
Animals and plants that grow independently of people, usually in natural conditions. (Source: CAMB)

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Displaying results 3601 - 3650 of 3812 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Nauyoma LT, Warbington CH, Azevedo FC, Lemos FG, Sequeira F, Fabiano EC 2024. Density and abundance estimation of unmarked ungulates using camera traps in the Mudumu National Park, Namibia. European Journal of Wildlife Research 70
Schlossberg S, Chase MJ, Gobush KS, Wasser SK, Lindsay K 2020. State-space models reveal a continuing elephant poaching problem in most of Africa. Scientific Reports 10
Nangolo N 2024. Bull elephant poachers wanted.
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NAM_2024_05_Bull elephant poachers wanted_Namibian Sun.pdf 108.95 KB
Jones B, Murphree M 2001. Part Two: Conservation Policies and Institutions: 4: The Evolution of Policy on Community Conservation in Namibia and Zimbabwe. African wildlife and livelihoods: the promise and performance of community conservation 38-58
Strydom PJ 1988. Die voedingsbehoeftes van wildherkouers. Agricola 5 59-65
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Die voedingsbehoeftes van wildherkouers.pdf 1.32 MB
Reed ER 1985. Bestuur en bestuursprobleme van wildboerdery. Agricola 2 74-78
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Bestuur en bestuursprobleme van wildboerdery.pdf 405.1 KB
Kubirske KR 1985. Die springbok. Agricola 2 78-83
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Die springbok.pdf 900.24 KB
Brand PAJ 1984. Inskakeling van wild by die boerdery. Agricola 1 31-36
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Inskakeling van wild by die boerdery.pdf 1.04 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2011. Namibia's communal conservancies: a review of progress 2010.
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Namibias communal conservancies_a review of progress 2010.pdf 3.11 MB
Albl P, Boyazoglu PA, Bezuidenhout JD 1977. Observations on the mineral status of springbok Antidorcas marsupialis Zimmermann in South West Africa. Madoqua 10 (1) 79-84
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Observations on the mineral status of springbok.pdf 389.75 KB
Lindeque M 1997. Bias in aerial censuses of Elephants in Etosha National Park, Namibia. Madoqua 19 (2) 143-147
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Bias in aerial censuses of Elephants in ENP_1997.pdf 599.79 KB
Dujardin R, Fox VE 1997. Observations on Dik-Dik Madoqua kirkii in the Namutoni area of Etosha National Park. Madoqua 19 (2) 107-110
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Observations on Dik_Dik in ENP.pdf 455.31 KB
Super SJ 1974. Optometric examination of the Kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros. Madoqua 1 (8) 25-30
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Optometric examination of the Kudu Tragelaphus strepsiceros.pdf 869.33 KB