The motion of air relative to the earth's surface; usually means horizontal air motion, as distinguished from vertical motion. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 69 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Ward JD, Bulley BG 1988. Aeolian deposits at Henties Bay, central Namib coast: provenance and engineering implications. Communications of the Geological Survey of South West Africa/Namibia 4 33-36
BirdLife South Africa 2013. Workshop proceedings assessing and monitoring the impacts of wind energy on birds in South Africa: the next steps, 30 September – 1 October 2013, Kirstenbosch Research Centre Seminar Room, Cape Town. Workshop proceedings assessing and monitoring the impacts of wind energy on birds in South Africa: the next steps, 30 September – 1 October 2013
Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT), BirdLife South Africa 2011. Position statement on avifaunal and bat impact assessment for wind energy facilities in South Africa.
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Position_statement_on_wind_energy_2011.pdf 137.72 KB
Endangered Wildlife Trust (EWT), BirdLife South Africa 2015. Minimum Requirements for Avifaunal Impact Assessment for Wind Energy Facilities.
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Wind_Energy_Minimim_Assessment_Requirments_4_April.pdf 402.81 KB
Brimelow JC, van Heerden J 1996. Surface temperature and wind fields over the Skeleton Coast (Namibia) and adjacent interior during SAFARI-92. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres (1984-2012) 101 (D19) 23767-23775
Wiggs GFS 2013. Dune morphology and dynamics. Treatise on Geomorphology, 11: Aeolian Geomorphology 201-218
Breton C, Lancaster N, Nickling WG 2008. Magnitude and frequency of grain flows on a desert sand dune. Geomorphology 95 (3-4) 518-523
Joubert EC, Harms TM, Muller A, Hipondoka M, Henschel JR 2012. A CFD study of wind patterns over a desert dune and the effect on seed dispersion. Environmental Fluid Mechanics 12 (1) 23-44
Clousley-Thompson JL 1990. Dunes of the Namib. Environmental Conservation 17 (1) 70-72
Goliger AM, Retief JV 2007. Severe wind phenomena in Southern Africa and the related damage. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics 95 (9 - 11) 1065 - 1078
Larom D, Garstang M, Lindeque M, Raspet R, Zunckel M, Hong Y, Brassel K, OBeirne S, Sokolic F 1997. Meteorology and elephant infrasound at Etosha National Park, Namibia. Journal of Acoustical society of America 101 (3) 1710 - 1717
2002. 3.28 Average wind speeds.
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Fig 3.28 Average wind 143.89 KB
Preston-Whyte RA, Diab RD, Sokolic F 1994. Thermo-topographically induced winds in the boandary layer over the Etosha Pan. South African Geographical Journal 76 (2) 59-62
Tlhalerwa K, Freiman MT, Piketh SJ 2012. Aerosol deposition off the southern African west coast by berg winds. South African Geographical Journal 87 (2) 152-161
Tyson PD, Seely MK 1980. Local Winds over the Central Namib. South African Geographical Journal 62 (2) 135-150
Weber T 2013. Okavango Basin - Climate. Environmental Assessments in the Okavango Region 15-17
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Okavango Basin_Climate.pdf 2.23 MB
von Holdt J, Eckardt F, Wiggs GFS 2017. Landsat identifies aeolian dust emission dynamics at the landform scale. Remote Sensing of Environment (198) 229-243
Nikodemus A, Trubin A, Huertas Bernal DC, Kapuka A, Hajek M, Ndeinoma A, Purwestri RC 2023. Unveiling the impact of climate variability on forest fire occurrence in Namibia: A modelling study. Research Square
Wilmer HC 1886. The relation of the sand dune formation on the south west coast of Africa to the local wind currents. Transactions of the South African Philosophical Society 5 326-329
Mendelsohn J 1981. Movements of Prions Pachyptila spp. and Low Pressure Systems at Marion Island. Proceedings of the Symposium on Birds of the Sea and Shore 223-231