die volgende jaar het stroperyvoorvalle tot 50 afgeneem, terwyl 27 olifante in 2018, 13 in 2019, 12 in 2020 en agt in 2021 gestroop is. Statistieke toon verder dat daar verlede jaar beslag gelê is op 55 olifanttande, 64 verdagtes is in…

Friday, 21 July 2023
Smit E, Bause T 2023. Trae hofprosesse knou stryd teen wildstropery.

Statistiek toon altesaam 404 verdagtes is verlede jaar in verband met wildstropery vir vleis in hegtenis geneem, terwyl 89 verdagtes skuldig bevind is.

Statistics show a total of 404 suspects were arrested last year in connection with poaching for meat, while 89 suspects were found guilty.

Thursday, 20 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Namibia wird zur Schmuggel-Route.

Namibia ist zu einem Kanal für den Abalone-Schmuggel (Meeresschnecke) von Südafrika nach China geworden. Sie gilt als eine der teuersten Meeresfrüchtearten weltweit. Zahlreiche Abalone-Arten kommen in den Weltmeeren vor, wobei die südafrikanische Abalone (Haliotis midae), auch Perlemoen- balone genannt, als eine der besten gilt. "Diese Art ist an ihrer Größe und den tiefen, strahlenden Lamellen auf ihrem Panzer zu erkennen", heißt es im Bericht der "Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement in Namibia" für 2022.

Wednesday, 19 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Renosterstropery styg weer in 2022.

Na raming is 93 renosters in 2022 gestroop, vergeleke met die 47 in 2021 en 43 in 2020.

An estimated 93 rhinos were poached in 2022, compared to 47 in 2021 and 43 in 2020.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Ietermago - DNS ingespan teen onwettige handel.

DNS-data van ietermago's in Namibië word tans ingesamel, wat sal help om smokkelroetes te identifiseer en die omvang van die internasionale onwettige handel in ietermagospesies vas te stel. Volgens die 2022- verslag oor wildbeskerming en wetstoepassing in Namibië is dit onbekend hoeveel ietermago's suksesvol uit Namibië gesmokkel is. Daarvolgens dui die huidige beskikbare inligting daarop dat die verhouding laag is, maar meer navorsing is nodig.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Trafficking of endemic Namibian succulents surges.

Trafficking of live plants, particularly rare and endemic succulents and pachycauls, has exploded as an illegal trade threatening rare species in Namibia. According to the Wildlife Protection and Law Enforcement in Namibia report for 2022, the first cases were only registered last year. However, high volumes of live plants have already been seized and numerous suspects arrested. The report indicated that 11 cases were registered last year and 22 suspects were arrested, with two convictions.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Poaching: rhinos the most targeted in 2022.

Rhinos were the most-targeted high-value species in Namibia during 2022, comprising 24% of all registered wildlife cases, with poaching losses at their highest since 2015. This according to the wildlife protection and law enforcement report for 2022, which indicated that a total of 430 wildlife cases were reported last year - of which 106 were rhino poaching cases.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Schuppentier-DNA soll illegalen Handel aufdecken.

Momentan werden DNA-Daten von Schuppentieren in Namibia gesammelt, die dabei helfen sollen, geschmuggelte Schuppentiere aufzuspüren und das Ausmaß des internationalen, illegalen Handels festzustellen.

DNA data is currently being collected from pangolins in Namibia to help identify smuggled pangolins and the extent of the international illegal trade.

Tuesday, 18 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Namibië n deurgang vir perlemoensmokkelaars.

Namibië het 'n deurgangsroete geword vir perlemoensmokkelary vanuit Suid-Afrika na China. Volgens 'n 2022-verslag oor wildbeskerming en wetstoepassing in Namibië is die bestaan van wettige perlemoenboerdery in Namibië gebruik as ’n front vir vervalste dokumentasie van perlemoenbesendings waarop beslag gelê is. Luidens die verslag smokkel Suid-Afrikaanse kartelle toenemend perlemoen via buurlande om onder die radar te bly.

Monday, 17 July 2023
Smit E 2023. Handel in indemiese plante neem toe.

Handel in lewende plante, veral skaars en endemiese vetplante en pachycauls (wat die kremetart en halfmens insluit), het die hoogte ingeskiet as 'n groeiende sektor - wat 'n bedreiging vir seldsame spesies in Namibië inhou. Luidens die verslag oor wildbeskerming en wetstoepassing in Namibië vir 2022 is die eerste sake eers verlede jaar aanhangig gemaak. Daar is egter reeds op groot hoeveelhede lewende plante beslag gelê en talle verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem. Luidens die verslag is 11 sake verlede jaar geregistreer,…

Tuesday, 9 May 2023
Smit E, Bause T 2023. Vyftien renosters vanjaar gestroop.

Altesaam 15 renosters is vanjaar gestroop, teenoor 87 in 2022 en 45 in 2021. Die laaste renoster is tussen 1 en 28 April op 'n private plaas in die Grootfontein-omgewing gestroop. Die karkas is eers verlede week ontdek en die ondersoek dui daarop dat die dier twee keer met 'n jaggeweer geskiet is.

Tuesday, 2 May 2023
Smit E 2023. Seven arrested for wildlife crimes.

Seven suspects were arrested last month in connection with wildlife crimes, with four fake rhino horns amongst products seized by the police. This according to the latest wildlife crime statistics report issued by the police and the environment ministry. Three newly registered wildlife crime cases were reported.

Friday, 14 April 2023
Smit E 2023. Acht Festnahmen wegen Nashornwilderei über Ostern.

Mindestens acht Verdächtige wurden über das Osterwochenende bei zwei verschiedenen Vorfällen im Zusammenhang mit der Wilderei von Nashörnern festgenommen. Nach Angaben des Sprechers des Umweltministeriums, Romeo Muyunda, wurden zwei Verdächtige am 6. April auf der Straße zwischen Tsumeb und Otavi an einer mobilen Straßensperre festgenommen, weil sie illegal in den Etosha-Nationalpark eingedrungen waren, um Nashörner zu jagen. In ihrem Besitz wurden zwei frische Nashornhörner gefunden, die von den Strafverfolgungsbehörden unter der Leitung des Blue Rhino Task Team beschlagnahmt…

Friday, 14 April 2023
Smit E 2023. Agt oor paasfees in hegtenis geneem vir renosterstropery.

Agt verdagtes is oor die Paasnaweek vir renosterstropery-verwante misdade in twee afsonderlike voorvalle in hegtenis geneem. Volgens die woordvoerder van die omgewingsministerie Romeo Muyunda, is twee verdagtes op 6 April op die Tsumeb/Otavi-pad by 'n mobiele padblokkade in hegtenis geneem omdat hulle onwettig die Etosha Nasionale Park binnegegaan het om renosters te jag. Twee vars renosterhorings is in hul besit gevind en deur die wetstoepassingsagentskappe onder leiding van die Blue Rhino-taakspan op beslag gelê.

Friday, 14 April 2023
Smit E 2023. Eight arrested for rhino poaching over easter.

At least eight suspects were arrested over the Easter Weekend for rhino poaching-related crimes in two separate incidents. According to the spokesperson of the environment ministry Romeo Muyunda, two suspects were arrested on 6 April on the Tsumeb/Otavi road at a mobile roadblock for illegally entering the Etosha National Park to hunt rhinos. Two fresh rhino horns were found in their possession and confiscated by the law enforcement agencies led by the Blue Rhino Task Team.

Wednesday, 15 February 2023
Amutenja H-M 2023. MEFT employee nabbed for poaching.

The Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism has identified its employee Otto Jan Uirab as the suspect in the poaching incident that occurred last week. He is charged alongside Nedbank employee, Harold Xarageb, and two other suspects Gaeb Franklin and Veldskoendraer Neely. The suspects were arrested on suspicion of illegally hunting a blue wildebeest in the Dan Viljoen Park near Windhoek last week. They have since appeared in the Katutura Magistrate’s court. A case has been opened with the Otjomuise Police station and the suspects were remanded in custody until the May 2023…

Friday, 10 February 2023
Amutenja H-M 2023. Ministry official arrested for poaching.

An official from the Ministry of Environment and Tourism was amongst three other suspects that were arrested on suspicion of illegally hunting a blue wildebeest in Dan Viljoen Park near Windhoek. "The incident happened on Tuesday at a roadblock between Dan Viljoen and Windhoek. The Ministry condemns the incident particularly, the alleged involvement of a staff member," said the ministry’s spokesperson Romeo Muyunda. They were arrested on Tuesday at the roadblock, west of Windhoek, leading to the game park.

Thursday, 9 February 2023
Smit E 2023. MEFT official arrested for alleged poaching.

The environment ministry has condemned an incident in which one of its staff members was arrested, together with three other suspects, on suspicion of illegally hunting a blue wildebeest in the Daan Viljoen Park near Windhoek. The spokesperson of the ministry, Romeo Muyunda, said the incident occurred on Tuesday at a roadblock between Daan Viljoen and Windhoek.

Thursday, 9 February 2023
Smit E 2023. Natuurbeamte vas oor beweerde stroping.

'n Beampte van die ministerie van omgewing en toerisme en nóg drie verdagtes is in hegtenis geneem ná hulle vermoedelik 'n blouwildebees onwettig in die Daan Viljoenpark naby Windhoek gejag het. Die woordvoerder van die ministerie, Romeo Muyunda, sê die arrestasies het Dinsdag by die padblokkade tussen Daan Viljoen geskied.

Thursday, 9 February 2023
Smit E 2023. MEFT-Beamter wegen angeblich Wilderei verhaftet.

Das Umweltministerium hat einen Vorfall verurteilt, bei dem einer seiner Mitarbeiter zusammen mit drei anderen Verdächtigen wegen des Verdachts der illegalen Jagd auf ein Streifengnu im Daan-Viljoen-Park in der Nähe von Windhoek festgenommen wurde. Der Sprecher des Ministeriums, Romeo Muyunda, sagte, der Vorfall habe sich am Dienstag an einer Straßensperre zwischen Daan Viljoen und Windhoek ereignet.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Smit E 2023. Etosha hotbed for rhino poaching.

A total of 87 rhinos were poached last year, of which 45 were killed in the Etosha National Park. This is according to new statistics released by the environment and tourism ministry, which show that last year, 61 black rhinos and 26 white rhinos were killed. In 2022, poaching cases included 15 rhinos poached on custodianship farms and another 25 white rhinos on private farms. Namibia recorded 45 rhinos poached in 2021, 43 in 2020, 61 in 2019, 84 in 2018 and 55 in 2017. So far this year, one rhino has been poached. Meanwhile, four elephants were killed last year.

Tuesday, 7 February 2023
Smit E 2023. Etosha hotbed for rhino poaching.

A total of 87 rhinos were poached last year, of which 45 were killed in the Etosha National Park. This is according to new statistics released by the environment and tourism ministry, which show that last year, 61 black rhinos and 26 white rhinos were killed. In 2022, poaching cases included 15 rhinos poached on custodianship farms and another 25 white rhinos on private farms. Namibia recorded 45 rhinos poached in 2021, 43 in 2020, 61 in 2019, 84 in 2018 and 55 in 2017. So far this year, one rhino has been poached. Meanwhile, four elephants were killed last year.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023
Smit E 2023. Poacher killed during skirmish with anti-poaching Unit.

A rhino poacher was killed while another was injured during a shootout between an antipoaching unit and three rhino poachers on Saturday on a private farm about 120 km east of Windhoek. The injured poacher was arrested, and the third accomplice, who initially fled the scene, was arrested on Monday morning. Owner of Namibia Wildlife Protection, Salmon Vermaak, whose anti-poaching unit (APU) is stationed on the farm, said the team leader informed him about 11:30 on Saturday that they had spotted a poacher tracking a rhino cow and her calf.

Tuesday, 24 January 2023
Smit E 2023. Stroper sterf in skermutseling.

'n Vermeende renosterstroper is dood en nog een gewond tydens 'n skietery Saterdag tussen 'n teenstropingseenheid en drie vermeende stropers op 'n plaas sowat 120 km oos van Windhoek. Die beseerde stroper is in hegtenis geneem en die derde verdagte wat aanvanklik op die vlug geslaan het, is gisteroggend in hegtenis geneem. Die eienaar van Namibia Wildlife Protection, Salmon Vermaak, wie se teenstropingseenheid op die plaas gestasioneer is, sê die spanleier het hom omstreeks 11:30 Saterdag laat weet ’n vermeende stroper is opgemerk waar hy 'n renosterkoei en haar kalf volg.

Sunday, 15 January 2023
Smit E 2023. Drie in hegtenis vir wildmisdaad.

Twee Angolese mans is Vrydag in die Orwetoveni-nedersetting in Otjiwarongo in hegtenis geneem, nadat hulle in besit van die vel van 'n ietermagô betrap is. Die waarde van die vel is N$50 000. In 'n onverwante voorval is 'n 31-jarige Namibiër Vrydag by die Buffalo-kontrolepunt in die Mukwe-kiesafdeling in die Kavango-Oostreek met twee olifanttande betrap.

Sunday, 15 January 2023
Smit E Just in: Three arrested for wildlife crimes.

Two Angolan men were arrested on Friday at the Orwetoveni township in Otjiwarongo for being in the possession of a pangolin skin valued at N$50 000. In a separate incident, a 31-year-old Namibian was arrested on Friday at Buffalo checkpoint in the Mukwe constituency (Kavango East region) for being in possession of two elephant tusks. The value thereof has not been determined.

Friday, 13 January 2023
Smit E 2023. 77 renosters, 4 olifante in 2022 gestroop.

Verlede jaar het geëindig met een van die hoogste renosterstroperysyfers in byna 'n dekade. Altesaam 77 renosters is verlede jaar gestroop - 32 meer as in 2021. Volgens die jongste statistieke wat deur die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme bekend gemaak is, is verlede jaar se syfers die derde hoogste sedert 2013. Die twee hoogste syfers is in 2015 en 2018 aangeteken met onderskeidelik 97 en 84 renosters wat in daardie jare gestroop is.

Friday, 13 January 2023
Smit E 2023. 77 rhinos and 4 elephants poached in 2022.

Last year ended with one of the highest rhino poaching figures recorded in almost a decade. A total of 77 rhinos were poached in 2022 compared to 2021 when 45 rhinos were killed for their horns. Last year's figure is the third highest recorded since 2013, only surpassed by the 97 rhinos poached in 2015 and 84 killed by poachers in 2018.

Friday, 13 January 2023
Smit E 2023. Sorge über Nashorn-Wilderei.

Zahlen auf dritthöchstem Stand - Weniger Elefanten getötet. Auf der einen Seite sind die Zahlen erschreckend, auf der anderen machen sie Mut. Während bei der Nashorn-Wilderei die Summe der getöteten Tiere den dritthöchsten Stand seit 2013 erreicht hat, ist die Summe der zum Opfer gefallenen Elefanten seit 2016 jedes Jahr um die Hälfte gesunken.

Thursday, 1 December 2022
Smit E 2022. Stropery - 106 die jaar gearresteer.

Altesaam 106 verdagtes is vanjaar vir stropery in hegtenis geneem. Intussen maak rolspelers gereed om wildbeskerming en wetstoepassingspogings teen wildmisdaad in Namibië hierdie feesseisoen op te skerp. Van hierdie 106 is 44 vir renosterstropery en 62 verdagtes vir olifantstropery in hegtenis geneem. Die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme se woordvoerder, mnr. Romeo Muyunda, het gesê wat ontstellend is, is dat 93 van dié verdagtes Namibiërs is - 'n groep wat volgens die ministerie die voortou in die stryd teen stropery behoort te neem.

Thursday, 24 November 2022
Smit E 2022. Seven arrested for old wildlife crime cases.

Seven suspects were arrested last week in connection with old wildlife crime cases. This is according to weekly wildlife crime statistics issued by the protected resource division and the intelligence and investigation unit within the safety and environment ministries. On 19 November, two Namibian men, Festus Amunyela and Mekondjo Tsillinus, were arrested at Oshivelo for conspiring to poach a rhino on 16 June. In another incident, Angolan national Ndango Nicolaus was arrested on 17 November in Rundu for being in possession of a pangolin on 4 August.

Wednesday, 16 November 2022
Smit E 2022. Protected skins land 3 in jail.

Only two new wildlife crime cases were registered last week, with three suspects arrested. This is according to the weekly crime statistics for 7 to 13 November. Twelve wildlife crime cases were heard in court, while one was finalised. In Otjiwarongo, two Namibian men - Tjizire Kohongo and Angula Kafidi - were arrested on 8 November for being in possession of a leopard skin. They have appeared in court and were refused bail. In a separate incident in Rundu, 55-year-old Namibian Ngoma Mungenyu was arrested on 11 November for being in possession of an African skunk skin.

Thursday, 27 October 2022
Smit E, Rademeyer R 2022. Sestig renosters is vanjaar gestroop.

Sestig renosters is vanjaar gestroop teenoor die 44 renosters verlede jaar en 42 in 2020. In die jongste stroperyvoorvalle is twee witrenosters tussen Vrydag en Maandag op 'n onbekende tyd op 'n private plaas naby Seeis in die Windhoek-distrik gestroop. Volgens die polisie is die renosters geskiet en hul horings is verwyder. Die waarde van die twee renosters word op N$660 000 geraam.

Thursday, 27 October 2022
Smit E 2022. 60 Rhinos killed for their horns.

Sixty rhinos have been poached this year, far exceeding the total of 44 rhinos that were killed for their horns last year and the 42 in 2020. In the latest poaching incidents, two white rhinos were poached on a private farm near Seeis in the Windhoek district between Friday and Monday at an unknown time. According to the police, the rhinos were shot and all their horns were removed. The value of the two rhinos is estimated at N$660 000.

Friday, 21 October 2022
Smit E 2022. Ondersoek staar wildhandelaar in gesig.

Die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme het 'n ondersoek na die wildhandelaar, mnr. Johan Lombaard, van stapel gestuur nadat hy na bewering twee witrenosters sonder die nodige papierwerk vervoer het. Die ondersoek is na bewering genoodsaak nadat Lombaard Dinsdag in 'n motorongeluk tussen Rehoboth en Kalkrand betrokke was terwyl hy ’n witrenosterkoei en haar kalf vanaf Mariental na 'n plaas in die Karibib-distrik vervoer het.

Thursday, 20 October 2022
Smit E 2022. Anhänger mit Nashorn überschlägt sich.

Der Sprecher des Ministeriums, Romeo Muyunda, bestätigte den Unfall, der sich im Kalkrand-Distrikt ereignete, und sagte, dass die Polizei sie am Dienstagabend darüber informiert habe, weil Nashörner beteiligt waren. Laut Muyunda waren die Nashornkuh und ihr Kalb in zwei verschiedenen Autos mit Anhängern unterwegs. Er sagte, dass der Wagen, der die Kuh transportierte, in den Unfall verwickelt war.

Thursday, 20 October 2022
Smit E 2022. Prominent wildlife dealer faces probe.

The environment ministry is investigating prominent wildlife dealer Johan Lombaard after he allegedly transported two white rhinos without the necessary paperwork. Namibian Sun understands the investigation was necessitated after Lombaard was involved in a car accident on Tuesday afternoon between Rehoboth and Kalkrand while transporting a rhino cow and its calf from Mariental to farm Uitkyk in the Karibib district.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022
Smit E, Steffen F 2022. Nashorn Wilderei nimmt zu.

Die Zahl der Nashörner, die in diesem Jahr gewildert wurden, liegt nun bei 57, verglichen mit den 44 Nashörnern, die im vergangenen Jahr von Wilderern getötet worden waren. Der Sprecher des Umweltministeriums, Romeo Muyunda, bestätigte auf Nachfrage, dass in der vergangenen Woche zwei Breitmaulnashörner auf privaten Farmen gewildert wurden. Er sagte, dass es zwar in letzter Zeit im Etoscha-Nationalpark zu Wilderei gekommen sei, dass aber in der vergangenen Woche keine Nashörner im Park gewildert worden seien.

Monday, 10 October 2022
Smit E 2022. Rhino poaching increases to 57.

The number of rhinos that have already been poached this year stands at 57, compared to the 44 rhinos that were killed by poachers last year. Spokesperson for the environment ministry, Romeo Muyunda, confirmed to Namibian Sun that two white rhinos were poached on private farms last week.

Monday, 26 September 2022
Smit E 2022. Rhino's not negatively impacted by dehorning.

The dehorning of rhinos began in 1989, making Namibia the first country to use it as an anti-poaching method. There remains a lot of conjecture surrounding the possible implications of dehorning rhinos. While the benefits of such an exercise have long been proved, some sceptics believe it could have some effect on rhino behaviour and biology.

Monday, 12 September 2022
Smit E 2022. 'Profeet' skuldig aan stropery.

Die selfverklaarde profeet Jackson Babi is Vrydag in die Gobabis-landdroshof op 12 klagte skuldig bevind wat met renosterstropery verband hou. Babi staar ten minste tien jaar tronkstraf in die gesig. In totaal is hy skuldig bevind en gevonnis vir 19 misdade en moet hy boetes ter waarde van N$370 000 betaal. Sou hy nie die boetes betaal nie, sal verdere tronkstraf by sy vonnis gevoeg word.

Friday, 9 September 2022
Smit E 2022. Namibia recommits to combatting elephant poaching.

The elephant population in Namibia has increased over the years from an estimated 7 000 at independence to about 23 736, but the growing population has become a major cause of human-wildlife conflict. Namibia is part of seven southern African elephant range states that have strongly reconfirmed their commitment to combatting elephant poaching ahead of this year's World Wildlife Conference (Cop 19).

Tuesday, 6 September 2022
Smit E 2022. Dehorning to protect against poachers.

Private rhino owners have begun dehorning their animals again to protect them against a recent surge in rhino poaching. The number of rhinos poached this year has increased to 48, surpassing last year's total of 44, and the 42 rhinos poached in total in 2020. Of the animals poached this year so far, 32 were black rhinos and 16 were white rhinos. Twelve black rhinos were poached on custodianship farms and 16 white rhinos were poached on private farms.

Friday, 2 September 2022
Smit E 2022. Renosters word onthoring na stropery toeneem.

Private renostereienaars onthoring tans hul diere om hulle teen die onlangse toename in stroperyvoorvalle te beskerm. Altesaam 48 renosters is reeds vanjaar gestroop, wat reeds verlede jaar se syfer van 44 oortref, asook die 42 renosters in 2020. Uit dié 48 was 32 swart- en 16 witrenosters – waarvan 12 swartrenosters op bewaringsplase gestroop is en 16 witrenosters op private plase.

Thursday, 1 September 2022
Smit E 2022. Nog twee swart renosters gestroop.

Karkasse op private wildplase gevind: Een van die renosterkarkasse wat ontdek is, was dié van 'n dragtige koei. 

Carcasses found on private game farms: One of the rhino carcasses discovered was that of a pregnant cow.

Monday, 29 August 2022
Smit E 2022. Rhino poaching in Africa drops during Covid-19.

Rhino poaching rates in Africa declined to 2.3% in 2021 from 3.9% of the population in 2018. This is according to a new report by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the global non-governmental organisation Traffic. The report was compiled for the 19th meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), which will be held in Panama in November.

Thursday, 18 August 2022
Smit E 2022. Poaching gang targets white rhinos.

Last week, five white rhinos were poached on private farms, bringing 2022's total to 39, of which 15 were white rhinos.