Southern Africa

A geographic region of the African continent astride the Tropic of Capricorn, including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and also the Kalahari Desert, Zambezi River and Orange River. (Source: AFR)

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Displaying results 251 - 300 of 2750 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Sydow W 1978. Ein interessanter Neunachweis. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 14 (5-6) 3-4
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An interesting new record_Woodland Kingfisher_1978.pdf 284.76 KB
Pesch V 1978. Vogelbeobachtungen in der Etoscha Pfanne, 18-24 September 1977. Lanioturdus 14 (1-2) 2-3
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Vogelbeobachtungen in der Etoscha Pfanne_1978.pdf 225.21 KB
Kolberg H, Kolberg H 1978. Beobachtungen an den Swakopmunder Klaerteichen. Lanioturdus 14 (1-2) 1
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Beobachtungen an den Swakopmunder Klaerteichen_1978.pdf 225.21 KB
1983. Habitattrennung im Winterquartier. Lanioturdus 18 (11-12) 7-8
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Habitat separation in winter quarters.pdf 232.78 KB
Arnold E 1983. Zwei Jahrzehnte Vogelbeaobachtung. Lanioturdus 18 (11-12) 2-3
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Two decades of bird watching.pdf 251.73 KB
Rookmaaker LC 1983. An early record of Agapornis roseicollis. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 18 (11-12) 1
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An early record of Agapornis roseicollis_1983.pdf 85.37 KB
Williams AJ 1983. Atlassing in the Windhoek-Okanhandja hinterland. Lanioturdus 18 (10) 1-2
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Atlassing in the Windhoek_Okanhandja hinterland_1983.pdf 179.4 KB
Kolberg H 1982. Nochmals Namenänderungen. Lanioturdus 18 (8-9) 4-6
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Nochmals Namenaenderungen.pdf 329.61 KB
Ihnken A 1982. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe, Nr. 4, Juli 1982. Thema: Gedanken über den Export von Wildvögeln. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 18 (8-9) 2-3
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Thoughts on the export of wild birds_more contributions.pdf 252.23 KB
1982. Thoughts on the export of wild birds - contributions. Lanioturdus 18 (7) 9-10
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Wild bird export_more comments.pdf 359.75 KB
Kolberg H 1982. Kurzmitteilung. Lanioturdus 18 (7) 8
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Short message of a black Stork sighting in the Swakop River.pdf 215.38 KB
Biggs HC 1982. A study of the biology of the Pale Chanting Goshawk (Melierax canorus) (R165) in SWA/Namibia. Mitteilungen Ornitologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 18 (7) 1-3
1982. Wermuthregenpfeifer (Charadrius asiaticus) (Roberts No. 240). Lanioturdus 18 (5-6) 8
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Caspian plover_Charadrius asiaticus.pdf 153.52 KB
1982. Gedanken über den Export von Wildvögeln. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 18 (4) 10-11
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Thoughts about exporting wild birds.pdf 219.93 KB
1982. The Bird Atlas goes on. Lanioturdus 18 (4) 4-6
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The Bird Atlas goes on.pdf 338.73 KB
Williams AJ, Riekert BR 1982. The American Purple Gallinule: A new bird for Namibia/S.W.Africa. Lanioturdus 18 (4) 1-3
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The American Purple Gallinule_A new bird for Namibia_S_W_Africa.pdf 251.14 KB
Cooper J 1982. Request for information: Colour-ringed Swift Terns. Lanioturdus 18 (2-3) 6
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Request for information_Colour_ringed Swift Terns.pdf 127.78 KB
Oatley TB 1982. Glimpses of an unspoilt land. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 18 (2-3) 2-4
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Glimpses of an unspoilt land.pdf 297.92 KB
1982. 20 Jährige ornithologische Feldarbeit in Südwest. Lanioturdus 18 (1) 5-6
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20 years of ornithological fieldwork in South West Africa.pdf 265.72 KB
Kolberg H 1982. Der Namibgarten und die dort beobachteten Vögel. Mitteilungen Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 18 (1) 1-4
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Der Namibgarten und die dort beobachteten Voegel_1982.pdf 143.58 KB
Bridgeford PA, Bridgeford M 1993. More birds of the Naukluft Mountains. Lanioturdus 27 64-66
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More birds of the Naukluft Mountains.pdf 219.74 KB
van de Reep S 1993. Thornbird?. Lanioturdus 27 57
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Thornbird.pdf 190.65 KB
Bridgeford PA, Bridgeford M 1993. South African Cliff Swallows in Namibia. Lanioturdus 27 53-56
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African Cliff Swallows in Namibia_1993.pdf 471.44 KB
van de Reep J, van de Reep S 1993. Cocky Bustard. Lanioturdus 27 50-52
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Cocky Bustard.pdf 546.6 KB
Komen J, Makuleke E 1993. Bio-acoustic research at the State Museum of Namibia. Lanioturdus 27 48-50
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Bio_acoustic research at the State Museum of Namibia_1993.pdf 440.73 KB
Brown CJ 1993. Birds of the upper Huab catchment, Cunene Province. Lanioturdus 27 40-46
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Birds of the upper Huab catchment_Cunene Province_1993.pdf 361.59 KB
Walter A 1993. Kittlitz's Plover in town. Lanioturdus 27 37
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Kittlitzs Plover in town.pdf 150.48 KB
Walter A 1993. Unusual feeding behaviour of Terns. Lanioturdus 27 36
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Unusual feeding behaviour of Terns.pdf 150.48 KB
Scholz C 1993. Notes on captive Orange River Francolin. Lanioturdus 27 35-36
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Notes on captive Orange River Francolin.pdf 255.89 KB
Gerstle K, Gerstle P 1993. From rags to riches. Lanioturdus 27 31-34
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From rags to riches.pdf 420.35 KB
Schoppe R 1993. Die Ernärung der Eulen Namibias: Eine Übersicht. Lanioturdus 27 13-31
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The nutrition of the owls of Namibia_An overview_1993.pdf 819.42 KB
van de Reep J, van de Reep S 1993. When in doubt, check again!. Lanioturdus 27 12
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When in doubt_check again.pdf 164.77 KB
Simmons R 1993. Namibia's third national wetland bird survey, July 1992. Lanioturdus 27 9-12
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Namibias third national wetland bird survey_July 1992.pdf 315.59 KB
Friede G, Friede G 1993. Birds of the Swakop River Lagoon (Follow-up report 1992/1993). Lanioturdus 27 7-9
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Birds of the Swakop River Lagoon_1993.pdf 220.63 KB
Friede G 1995. Werbung eines Fahlregenpfeifers. Lanioturdus 28 44-45
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Werbung eines Fahlregenpfeifers_1995.pdf 143.61 KB
Friede G 1995. Die Weißstirnregenpfeifer. Lanioturdus 28 39-41
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White_fronted Plover_1995.pdf 239.15 KB
Hines C 1995. Birds of the Gam Resettlement Area. Lanioturdus 28 26-38
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Birds of the Gam Resettlement Area_1995.pdf 798.1 KB
Friede G 1995. Vögel in und um Namutoni. Lanioturdus 28 16-22
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Voegel in und um Namutoni.pdf 474.05 KB
Hines C 1995. How much are birds really worth?. Lanioturdus 28 15-16
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How much are birds really worth.pdf 287.11 KB
Hoffmann L 1995. Paradiesfliegenschnäpper. Lanioturdus 28 12-14
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Paradies Flycatcher.pdf 280.55 KB
Mallet-Veale S 1996. Owls - Strigiformes - Eulen. Lanioturdus 29 (1) 50-54
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Owls_Strigiformes_Eulen.pdf 294.26 KB
Friede G 1996. Courtship and mating of Chestnutbanded Sandplovers. Lanioturdus 29 (1) 49
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Courtship and mating of Chestnutbanded Sandplovers.pdf 158.39 KB
von Ludwiger K 1996. Folge der Brutstatistic von Aquila verreauxii (1991-1995). Lanioturdus 29 (1) 45-48
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Folge der Brutstatistic von Aquila verreauxii.pdf 624.68 KB
McGivern D 1996. Easter long weekend trip to Susuwe Camp, Kwando River. Lanioturdus 29 (1) 39-40
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Easter long weekend trip to Susuwe Camp_Kwando River_1996.pdf 239.43 KB