Area outside the limits of any incorporated or unincorporated city, town, village, or any other designated residential or commercial area such as a subdivision, a business or shopping center, or community development. (Source: LEE)

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Displaying results 701 - 750 of 1724 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Fowler M 1998. The current status and impact of fencing in the communal-tenure areas of northern Namibia. Agrekon: Agricultural Economics Research, Policy and Practice in Southern Africa 37 (4) 435-562
Bandyopadhyay S, Humavindu M, Shyamsundar P, Wang L 2009. Benefits to local communities from community conservancies in Namibia: an assessment. Development Southern Africa 26 (5) 733-754
Tuwilika SV 2016. Impact of flooding on rural livelihoods of the Cuvelai Basin in Northern Namibia. Journal of Geography and Regional Planning (9) 104-121
Stuart-Hill G, Diggle R, Munali B, Tagg J, Ward D 2005. The event book system: A Community-based Natural Resource Monitoring System from Namibia. Biodiversity and Conservation 14 (11) 2611-2631
Bembridge TJ 1990. Woodfuel in Ciskei: A Headload Story. South African Forest Journal 154 88-93
Owen-Smith G, Jacobsohn M 1998. Involving a local community in wildlife conservation: a pilot project at Purros, south-western Kaokoland, SWA/Namibia. National Parks, nature reserves and neighbours
Tuwilika SV 2016. Impact of flooding on rural livelihoods of the Cuvelai Basin in Northern Namibia. Journal of Geography and RegionalrnPlanning 9 (6) 104-121
Nyambe JM, Belete A 2013. Assessing climate risk to improve incomes of rural farming households in the Caprivi Region, Namibia. Global Journal of Science Frontier Research, Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences 13 (1-1)
Colpaert A 2013. Rural Land Use Change in East Caprivi, Namibia (1970-2006). Rural Geography in Africa, Asia, and Middle and South America 1
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Rural Land Use Change in East Caprivi .pdf 39.52 KB
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) Communal area conservancies in Namibia - A simple guide.
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Communal area conservancies in Namibia_A simple guide.pdf 11.24 MB
Seiner F, Esche HV 1977. Die Buschmänner des Okavango and Sambesigebietes der Nord-Kalahari. Botswana Notes and Records 9 31-36
Sullivan S 1996. Towards a non-equilibrium ecology: perspectives from an arid land. Journal of Biogeography (23) 1-5
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Sullivan_towards a non_equ ecol_J_Biog_1996.pdf 688.66 KB
Sullivan S 2002. How sustainable is the communalising discourse of 'new' conservation? The masking of difference, inequality and aspiration in the fledgling 'conservancies' of Namibia. Conservation and Mobile Indigenous people: Displacement, Forced Settlement and Sustainable Development 158-187
Sullivan S 2003. Protest, conflict and letigation: Dissent or libel in resistance to a conservancy in north-west Namibia. Ethnographies of conservation: environmentalism and the distribution of privilege 69-86
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Sullivan 2003_conservancy resistance_north-west Namibia.pdf 1.92 MB
Mendelsohn J, el Obeid S 2003. Sand and Water - A profile of the Kavango Region.
Angula HN, Stuart-Hill G, Ward D, Matongo G, Diggle RW, Naidoo R 2018. Local perceptions of trophy hunting on communal lands in Namibia. Biological Conservation (218) 26-31
Kaba A, Madan G, Geddeh R, Siakor S, Otto J, Knight R 2018. Community Guide: Getting a fair deal from companies and investors.
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SDI-Namati-community-guide-Fair-Deals-LR.pdf 4.41 MB
Gargallo E 2015. Conservation on contested lands: the case of Namibia's communal conservancies. Journal of Contemporary African Studies (33) 213-231