Area outside the limits of any incorporated or unincorporated city, town, village, or any other designated residential or commercial area such as a subdivision, a business or shopping center, or community development. (Source: LEE)

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Displaying results 651 - 700 of 1724 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Seely M, Moser P 2004. Connecting Community Action and Science to Combat Desertification: Evaluation of a Process. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 99 (1 - 3) 33 - 55
Suzman J 2004. Etosha Dreams: An historical account of the Hai//om predicament. Journal of Modern African Studies 42 (2) 221 - 238
Shackleton CM, Griffin NJ, Banks DI, Mavrandonis JM, Shackleton SE 1994. Community structure and species composition along a disturbance gradient in a communally managed South African savanna. Plant Ecology 115 (2) 157 - 167
Kapuire GK, Winschiers-Theophilus H, Chivuno-Kurio S, Bidwell NJ, Blake E 2010. Revolution in ICT, the last hope for African rural communities' technology appropriation. Proceedings of 4th International Development Informatics Association (IDIA) Conference 2010 8 pages
Dawids F, Ilonga F, Kaumunika T, Pauli J, Schnegg M, Seibeb J, /Uirab K 2007. Culture and Shared Traditions in Fransfontein, Namibia.
Campbell M, de Kock J, van der Westhuizen T 2008. Secure tenure for the urban poor: lessons from community based land tenure approach in Windhoek, Namibia. Town and Regional Planning 2008 (52) 45-54
Campana PE, Holmberg A, Pettersson O, Klintenberg P, Hangula A, Araoz FB, Zhang Y, Stridha B, Yan J 2016. An open-source optimization tool for solar home systems: A case study in Namibia. Energy Conversion and Management 130 106-118
Rust NA, Marker LL 2013. Attitudes towards predators and conservancies amongst rural Namibian farmers. Human Dimensions of Wildlife 18 (6) 463-468
Wanke H, Nakwafila A, Hamutoko JT, Lohe C, Neumbo F, Petrus I, David A, Beukes H, Masule N, Quinger M 2014. Hand dug wells in Namibia: An underestimated water source or a threat to human health?. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth, Parts A/B/C 76-78 104-113
Lepetu J, Makopondo ROB, Darkoh MBK 2008. Community-based natural resource management and tourism partnership in Botswana: Which way forward?. Botswana Notes and Records 39 (Tourism as a Sustainable Development Factor) 113-124
Magole L, Thapelo T 2005. The impact of extreme flooding of the Okavango River on the livelihood of the molapo farming community of Tubu village, Ngamiland sub-district, Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 37 (Special Edition on Human Interactions and Natural Resource Dynamics in the Okavango Delta and Ngamiland) 125-137
Kgathi DL, Ngwenya BN 2005. Community based natural resource management and social sustainability in Ngamiland, Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 37 (Special Edition on Human Interactions and Natural Resource Dynamics in the Okavango Delta and Ngamiland) 61-79
Thakadu OT, Mangadi KT, Bernard FE, Mbaiwa JE 2005. The economic contribution of safari hunting to rural livelihoods in the Okavango: The case of Sankuyo Village. Botswana Notes and Records 37 (Special Edition on Human Interactions and Natural Resource Dynamics in the Okavango Delta and Ngamiland) 22-39
Lee RB, Biesele M, Hitchcock RK 1996. Three decades of Ethnographic Research among the Ju/'Hoansi of northwestern Botswana: 1963-1996. Botswana Notes and Records 28 107-120
von Richter W 1970. Wildlife and rural economy in S.W. Botswana. Botswana Notes and Records 2 85-94
Porter-Bolland E, Ellis EA, Guariguata MR, Ruiz-Mallén I, Negrete-Yankelevich S, Reyes-García V 2012. Community managed forests and forest protected areas: An assessment of their conservation effectiveness across the tropics. Forest Ecology and Management 268 6-17
Seely M, Wöhl H 2004. Connecting Research to Combating Desertification. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 99 (1-3) 23-32