
Environmental Management Plan

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This Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been established to ensure that the project complies with the Namibian Environmental Management Act (No. 7 of 2007); and to provide a control framework for implementing the management actions described in the Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA 2012), during dredging. The EMP is submitted to the Namibian Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) as part of the application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate for the proposed project - The Recovery of Marine Phosphates from Mining Licence 170 (ML 170). This framework EMP is supported by detailed monitoring programmes (Section 8). The EMP addresses dredging activities within and around the target dredge site SP-1 in ML 170, and vessel (dredger) operational activities. This EMP, which was presented as Chapter 8 in the EIA (2012) has now been updated following the conclusion of the Verification Programme in 2014 and submission to Ministry of Environment and Tourism in November 2014. The main updates comprise: Inclusion of preliminary and operational modelling of the dredge plume as recommended by the CSIR in response to the comments from the SAIEA1 scientific reviewer and the Peer Review team2; and, The originally planned biomass survey has been replaced by a biodiversity survey in consultation and agreement with NatMIRC / MFMR.

Series Title:
Sandpiper Project, SP-1 Target Area - Licence Area ML 170. Namibian Marine Phosphate (Pty) Ltd
Item Type: