Atlantic Ocean

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 788 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Bartlewski S 2016. Wild bird rescue. Namibia Bird News 17 8-10
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Wild bird rescue.pdf 1.23 MB
Dantu S 2016. Swakopmund Seabird Rehabilitation and Penguin Rescue Report 2015. Namibia Bird News 17 5-7
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Swakopmund Seabird Rehabilitation and Penguin Rescue Report 2015.pdf 1000.35 KB
Komen J 1991. African marsh warbler longevity record. Lanioturdus 26 (1) 22-23
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African marsh warbler longevity_1991.pdf 147.48 KB
Williams AJ 1989. Kelp gull feeding capacity. Lanioturdus 25 (1-2) 57-58
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Cape gull feeding capacity_1989.pdf 237.86 KB
1966. The central part of the catchment areas to the Atlantic. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 30 7-10
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The central part of the catchment areas to the Atlantic_1966.pdf 1.72 MB
2008. Walvis Bay Biodiversity Report 2008.
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Walvis Bay Biodiversity Report 2008.pdf 3.37 MB
Kensley BF 1976. The genus Nebalia in South and South West Africa (Crustacea, Leptostraca). Cimbebasia 4 (8) 155-162
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The genus Nebalia in South and South West Africa.pdf 4.13 MB
Elwen SH, Tonachella N, Barendse J, Collins T, Best PB, Rosenbaum HC, Leeney RH, Gridley T 2014. Humpback whales off Namibia: occurrence, seasonality, and a regional comparison of photographic catalogs and scarring. Journal of Mammalogy 95 (5) 1064-1076
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Humpback whales off Namibia.pdf 588.48 KB
Paterson B, Kainge P 2014. Rebuilding the Namibian hake fishery: a case for collaboration between scientists and fishermen. Ecology and Society 19 (2) 49
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Rebuilding the Namibian hake fishery.pdf 532.36 KB
Paterson B, Norton M, Jarre A, Green L 2014. Chapter 7: Science, fishers' knowledge and Namibia's fishing industry. Africa-centred Knowledges: Crossing Fields and Worlds 111-125
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Science_Fishers Knowledge and Namibias Fishing Industry_2014.pdf 189.59 KB
Paterson B, Kirchner C, Ommer RE 2013. A short history of the Namibian hake fishery—a socialecological analysis. Ecology and Society 18 (4) 66
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Paterson et al 2013 History Nam Hake ES-2013-5919.pdf 94.97 KB
Williams AJ 1987. Pelagic seabirds inshore off the southern Namib Coast November 1985-August 1986. Lanioturdus 23 (3/4) 51-56
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Pelagic seabirds_1987.pdf 388.57 KB
Williams T 1987. Walvis-Bay bird count. Lanioturdus 23 (1) 16-19
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Walvis_Bay bird count_1987.pdf 193.83 KB
Soroczynski M 1986. Coastal birds at Elizabeth Bay in April 1986. Lanioturdus 22 (3) 57
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Coastal birds at Elizabeth Bay_1986.pdf 248.55 KB
Williams AJ, Komen J, Myer EJ 1986. Disorientated: A Broadbilled roller at Possession Island. Lanioturdus 22 (2) 35-36
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A Broadbilled roller at Possession Island_1986.pdf 213.01 KB
Shaughnessy PD, Shaughnessy GL 1987. Birds at Wolf and van Reenen Bays, Diamond Coast, SWA/Namibia. Lanioturdus 23 (2) 27-43
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Birds_Diamond coast_1987 Lanioturdus.pdf 711.22 KB
1974. Zur Mückenplage in Walvis Bay. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 10 (7) 4-5
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Zur Mueckenplage in Walvisbay_1974.pdf 260.86 KB
von Schwind H 1975. Beobachtung von Störchen im Mai bei Swakopmund. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 11 (6) 1-3
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Beobachtung von Stoerchen_Mai 1975.pdf 269.42 KB
von Maltzahn H 1970. Der kleine Stint oder Zwergstrandläufer (Calidris minuta, R.253). Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 6 (9-11) 5-6
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Der kleine Stint oder Zwergstrandlauefer_1970.pdf 322.84 KB
1971. Beobachtungshuettenin Walvis Bay und Swakopmund. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 7 (5-7) 10-11
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Beobachtungshuetten in Walvisbay und Swakop.pdf 262.53 KB
Philip M 1971. Gregory Jackass Penguin. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 7 (8-10) 9-12
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Gregory Jackass Penguin_1971.pdf 505.07 KB
Frost PGH, Siegfried WR, Greenwood PJ, Burger AE 1973. Behavioural adaptations of the Jackass penguin to a hot, arid environment. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 9 (7/8) 3
Midgley J 2012. Chapter 8 - Environmental management plan.
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Chapter_8_Environmental_Management_Plan.pdf 898.44 KB
Midgley J 2012. Chapter 6 - Public consultation.
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Chapter_6_Public_Consultation.pdf 731.56 KB
Midgley J 2012. Chapter 5 - Socio-economics.
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Chapter_5_Socio-economics.pdf 621.94 KB
Midgley J 2012. Chapter 3 - Project description.
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Chapter_3_Project_Description.pdf 3.14 MB
Midgley J 2012. Appendix 2: Project supporting documentation.
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Appendix_2_Project_Supporting_Docs.pdf 1.62 MB
Midgley J 2012. Chapter 2: Legislation and Policy.
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Chapter_2_Legislation_and_Policy.pdf 800.51 KB
Namibian Marine Phosphate (Pty) Ltd 2011. The Sandpiper Phosphate Project, Namibia.
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Project overview.pdf 2.62 MB
Midgley J 2014. Environmental Management Plan.
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Environmental Management Plan_Sandpiper Project_2014.pdf 11.01 MB
2014. Part 3 - Appendices. 76-94
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Peer Review Appendices.pdf 1.08 MB
2014. B2.0 - Cummulative effects assessment. 83-87
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B2_0_Cumulative Effects.pdf 783.63 KB
Gibbons M 2014. B1.4 - Verified assessment of impacts: Jellyfish. 72-82
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B1_Jellyfish.pdf 820.02 KB
Steffani N 2014. B1.3 - Verified assessment of impacts: Macrofauna. 56-72
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B1_3_Macrofauna.pdf 892.82 KB