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Namibian Wildlife Crimes article archive

This archive of published media articles about wildlife crime in Namibia aims to:

  • provide easy public access to published information and statistics
  • enable easy stakeholder access to articles
  • provide a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia

Public access to information is a vital component of ensuring community engagement in prevalent issues. Wildlife crime is one of the pressing environmental issues of our time.

Wildlife crime investigations are generally covert operations requiring utmost confidentiality to succeed. Investigations and prosecutions in complex cases may take months or even years to complete. For this reason, the information that can be released to the public without compromising cases is often limited. Nonetheless, the Namibian government strives to share as much information as possible with the public.

The Namibian media has welcomed this approach and regularly publishes statistics and feature articles on wildlife crime. These are entered into the database at regular intervals, creating a comprehensive archive of wildlife crime reporting in Namibia.

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Displaying results 1 - 27 of 27
Monday, 27 November 2023
Steffen F 2023. Sambische Elefantenwilderer festgenommen.

Laut Polizeibericht wurden Elefantenstoßzähne beschlagnahmt, ein Verdächtiger festgenommen und sieben weiteren Verdächtigten gelang es, zu flüchten, nachdem Polizisten und Mitglieder der Anti-Wilderei-Einheit des Umweltministeriums sowie namibische Soldaten ein Fahrzeug anhielten, das unter Verdacht stand, in den Schmuggel von Wildtierprodukten verwickelt zu sein. Der Vorfall ereignete sich früh am vergangenen Freitag. Der Einsatz war die Folge von eingegangenen Informationen, die zur Verfolgung sambischer Staatsangehöriger führte.

Wednesday, 22 November 2023
van der Walt I-M, Steffen F 2023. Wilddiebe wiederholt Angeklagt.

Nachdem eine Anti-Wilderer-Einheit zwei Wilddiebe gefasst hatte, stellt sich heraus, dass sich diese scheinbaren Gewohnheitsverbrecher für zahlreiche Wilderei-Fälle oder sogar wegen versuchten Mordes im Gericht verantworten müssen. Staatsankläger scheinen die schwerwiegenden Vorwürfe kaum zu beachten, sodass die Angeklagten oft ungeschoren davonkommen.

Tuesday, 19 September 2023
Steffen F 2023. Red-breasted bee-eaters caught with nets in the north.

A media team from Namibia Media Holdings (NMH) during a visit to the area east of the road from Katima Mulilo to the border point at the Ngoma bridge and past the Nakabolelwa settlement en route to Impalila Island on the breeding area of the southern red-breasted bee-eater in the Kabulabula Conservation Area. The breeding area is strategically covered with nylon mesh in such a way that the birds become entangled in it when leaving or entering their nests.

Thursday, 6 July 2023
Amakali M 2023. Poaching pastor appeals hefty sentence.

Self-proclaimed prophet and founder of the House of Joy Ministries Jackson Babi has turned to the High Court to appeal his 27 years imprisonment sentence for rhino poaching in Gobabis. In his notice of appeal, filed in the Windhoek High Court on Monday, Babi (33) is claiming the sentence of 27 years imprisonment imposed on him by Gobabis Regional Court magistrate Eden Iyambo is shockingly inappropriate. He claims Iyambo overemphasised the seriousness of the offences at the expense of the mitigating circumstances.

Tuesday, 21 February 2023
Makhaye C 2023. Paradise in the crosshairs - bandits, elephant poachers threaten to kill ecotourism in KZN's Jozini.

For decades the area surrounding the serene and picturesque Jozini Dam and Pongola Nature Reserve has been a tourist mecca, drawing well-heeled local and international visitors keen on seeing nature at its best, including cruises to watch elephants grazing and to spot rare species. Luxury lodges and hundreds of workers depend on the viability of the local tourist attractions and a constant stream of high-spending visitors.

Monday, 14 November 2022
Steffen F 2022. Mynbou bedryg Huab se renosters.

'n Mynmaatskappy word toegelaat om sy aktiwiteite in die Huab-gebied uit te voer ondanks 'n swak omgewingsimpakstudie en geen konsultasies met geraakte bewaringsorganisasies nie.

A mining company is allowed to carry out its activities in the Huab area despite a poor Environmental Impact Study and no consultations with affected conservation organizations.

Monday, 14 November 2022
Steffen F 2022. Bergbau bedrängt jetzt Rhinos.

//Huab Conservancy und Rhino Rangers verlieren Lebensgrundlage. Ein weiteres Bergbauprojekt nimmt seinen Anfang, obwohl es das CBNRM-Programm als Grundsatz für Kommunalhegegebiete gefährdet. Ein Bergbauunternehmen darf am Huab-Rivier seine Aktivitäten trotz mangelhafter Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung aufnehmen und gefährdet sogar den Nashornschutz. Das Umweltministerium versäumt indessen seine Pflicht.

Wednesday, 2 November 2022
Swaby N 2022. 2 foreign nationals sentenced in Seattle for trafficking ivory and rhinoceros horn.

The multi-billion-dollar industry of illegally trafficking wildlife was front and center in federal court on Tuesday morning. The Homeland Security investigation led to two foreign nationals being arrested in Edmonds in November of 2021. On Tuesday, Herdade Lokua learned he would spend the next 20 months in prison, and Jospin Mujangi was sentenced to 14 months. The investigation led to the seizure of $3.5 million worth of elephant ivory, white rhinoceros horn, and pangolin scales.

Tuesday, 11 October 2022
Smit E, Steffen F 2022. Nashorn Wilderei nimmt zu.

Die Zahl der Nashörner, die in diesem Jahr gewildert wurden, liegt nun bei 57, verglichen mit den 44 Nashörnern, die im vergangenen Jahr von Wilderern getötet worden waren. Der Sprecher des Umweltministeriums, Romeo Muyunda, bestätigte auf Nachfrage, dass in der vergangenen Woche zwei Breitmaulnashörner auf privaten Farmen gewildert wurden. Er sagte, dass es zwar in letzter Zeit im Etoscha-Nationalpark zu Wilderei gekommen sei, dass aber in der vergangenen Woche keine Nashörner im Park gewildert worden seien.

Monday, 12 September 2022
Amakali M 2022. 'Prophet' jailed for rhino poaching.

Self-proclaimed prophet and founder of the House of Joy Ministries Jackson Babi was sentenced to 10 years imprisonment on Friday for rhino poaching. On Friday, Gobabis magistrate Eden Iyambo sentenced Babi when he found him guilty on 19 charges related to illegally hunting protected animals. On two counts of hunting of specially protected game, which had an alternative count of conspiracy to hunt, the court sentenced the "prophet" to three years of direct imprisonment for each count. However, on top of the sentence, the court ordered Babi to pay a fine of N$100 000 for each count…

Monday, 27 June 2022
Steffen F 2022. Nun sind es zwölf gewilderte Etoscha-Rhinos.

Vor knapp zehn Tagen gab das Ministerium für Umwelt, Forstwirtschaft und Tourismus (MEFT) bekannt, dass ihre Mitarbeiter im Etoscha-Nationalpark seit Anfang Juni 2022 elf Nashornkadaver entdeckt hätten (AZ berichtete). Nun gab MEFT-Pressesprecher Romeo Muyunda bekannt, dass ihm ein weiterer Fall bekannt sei, wodurch die Zahl der gewilderten Nashörner auf zwölf zu stehen kommt.

Tuesday, 15 June 2021
Amakali M 2021. 'Prophet' sees another day in custody.

An attempt by the defence of self-proclaimed prophet and founder of the House of Joy Ministries Jackson Babi to have his case provisionally withdrawn, fell flat when the court denied the request. Babi's lawyer Mbanga Siyomunji requested that his client's case be provisionally withdrawn and consequently have Babi released from custody while the State waits for the prosecutor general to pronounce herself in the matter. "The State has failed to inform the court that they failed twice to provide the decision. Now, two months later, the decision is still not available," said Siyomunji…

Monday, 24 May 2021
Steffen F 2021. Rhino cows poached at Ghaub.

A game farm in the Otavi area is offering a reward of N$50 000 for information that would lead to the arrest of the poachers who killed two nursing white rhino cows last weekend. Both rhinos had young calves. One calf was found, but another remains missing. Only one of the carcasses was dehorned. The other rhino escaped from the criminals, but died of her wounds in the bush.

Friday, 21 May 2021
Steffen F 2021. Nashörner auf Ghaub gewildert.

Ein Gastbetrieb im Otavi-Dreieck beklagt den Verlust von zwei Breitmaulnashörnern, die am vergangenen Wochenende Wilderern zum Opfer fielen. In beiden Fällen waren es Kühe, die junge Kälber mit sich führten - eines wurde gefunden, doch ein weiteres bleibt verschollen. Nur eines der Tiere wurde enthornt. Das andere entkam zwar den Verbrechern, verendete dann aber qualvoll im Busch in Folge einer Bauchverletzung.

Friday, 21 May 2021
Steffen F 2021. Renosters gestroop, kalfie soek.

'n Renosterkalfie is steeds soek nadat haar ma, wat met die hand grootgemaak is, en nóg ‘n witrenoster die afgelope naweek op ‘n gasteplaas gestroop is. ‘n Hartseer mnr. Joachim Rust van Ghaub Nature Reserve and Farm het gister vertel hoe hulle die tweejarige Zanna in 2014 as 'n kalfie gered en met ‘n melkbottel moes grootmaak. Zanna se ma het ná swaar reën in diep modder op ‘n plaas naby Waterberg vasgeval en is van uitputting dood. Zanna se karkas is Sondag in die veld gevind. Sy is geskiet en onthoring. Haar kalfie van 18 maande kon nie opgespoor word nie.

Friday, 23 April 2021
Amakali M 2021. Babi fate in PG's hands.

Windhoek Magistrate's Court has given a final remand for the prosecutor general Martha Imalwa to pronounce herself in the case of self-proclaimed prophet Jackson Babi. According to State prosecutor Rowan van Wyk, the PG's decision is not available; thus, magistrate Linus Samunzala postponed the case finally to 9 June.

Tuesday, 23 March 2021
Amakali M 2021. Preacher denied bail.

Self-proclaimed prophet and founder of the House of Joy Ministries Jackson Babi was denied bail by the Windhoek Magistrate's Court on Friday. "The applicant was capable of interfering with state witnesses while still behind bars and there is no determination of what he could do should he be released on bail," said magistrate Linus Samunzala.

Wednesday, 10 March 2021
Amakali M 2021. Babi awaits bail judgement.

The bail judgement into the case of self-proclaimed prophet and founder of the House of Joy Ministries, Jackson Babi, is scheduled to be delivered next week in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court. Magistrate Linus Samunzala will pronounce himself on whether Babi has satisfied the court that he should be granted bail pending the finalisation of his case. The court scheduled the matter to 19 March and remanded Babi in police custody. The "prophet" is scheduled to stand trial on bribery charges for allegedly offering investigating officers N$13 000 in an attempt to have him released on…

Friday, 5 February 2021
Steffen F 2021. Wildschutzstrategie bis 2026.

Umweltminister Pohamba Shifeta präsentiert Zahlen und Statistiken, die eine deutliche Verminderung der Anzahl WildereiVorfälle anzeigt, aber andererseits eine ständige Zunahme der Verhaftungen vorweist. Er zeigt sich zufrieden mit den eingeführten Kontrollen, moniert aber die ständige Kritik an dem Programm des MEFT, das versucht die Dickhäuter unter Kontrolle zu bringen.

Tuesday, 26 January 2021
Amakali M 2021. Babi to be tried alone for bribery.

Prosecutor general Martha Imalwa has decided to only prosecute self-proclaimed preacher Jackson Babi for his alleged attempt to bribe investigating officers last year following his arrest on charges stemming from the possession of two rhino horns, a firearm and ammunition without a valid licence.

Monday, 21 December 2020
Steffen F 2020. SRT großzügig unterstützt.

BIOPAMA: 200000 Euro für Schutz des Spitzmaulnashorns. Knapp 3,8 Millionen N$ soll der Naturschutzfonds Save the Rhino Trust in den kommenden zwei Jahren zwecks verbesserter Ausbildung und Nachrüstung der Naturschutzbeamten in den Kommunalgebieten empfangen, in denen die letzten freilebenden Spitzmaulnashörner Namibias und sogar der Welt vorkommen.

Tuesday, 17 November 2020
Amakali M 2020. Preacher takes bail fight to High Court.

Self-proclaimed prophet Jackson Babi has approached the High Court to appeal against a decision by the Windhoek Magistrate's Court to deny him bail. The flamboyant Babi claims magistrate Linus Samunzala misdirected himself in law and fact when he denied him bail. In September, the lower court refused to release Babi on bail, citing he failed to give convincing evidence to be released pending his trial. The court also ruled there was a likelihood Babi would interfere with the investigations.

Friday, 30 October 2020
Amakali M 2020. Cops complete bribery probe against preacher.

The police have concluded their investigations into the case of self-proclaimed preacher Jackson Babi, who stands accused of attempting to bribe officers of the law about three months ago. Babi appeared alongside his co-accused Ananias Ananias yesterday before magistrate Linus Samunzala in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court.

Friday, 18 September 2020
Amakali M 2020. 'Prophet' Babi, co-accused get bail hearing date.

The bail hearing of self-proclaimed preacher Jackson Babi and his co-accused Ananias Ananias is scheduled to take place next week in the Windhoek Magistrate's Court. The two are seeking bail in their second case where they face bribery charges for allegedly offering a N$13 000 bribe to investigation officers. Babi and Ananias made an appearance before magistrate Samunzala Samunzala yesterday where they were informed investigations are not yet finalised in their matter. 

Monday, 27 July 2020
Amakali M 2020. Incarcerated 'prophet' appeals for bail.

The self-proclaimed prophet Jackson Babi (30) and his co-accused Frizans Naululu Dumeni (25) have approached the court to be released on bail. They appeared before Magistrate Linus Samunzala in the Windhoek Magistrate’s Court on Friday. The court gallery was packed to the rafters with Babi’s supporters. The court scheduled their bail hearing to 30 July, further issuing an order to have the two accused transferred from the Dordabis police station to the Windhoek police station for their bail hearing.

Wednesday, 17 June 2020
Steffen F 2020. Große Pläne mit wenig Geldmitteln.

Umweltministerium setzt auf Nachhaltigkeit und bekämpft erfolgreich die Wilderei. Obwohl der Sektor als maßgebliches Wirtschaftsstandbein gehandelt wird, steht das Ministerium für Umwelt, Forstwirtschaft und Tourismus mit seinem Ausgabenplan im namibischen Haushalt für 2020-21 gerade Mal an 16. Stelle von insgesamt 33 Ausgabenposten. Der Minister verlässt sich indessen auf viel Hilfe aus Deutschland und von weiteren Entwicklungspartnern.

Thursday, 4 June 2020
Steynberg F, Steffen F 2020. Wilderern wird Kaution verweigert.

Prophet Babi und Mitbeschuldigte Teil eines größeren Wilderei-Syndikats. Kurz bevor der aufsehenerregende "Prophet Babi" und der mitbeschuldigte Dumeni dem Haftrichter vorgeführt werden, werden neue Wilderei-Fälle bekannt, in die Babi ebenfalls verstrickt sein soll. Die Kaution wird ihm verweigert und am Montag muss er wieder vor den Kadi.