Southern Africa

A geographic region of the African continent astride the Tropic of Capricorn, including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and also the Kalahari Desert, Zambezi River and Orange River. (Source: AFR)

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Displaying results 401 - 450 of 2750 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Kolberg H 2005. Summary of the 2003 ringing year in Namibia. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 11-15
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Summary of the 2003 ringing year in Namibia.pdf 315.77 KB
Swanepoel W 2005. Cape Eagle Owl near Kunene River. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 3-4
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Cape Eagle Owl near Kunene River.pdf 300.86 KB
Cunningham P 2005. African Palm Swift distribution. Lanioturdus 38 (1) 2
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African Palm Swift distribution_2005.pdf 137.68 KB
Osborne TO 2002. Bird notes/observations. Lanioturdus 35 (4) 35-36
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Bird notes andobservations_35_4_2002.pdf 210.83 KB
Paxton M 2002. Lake Liambezi, Caprivi Region, waterbird census 14 and 15 July 2001. Lanioturdus 35 (4) 29-34
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Lake Liambezi_Caprivi Region_waterbird census_2001.pdf 369.49 KB
Paxton M, Sheehan L 2002. Mahango bird count January 2002. Lanioturdus 35 (4) 24-28
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Mahango bird count January 2002.pdf 353.37 KB
Simmons RE 2002. Quelea breeding in the north-east Namibia, April 1999. Lanioturdus 35 (4) 13-23
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Quelea breeding in the north_east Namibia_April 1999.pdf 629.98 KB
Simmons RE 2002. Sandwich Harbour birds - April 2002. Lanioturdus 35 (4) 10-13
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Sandwich Harbour birds_April 2002.pdf 241.2 KB
Friederich T, Friederich G 2002. Melanistic Hornbill?. Lanioturdus 35 (4) 8-9
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Melanistic Hornbill.pdf 152.68 KB
Steenkamp J, Bridgeford P 2002. Pale-winged Starlings breeding in the Namib-Naukluft Park. Lanioturdus 35 (4) 5-8
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Pale_winged Starlings breeding in the Namib_Naukluft Park.pdf 323.33 KB
Orchard D 2002. Contents of The Babbler. Lanioturdus 35 (4) 3-5
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Contents of The Babbler.pdf 235.68 KB
Butcher M 2002. Blue Waxbills in Windhoek (continued). Lanioturdus 35 (4) 2-3
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Blue Waxbills in Windhoek_continued_2002.pdf 146.9 KB
2002. Bird observations/sightings. Lanioturdus 35 (2) 21-24
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Bird observations_sightings 35_2_2002.pdf 323.87 KB
Boix-Hinzen C, Ludwig T, Turbe A 2002. Co-operative breeding in Carp's tits (Parus carpi). Lanioturdus 35 (2) 15-18
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Co_operative breeding in Carps tits.pdf 350.16 KB
Friederich T, Friederich G 2002. Bushmanland adventures. Lanioturdus 35 (2) 11-15
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Bushmanland adventures.pdf 358.06 KB
Oschadleus HD 2002. Ringing report for Namibia, July 2000 - June 2001. Lanioturdus 35 (2) 6-7
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Ringing report for Namibia_July 2000_June 2001.pdf 127.58 KB
Kenny D, Reading R, Maude G, Hancock P, Garbett B 2015. Blood lead levels in White-Backed Vultures (Gyps africanus) from Botswana, Africa. Vulture News 68 25-31
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Blood lead levels in White_Backed Vultures_Botswana_2015.pdf 314.82 KB
2002. Bird observations/Short notes. Lanioturdus 35 (1) 17-19
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Bird observations_Short notes 35_1_2002.pdf 217.7 KB
Demasius E 2002. Adding value to bird lists. Lanioturdus 35 (1) 7-14
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Adding value to bird lists_2002.pdf 434.25 KB
Simmons RE 2002. Sandwich Harbour bird monitoring January 2002. Lanioturdus 35 (1) 2-4
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Sandwich Harbour bird monitoring January 2002.pdf 230.02 KB
Cunningham PL, Adank W 2002. Notes on the breeding of the Redcrested Korhaan, Eupodotis ruficrista. Lanioturdus 35 (3) 28-30
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Notes on the breeding of the Redcrested Korhaan.pdf 219.22 KB
Mac Leod N 2002. Mac Leod Safari Bird Observations. Lanioturdus 35 (3) 26-27
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Mac Leod Safari Bird Observations.pdf 130.58 KB
Simmons R, Lloyd P 2002. Sandgrouse: The biology behind conserving through sustainable use. Lanioturdus 35 (3) 12-24
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Sandgrouse_The biology behind conserving through sustainable use.pdf 690.12 KB
Verdoorn G, Komen L 2002. Counterpoint from the Poison Working Group. Lanioturdus 35 (3) 7-11
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Counterpoint from the Poison Working Group.pdf 301.3 KB
Robson NE 2002. Red-billed Hornbill subspecies hybrid. Lanioturdus 35 (3) 2-3
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Red_billed Hornbill subspecies hybrid.pdf 259.76 KB
Chittenden H 2007. Request for assistance. Lanioturdus 40 (1) 48
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Request for assistance.pdf 225.07 KB
2007. Bird observations and notes. Lanioturdus 40 (1) 45-47
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Bird observations and notes no 40_1_2007.pdf 311.36 KB
Kolberg H 2007. Summary of the 2005 ringing season in Namibia. Lanioturdus 40 (1) 35-44
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Summary of the 2005 ringing season in Namibia.pdf 491.87 KB
Friederich G, Friederich T 2007. Birding weekend on farm Tiefland. Lanioturdus 40 (1) 29-34
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Birding weekend on farm Tiefland_2007.pdf 427.63 KB
Friederich T, Friederich G 2007. Wetland birds on Tsutsab Vlei 2005/2006. Lanioturdus 40 (1) 26-28
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Wetland birds on Tsutsab Vlei 2005_2006.pdf 210.82 KB
Bridgeford P, Heinrich D 2007. Raptor electrocutions and collisions with power-lines in Namibia. Lanioturdus 40 (1) 25-26
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Raptor electrocutions and collisions with power_lines in Namibia.pdf 283.16 KB
Tree AJ, Boorman M 2007. Lüderitz colour-ringed Hartlaub's Gull at Walvis Bay. Lanioturdus 40 (1) 24
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Luederitz colour_ringed Hartlaubs Gull at Walvis Bay.pdf 220.95 KB
Warren Y, Kaapehi C 2007. Bird observations at Farm Christirina in the Kalahari-bushveld region. Lanioturdus 40 (1) 12-23
Middendorff G 2007. Brustbandprinie (Prinia flavicans) brütet im Garten. Lanioturdus 40 (1) 10-11
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Brustbandprinie bruetet im Garten.pdf 356.5 KB
Diekmann M, Diekmann J 2007. First record of Ruppel's Vulture for Namibia. Lanioturdus 40 (1) 4-5
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First record of Ruppels Vulture for Namibia.pdf 154.27 KB
2006. Bird observations and notes. Lanioturdus 39 (1) 18-27
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Bird observations and notes 39_1_2006.pdf 629.58 KB
Osborne T 2006. Birds of southern Africa - a review. Lanioturdus 39 (1) 16-18
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Birds of southern Africa_a review 2006.pdf 238.15 KB
Swanepoel W 2006. Levaillant's Cisticola Cisticola tinniens, a new bird for Namibia. Lanioturdus 39 (1) 14-15
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Levaillants Cisticola Cisticola tinnien_a new bird for Namibia.pdf 142.62 KB
Oschadleus HD, Franke U 2006. Roadside colony densities of three weaver species near Windhoek, Namibia. Lanioturdus 39 (1) 9-14
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Roadside colony densities of three weaver species near Windhoek.pdf 397.51 KB
Brown I, Cunningham PL, de Klerk M 2006. A comparative study of wetland birds at two dams in central Namibia. Lanioturdus 39 (1) 2-9
2004. Bird observations and notes. Lanioturdus 37 (3&4) 30-31
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Bird observations and notes_37_3_4_2004.pdf 208.86 KB
Cunningham P, Strauss N 2004. Lappet-faced Vulture Torgos tracheliotus breeding in southern Namibia. Lanioturdus 37 (3&4) 28-29
Adank W, Cunningham P 2004. Melanism in a Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis. Lanioturdus 37 (3&4) 27-28
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Melanism in a Laughing Dove Streptopelia senegalensis.pdf 247.8 KB
Friederich G 2004. Uncommon raptor sightings on Farm Tsusab 1818CC, Tsumeb district. Lanioturdus 37 (3&4) 26-27
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Uncommon raptor sightings on Farm Tsusab 1818CC.pdf 159.25 KB
Simmons R 2004. Red Data Book draft. Lanioturdus 37 (3&4) 19-25
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Red Data Book draft_2004.pdf 443.67 KB