The pursuit and killing or capture of wild animals, regarded as a sport. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 51 - 100 of 189 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Kay CE 2009. Kenya's wildlife debacle: The true cost of banning hunting. Mule Deer Foundation Magazine (27) 22-27
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Kenyas wildlife debacle.pdf 2.48 MB
Lescuyer G, Ngouhouo Poufoun J, Defo L, Bastin D, Scholte P 2016. Does trophy hunting remain a profitable business model for conserving biodiversity in Cameroon?. International Forestry Review (18) 108-118
Heffelfinger JR 2017. Inefficiency of evolutionarily relevant selection in ungulate trophy hunting. The Journal of Wildlife Management (82) 57–66
Lindsey PA, Balme GA, Funston PJ, Henschel PH, Hunter LTB 2016. Life after Cecil: channelling global outrage into funding for conservation in Africa. Conservation Letters (9) 296-301
Mahoney SP, Jackson III JJ 2013. Enshrining hunting as a foundation for conservation - the North American Model. International Journal of Environmental Studies (70) 448-459
Packer C, Brink H, Kissui BM, Maliti H, Kushnir H, Caro T 2011. Effects of Trophy Hunting on Lion and Leopard Populations in Tanzania. Conservation Biology (25)
Felton S Making a killing, making a living.
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Making a killing making a living.pdf 58.91 KB
Roe D, Mulliken T, Milledge S, Mremi J, Mosha S, Grieg-Gran M 2002. Making a killing or making a living? Wildlife trade, trade controls and rural livelihoods. (6)
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Making a killing or making a living_2002.pdf 54.95 KB
Booth VR 2010. The contribution of hunting tourism: How significant is this to National Economies?. Contribution of Wildlife to National Economies 72
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Contribution of hunting sector_Final _July_2010.pdf 2.66 MB
Crosmary W-G, Côté SD, Fritz H 2015. The assessment of the role of trophy hunting in wildlife conservation. Animal Conservation (18) 136-137
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The assessment of the role of trophy hunting.pdf 94.5 KB
LaRocco A 2016. The comprehensive hunting ban: strengthening the state through participatory conservation in contemporary Botswana. The Politics of Nature and Science in Southern Africa
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LaRocco 2016 The comprehensive hunting ban in Botswana.pdf 664.12 KB
Brink H, Smith RJ, Skinner K, Leader-Williams N 2016. Sustainability and Long Term-Tenure: Lion Trophy Hunting in Tanzania. PLoS ONE (11) e0162610
Palazy L, Bonenfant C, Gaillard JM, Courchamp F 2012. Rarity, trophy hunting and ungulates. Animal Conservation (15) 4-11
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Rarity_trophy hunting and ungulates.pdf 258.67 KB
Grill B 2015. Die guten Jäger. (36/2015) 92-94
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Spiegel 36-2015 Die guten Jaeger Namibia.pdf 1.14 MB
Packer C, Kosmala M, Cooley HS, Brink H, Pintea L, Garshelis D, Purchase G, Strauss M, Swanson A, Balme G, Hunter L, Nowell K 2009. Sport hunting, predator control and conservation of large carnivores. PLoS ONE (4) e5941
Hunter L, Lindsey P, Balme G, Becker M, Begg C, Brink H, Chardonnet P, Dickman A, Edwards C, Frank L, Funston P, Henschel P, Ikanda D, Kissui B, Loveridge A, Mésochina P, Midlane N, White P, Whitman K 2014. Urgent and comprehensive reform needed in sport hunting of African lions.
Fischer A, Weldesemaet YT, Czajkowski M, Tadie D, Hanley N 2015. Trophy hunters' willingness to pay for wildlife conservation and community benefits. Conservation Biology (29) 1111-1121
Garbett R, Maude G, Hancock P, Kenny D, Reading R, Amar A 2018. Association between hunting and elevated blood lead levels in the critically endangered African white-backed vulture Gyps africanus. Science of The Total Environment (630) 1654-1665
McNamara T, Descubes I, Claasen C 2016. Trophy hunting in Namibia: A case of an unethical image that is Unjustified?. (January 13, 2016)
Grimm U 2008. Trophy hunting for endangered species. Best Practices in Sustainable Hunting 17–19
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Trophy hunting for endangered species.pdf 239.26 KB
McNamara T, Claasen C, Descubes I 2015. Trophy Hunting in Namibia: Controversial but Sustainable?. A Case Study of "Hunters Namibia Safaris".
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Trophy hunting in Namibia.pdf 616.83 KB
Leader-Williams N, Milledge S, Adcock K, Brooks M, Conway A, Knight M, Mainka S, Martin EB, Teferi T 2005. Trophy Hunting of Black Rhino Diceros bicornis: Proposals to Ensure Its Future Sustainability. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy (8) 1-11
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Trophy Hunting of Black Rhino Diceros bicornis.pdf 213.42 KB
Crosmary W-G, Loveridge AJ, Ndaimani H, Lebel S, Booth V, Côté SD, Fritz H 2013. Trophy hunting in Africa: long‐term trends in antelope horn size. Animal Conservation (16) 648-660
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Trophy hunting_Horn Size_Crosmary_2013.pdf 596.58 KB
Pratt A, Hirst D 2017. Trophy Hunting: UK and international policy. (7908)
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UK Government Parliamentary Brief on Trophy Hunting Feb17.pdf 679.94 KB
Hitchkock RK, Yellen JE, Gelburd DJ, Osborn AJ, Crowell AL 1996. Subsistence Hunting and Resource Management among the Ju/'Hoansi of Northwestern Botswana. African Study Monographs (17) 153-220
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Subsistence hunting and resource managment_Botswana.pdf 8.33 MB
Swanepoel LH, Lindsey P, Somers MJ, Van Hoven W, Dalerum F 2014. The Relative Importance of Trophy Harvest and Retaliatory Killing of Large Carnivores: South African Leopards as a Case Study. South African Journal of Wildlife Research (44) 115-134
Große C, Boye P, Grimm U, Haupt H, Martens H, Weinfurter M 2001. Trophäenjagd auf gefährdete Arten im Ausland.
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Trophy hunting of endangered species abroad.pdf 503.33 KB
Wielgus RB, Morrison DE, Cooley HS, Maletzke B 2013. Effects of male trophy hunting on female carnivore population growth and persistence. Biological Conservation (167) 69-75
Miller JRN, Balme G, Lindsey PA, Loveridge AJ, Becker MS, Begg C, Brink H, Dolrenry S, Hunt JE, Jansson I, MacDonald DW, Mandisodza-Chikerema RL, Cotterill AO, Packer C, Rosengren D, Stratford K, Trinkel M, White PA, Winterbach C, Winterbach HEK, Funston PJ 2016. Aging traits and sustainable trophy hunting of African lions. Biological Conservation (201) 160-168
Caro TM, Young CR, Cauldwell AE, Brown DDE 2009. Animal breeding systems and big game hunting: Models and application. Biological Conservation (142) 909-929
Ripple WJ, Newsome TM, Kerley GIH 2016. Does Trophy Hunting Support Biodiversity? A Response to Di Minin et al.. Trends in Ecology and Evolution (31) 495–496
Fischer A, Naiman LC, Lowassa A, Randall D, Rentsch D 2014. Explanatory factors for household involvement in illegal bushmeat hunting around Serengeti, Tanzania. Journal for Nature Conservation (22) 491-496
Fitzherbert E, Caro T, Johnson PJ, MacDonald DW, Borgerhoff Mulder M 2014. From avengers to hunters: Leveraging collective action for the conservation of endangered lions. Biological Conservation (174) 84-92
Loarie SR, Tambling CJ, Asner GP 2013. Lion hunting behaviour and vegetation structure in an African savanna. Animal Behaviour (85) 899-906