
Stropery - 106 die jaar gearresteer

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Altesaam 106 verdagtes is vanjaar vir stropery in hegtenis geneem. Intussen maak rolspelers gereed om wildbeskerming en wetstoepassingspogings teen wildmisdaad in Namibië hierdie feesseisoen op te skerp. Van hierdie 106 is 44 vir renosterstropery en 62 verdagtes vir olifantstropery in hegtenis geneem. Die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme se woordvoerder, mnr. Romeo Muyunda, het gesê wat ontstellend is, is dat 93 van dié verdagtes Namibiërs is - 'n groep wat volgens die ministerie die voortou in die stryd teen stropery behoort te neem. Onder die ander verdagtes is agt Angolese en sewe Zambiërs. Hy het bygevoeg nege mense is vanjaar skuldig aan stropery-verwante misdade bevind - sewe vir olifantstropery en twee vir renosterstropery. Altesaam 63 renosters - 41 swartrenosters en 22 witrenosters - is tot dusver vanjaar gestroop. Uit dié stroperysake is 15 renosters op bewaringsplase gestroop, 22 op private plase en 26 in die Etosha Nasionale Park. In 2021 is 44 renosterstroperysake in Namibië aangeteken, teenoor 42 in 2020, 57 in 2019, 83 in 2018 en 55 in 2017.

A total of 106 suspects were arrested for poaching this year. Meanwhile, role players are gearing up to step up wildlife protection and law enforcement efforts against wildlife crime in Namibia this festive season. Of these 106, 44 were arrested for rhino poaching and 62 suspects for elephant poaching. The Ministry of the Environment, Forestry and Tourism's spokesperson, Mr. Romeo Muyunda said that what is disturbing is that 93 of these suspects are Namibians - a group which, according to the ministry, should take the lead in the fight against poaching. Among the other suspects are eight Angolans and seven Zambians. He added that nine people were found guilty of poaching-related crimes this year - seven for elephant poaching and two for rhino poaching. A total of 63 rhinos - 41 black rhinos and 22 white rhinos - have been poached so far this year. From these poaching cases, 15 rhinos were poached on conservation farms, 22 on private farms and 26 in the Etosha National Park. In 2021, 44 rhino poaching cases were recorded in Namibia, compared to 42 in 2020, 57 in 2019, 83 in 2018 and 55 in 2017.


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