
Assessment of Seasonal Home-Range Use by Elephants across southern Africa's seven Elephants Clusters

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This report represents the preliminary synthesis of CERU's research into home-range use by elephants. CERU's next step is to move from a descriptive appraisal of homerange use, to applying this data within an ecological framework. Eventually it should allow us to predict elephant landscape use in relation to such key environmental variables as water availability, habitat preferences and human disturbance. The report contains information from all seven of the recognised elephant conservation clusters. The aim of this report is to synthesise the current Information we have for every satellite-collared elephant CERU has monitored. These include units that have only just been fitted, as well as those that have expired. We present our most important findings on range use to date. The report also provides an opportunity to reflect on ways in which our operations can be improved. It also provides a platform to identify critical gaps within our collaring network.

Conservation Ecology Research Unit, Department of Zoology and Entomology, University of Pretoria
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