
Any large woody perennial plant with a distinct trunk giving rise to branches or leaves at some distance from the ground. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 151 - 200 of 258 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
van Jaarsveld EJ, van Wyk AE 2003. Tetradenia kaokoensis, a new species from Kaokoland, Namibia. Bothalia 33 (1) 107-108
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Tetradenia kaokoensis_a new species from Kaokoland_Namibia.pdf 518.2 KB
Conroy C 1996. Socio-economic aspects of Colophospermum mopane use in Omusati Region, Namibia. Management of Mopane in southern Africa 55-62
Flower CA 1996. Case studies of mopane management in Omusati Region, Namibia. Management of Mopane in southern Africa 70-72
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Case studies of mopane management in Omusati Region.pdf 559.19 KB
Flower C, Wardell-Johnson G 1996. The management of mopane woodland: a summary of the workshop and directions for the future. 78-82
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The management of mopane woodland_1996.pdf 847.33 KB
Chittenden H 2019. Namibian hardwood charcoal industry. Lanioturdus 52 (1) 3-5
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Namibian hardwood charcoal industry.pdf 1.2 MB
du Preez I, Bussel R-J, Mumbengegwi D 2017. Evaluation of the antiplasmodial properties of Namibian medicinal plant species, Moringa ovalifolia. Research Journal of Medicinal Plants 11 167-173
Huber S, Huber TJ, Ananias NK, Knott M 2017. Potential application of the Moringa species as natural supplements in Namibia: A Review. International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia 10 122-132
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Moringa_Review.pdf 377.39 KB
Korsor M, Ntahonshikira C, Kwaambwa HM, Bello HM 2016. Comparative performance of Moringa oleifera and Moringa ovalifolia seeds and seedlings establishment in central Namibia. Net Journal of Agricultural Science 4 (2) 35-44
Midgley JJ, Balfour D, Kerley GI 2005. Why do elephants damage savanna trees?: commentary. South African Journal of Science 101 (5-6) 213-215
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Why do elephants damage savanna trees_2005.pdf 233.55 KB
Ahmed LT, Warrag EI, Abdelgadir AY 2014. Effect of shade on seed germination and early seedling growth of Moringa oleifera Lam. Journal of Forest Products and Industries 3 (1) 20-26
Child MF, Milton SJ, Dean RWJ, Lipsey MK, Puttick J, Hempson TN, Mann GK, Babiker H, Chaudrey J, Humphrey G, Joseph G, Okes NC, Potts R, Wistebaar T 2010. Tree-grass coexistence in a flood-disturbed, semi-arid savanna system. Landscape Ecology 25 315–326
Williams D, Pettorelli N, Henschel J, Cowlishaw G, Douglas CMS 2013. Impact of alien trees on mammal distributions along an ephemeral river in the Namib Desert. African Journal of Ecology 52 (4) 404-413
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Impact of alien trees on mammal distributions.pdf 454.02 KB
Moe SR, Rutina LP, Hytteborn H, du Toit T 2009. What controls woodland regeneration after elephants have killed the big trees?. Journal of Applied Ecology 46 (1) 223-230
Kaunda SKK, Matlhaku K, Mapolelo MM, Mokgosi J 2011. Shoot production by Acacia tortilis under different browsing regimes in south-east Botswana. The African Journal of Plant Science and Biotechnology 2 (1) 63-68
Makhabu SW, Skarpe C, Hytteborn H 2006. Elephant impact on shoot distribution on trees and on rebrowsing by smaller browsers. Acta Oecologica 30 136-146
de Cauwer V, Fichtler E, Beeckman H, Graz FP, Mertens J, van Holsbeeck S, Muys B 2017. Predicting site productivity of the timber tree Pterocarpus angolensis.   Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 79 (3) 259-268
Angombe ST, Shikangalah RN, Kwembeya EG, Kanime N 2020. Potential for crown diameter as a predictor of canopy cover under National Park conditions. African Crop Science Journal 28 (1) 305-317
Sandelowsky B, Bock R Rehoboth Acacia Tree Forest in Namibia.
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Rehoboth_Acacia_Tree_Forest_in_Namibia.pdf 501.03 KB
Munalula F, Seifert T, Meincken M 2020. Inter-annual growth response of three Miombo tree species to climatic effects.   Southern Forests: a Journal of Forest Science 82 (2) 135-147
Cramer MD, Chimphango SBM, van Cauter A, Waldram MS, Bond WJ 2007. Grass competition induces N2 fixation in some species of African Acacia. Journal of Ecology 95 (5) 1123-1133
Angombe ST, Shikangalah RN 2021. Pterocarpus angolensis growth rings and precipitation: A comparison between Zambezi and Otjozondjupa region, Namibia. International Science and Technology Journal of Namibia (ISTJN) 14 34-45
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Pterocarpus angolensis growth rings and precipitation.pdf 725.65 KB
Cook RM, Parrini F, King LE, Witkowski ETF, Henley MD 2018. African honeybees as a mitigation method for elephant impact on trees. Biological Conservation 217 329-336
Hattingh E 2023. Illegal logging claims at Avis Dam.
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NAM_2023_09_Illegal logging claims at Avis Dam_Namibian Sun.pdf 317.34 KB
Strohbach BJ, Strohbach MM 2023. A first syntaxonomic description of the vegetation of the Karstveld in Namibia. Vegetation Classification and Survey 4 241-284
Mtsetfwa FP, Kruger L, McCleery RA 2023. Climate change decouples dominant tree species in African savannas. Scientific Reports 13
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Climate change decouples dominant tree species in African savannas.pdf 676.85 KB