Geen borgtog vir 'renosterstropers' van Gobabis-bul
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Die beskuldigdes wat die afgelope naweek betrokke was by die stropery van ‘n witrenosterbul op 'n plaas in die Gobabis-distrik, bly in aanhouding. Volgens die hoofwoordvoerder van die Namibiese polisie, adjunk-kommissaris Kauna Shikwambi, het die beskuldigdes reeds in die landdroshowe van Gobabis en Katutura in Windhoek verskyn. Die name van die beskuldigdes soos verskaf deur Shikwambi is Micheal Shomeya Koshondatile (39), Barnabas Shitaleni Muzanime (35), die 31-jarige Petrus Petrus Nghifindaka, Victory Henghono (ook 31) en die 34-jarige Imanuel Stafanus Nangwasha. Nadat die karkas van die groot witrenosterteelbul met sy horings verwyder gevind is, het die ondersoek deur die Blue Rhino-taakspan, die beskermde hulpbronne-afdeling in die Omahekestreek, sowel as die ondersoekeenheid van die ministerie van die omgewing, bosbou en toerisme begin. "Met inligting verskaf deur die boeregemeenskap en plaaslike polisiereserviste, is 'n voertuig met 'n GRN-registrasienommer geïdentifiseer wat vermoedelik betrokke was by die renosterstropery," het Shikwambi in ‘n verklaring gesê. The accused who were involved in the poaching of a white rhino bull on a farm in the Gobabis district over the weekend remain in custody. According to the chief spokesperson of the Namibian police, Deputy Commissioner Kauna Shikwambi, the accused has already appeared in the Magistrate's Courts of Gobabis and Katutura in Windhoek. The names of the accused as provided by Shikwambi are Micheal Shomeya Koshondatile, 39, Barnabas Shitaleni Muzanime, 35, 31-year-old Petrus Petrus Nghifindaka, Victory Henghono, also 31, and 34-year-old Imanuel Stafanus Nangwasha. After the carcass of the large white rhino breeding bull was found with its horns removed, the investigation began by the Blue Rhino task force, the protected resources department in the Omaheke Region, as well as the investigation unit of the ministry of environment, forestry and tourism. "With information provided by the farming community and local police reservists, a vehicle with a GRN registration number was identified suspected of being involved in the rhino poaching," Shikwambi said in a statement.

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