Southern Africa

A geographic region of the African continent astride the Tropic of Capricorn, including Angola, Botswana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, South Africa, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe, and also the Kalahari Desert, Zambezi River and Orange River. (Source: AFR)

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Displaying results 1051 - 1100 of 2750 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Werger JA 1978. Biogeographical division of southern Africa. Biogeography and Ecology of Southern Africa 31 145-170
Buttiker W 1960. Artificial nesting devices in southern Africa. Ostrich: Journal of African Ornithology 31 (2) 39 - 48
Goudie A 2010. Namib Sand Sea: Large Dunes in an Ancient Desert. Geomorphological Landscapes of the World 163-169
Bullen J 1985. A garden in South West Africa. 131 14 - 15
Bullen J 1984. Birds of South West Africa. 127 13 - 14
Scholes RJ, Kendall J, Justice CO 1996. The quantity of biomass burned in southern Africa. Journal of Geophysical Research - Atmospheres 101 (D19) 23667-23676
Brooke RK, Sinclair JC 1978. Preliminary list of southern African seabirds. Cormorant 4 10 - 17
Datson PM, Murray BG, Steiner KE 2008. Climate and the evolution of annual/perennial life-histories in Nemesia (Scrophulariaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution 270 (1-2) 39-57
Benito G, Rohde R, Seely M, Kulls C, Dahan O, Enzel Y, Todd S, Botero B, Morin E, Grodek T, Roberts C 2010. Management of Alluvial Aquifers in Two Southern African Ephemeral Rivers: Implications for IWRM. Water Resources Management 24 (4) 641-667
Thorne V, Coakeley P, Grimes D, Dugdale D 2001. Comparison of TAMSAT and CPC rainfall estimates with raingauges, for southern Africa. International Journal of Remote Sensing 22 (10) 1951-1974
Devereux S, Naeraa T 1996. Drought and Survival in Rural Namibia. Journal of Southern African Studies 22 (3) 421-440
Courtin F, Carpenter TE, Paskin RD, Chomel BB 2000. Temporal patterns of domestic and wildlife rabies in central Namibia stock-ranching area, 1986-1996. Preventive Veterinary Medicine 43 (1) 13-28
Madden JR, Kunc HJP, English S, Manser MB, Clutton-Brock TH 2009. Do meerkat (Suricata suricatta) pups exhibit strategic begging behaviour and so exploit adults that feed at relatively high rates?. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 63 (9) 1259-1268
May J, Stevens T, Stols A 2002. Monitoring the impact of land reform on quality of life: a South African case study. Social Indicators Research 58 (1/3) 293-312
Development Bank of Southern Africa, Southern African Institute for Environmental Assessment (SAIEA) 2007. Handbook on Environmental Assessment Legislation in the SADC Region.
Pelser AJ, Kherehloa T 2000. Some causes and strategies pertaining to land degradation in southern Africa. South African Journal of Agricultural Extension 29 24-46
Burke A 2007. Plant endemism in the central Namib Desert. Evolutionary Ecology Research 9 283-297
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