221125000460: Application for an Environmental Clearance Certificate for Wind Measurement Mast at Farm Schönau No. 126, //Karas District
Publication Year:

The Environmental Clearance Certificate is for:  Activity 1(a) - Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage Activities The construction of facilities for the generation of electricity (Wind Power) 2.1. TITLE OF ACTIVITY Hoodia Pilot Wind Measuring Tower 2.2. LOCATION OF ACTIVITY The proposed Hoodia Pilot Wind Measuring Tower will be located at Farm Schönau No. 126, which is located in the southern parts of Namibia, in the //Karas Region, approximately 60 km south-west of //Karasburg Town and 50 km north of the Orange River. The envisaged Pilot Wind Measuring Tower will be a single guyed tower structure of a height of 100m to 150m to be constructed for purpose of the feasibility phase, to determine the viability and feasibility to harvest wind for energy generation at the particular locality. 2.3 NATURE OF ACTIVITY The envisaged activity entails conducting a pilot study (i.e., pilot wind measuring tower) to determine the economic viability and feasibility of harvesting wind energy. This pilot wind measuring tower will be operational for a few months, during which time wind measurements will be taken and analyzed. 2.4 SCALE AND SCOPE OF THE ACTIVITY The wind measuring tower will not have blades as is the case with a standard wind turbine, but will for purpose of measuring wind speeds and frequency be fitted with a small cup anemometer installed at the very top of the mast and then every 20m down to about 40m height above natural ground level. By measuring wind speeds and frequency at the different heights the ideal height for the wind turbines and size of blades are determined. The ensure compliance with civil aviation requirements, the tower will be fitted with red warning aviation lights placed on top and halfway down the tower structure for night visibility and painted aviation red & white for day visibility. The Namibia Civil Aviation Authority has been informed of the intended pilot tower and feedback is expected in due course. The pilot tower is located further than 15km from any aerodrome or landing strip, which according to the Civil Aviation Act do not require an ICAO Annex 14 study. The direct disturbance to fauna and flora, i.e., footprint of the structure, is limited to 25m² which is considered negligent. It is worth noting that the intended locality of this pilot tower is at the same spot where the Schonau Solar Farm will be constructed for which an environmental clearance has been issued (dated 11 October 2022) by the Ministry of Environment, Forestry and Tourism. As reported by the environmental assessment study for the Schonau Solar Farm, no endangered species and or protected species exists within the footprint of the site.

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Last date for commenting on this EIA: Tuesday, 2 July 2024

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