land mammal

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Displaying results 401 - 450 of 740 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Shortridge GC 1934. Order Perissodactyla - Family Equidae - The mountain Zebra, Hippotigris. The Mammals of South West Africa 389-411
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Shortridge_1934_The mammals of SWA_Mountain Zebra.pdf 12.67 MB
Pickford M 2008. Diversification of grazing mammals in southern and equatorial Africa during the Neogene and Quaternary. Memoir of the Geological Survey of Namibia 20 529-537
2022. Let every scale count.
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NAM_2022_02_Let every scale count_Namibian Sun.pdf 774.2 KB
Namibia Animal Rehabilitation Research and Education Centre (NARREC), HumaneLABS 2018. First responders manual: African ground pangolin Smutsia temminckii.
Pangolin Conservation and Research Project.
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PCRP_brochure.pdf 598.17 KB
2020. Protect pangolins - keep them in the wild.
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Protect pangolins poster 2020.pdf 944.64 KB
Kondowe R 2022. Two found with pangolin in Mchinji.
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MAL_2022_05_Two found with pangolin in Mchinji_Malawi24.pdf 163.63 KB
Lockley M, Helm C, Cawthra H, de Vynck J, Perrin M 2021. An extended pleistocene range for sand-swimming Golden Moles like the Namib Mole. Journal of the Namibia Scientific Society 68 7-13