
Pangolin Conservation and Research Project


There has been minimal research completed within Namibia, for this reason, the PCRP of aims to study all details of ecology and genetics for the Temminck’s ground pangolin in Namibia. The overall goal of this project is to understand the home range sizes, activity patterns, population dynamics, prey preference, and overall ecology of pangolin in priority habitat sites and to gather further information about their behavior and survival strategies. Additionally, the project conducts post-release monitoring for trafficked-released pangolin in order to shed light on the survival rates and reintegration of those rescued from the illegal wildlife trade. Genetic data will be utilized to determine origin of seized pangolins and better understand their genetics. The end goal of collecting this data is to create biological baseline knowledge which can be applied to a national action plan and protocols or guidelines for ground pangolin and utilized across their range. Another very important objective is to increase awareness of the vulnerable status of southern Africa’s only pangolin species.

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