The pursuit and killing or capture of wild animals, regarded as a sport. (Source: CED)

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Displaying results 151 - 191 of 191 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Walters M, Hauptfleisch M 2022. An analysis of trophy size trends in popular hunting species in Namibia over five years. Namibian Journal of Environment 6 (A) 37-46
't Sas-Rolfes M, Emslie R, Adcock K, Knight M 2022. Legal hunting for conservation of highly threatened species: The case of African rhinos. Conservation Letters 2022 (15) e12877
Nkosi DV, Bekker JL, Hoffman LC 2022. Toxic metals in meat contributed by helicopter and rifle thoracic killing of game meat animals. Applied Sciences 12 (16) 8095
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2022_Toxic metals in game meat_applsci-12-08095-v2.pdf 2.32 MB
Cruise A 2024. Necessary evil: Is trophy hunting ethical?.
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Necessary evil_Is trophy hunting ethical.pdf 177.3 KB
Drake MD, Salerno J, Langendorf RE, Cassidy L, Gaughan AE, Stevens FR, Pricope NG, Hartter J 2021. Costs of elephant crop depredation exceed the benefits of trophy hunting in a community-based conservation area of Namibia. Conservation Science and Practice. 3
Thomsen JM, Lendelvo S, Coe K, Rispel M 2022. Community perspectives of empowerment from trophy hunting tourism in Namibia's Bwabwata National Park. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 30 (1) 223-239
Steynberg F 2024. Master hunting guide in court.
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NAM_2024_08_Master hunting guide in court_Allgemeine Zeitung.pdf 88.5 KB
McCall GS 2000. Ju!/hoansi adaptations to a cash economy. African Sociological Review 4 (1) 138-155
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Ju_hoansi adaptations to a cash economy_2000.pdf 1.08 MB
Wiessner P 2002. Hunting, healing, and hxaro Exchange. A long-term perspective on !Kung (Ju/'hoansi) large-game hunting. Evolution and Human Behavior 23 407-436
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Hunting_ healing_and hxaro Exchange_2002.pdf 197.38 KB
Barnes J, Novelli M 2007. Trophy hunting and recreational angling in Namibia: An economic, social and environmental comparison. Tourism and the consumption of wildlife: Hunting, shooting and sport fishing 155-168
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jwwpap37 Consumptive Tourism Chapter Final 1.pdf 390.13 KB
Lindsey PA, Havemann CP, Lines RM, Price AE, Retief TA, Rhebergen T, van der Waal C, Romanach S 2013. Benefits of wildlife-based land uses on private lands in Namibia and limitations affecting their development. Fauna & Flora International, Oryx 47 (1) 41-53
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Lindsey et al_Benefits of wildlife-based land uses in Namibia_2013.pdf 366.56 KB
Cunningham PL, Joubert DF 2007. Cooperative hunting of Gabar Goshawk in Namibia. Gabar 18 (1) 31-33
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Cooperative hunting of Gabar Goshawk in Namibia_2007.pdf 65.13 KB
Martin RB 2011. A legal trade in rhino horn: Hobson's choice.
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Hobsons Choice.pdf 1.9 MB
Mendelsohn J, Roberts C 1997. Chapters 9 - end. An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi
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Profile of caprivi Chapter 9 to end.pdf 3.62 MB
Mendelsohn J, Roberts C 1997. Chapters 6 - 8. An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi
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Profile of Caprivi Chapter 6 to 8_1997.pdf 2.96 MB
Mendelsohn J, Roberts C 1997. Chapters 3 - 5. An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi
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Profile of Caprivi Chapter 3 to 5_1997.pdf 3.88 MB
Mendelsohn J, Roberts C 1997. Chapters 1 - 2, including cover and prelims. An environmental profile and atlas of Caprivi
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Profile of Caprivi Cover to Chapter 2_1997.pdf 2.48 MB
2004. Hunting concessions in the Kavango region, Namibia.
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Hunting 46.61 KB
Nicholls JA, Eglinton W 1892. The sportsman in South Africa.
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The sportsman in South Africa.pdf 5.33 MB
PANTHERA, WildAid, Wildlife Conservation Research Unit (WildCRU) Beyond Cecil: Africa's lions in crisis.
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Cecil Lion Report.pdf 2.86 MB
Stander PE 1992. Foraging dynamics of lions in a semi-arid environment. Canadian Journal of Zoology 70 (1) 8-21
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Foraging dynamics of lions in a semi_arid environment.pdf 596.14 KB
Stander PE 1992. Cooperative hunting in lions: the role of the individual. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 29 (6) 445-454
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Cooperative hunting in lions_the role of the individual.pdf 894.89 KB
Stander PE, Albon SD 1993. Hunting success of lions in a semi-arid environment. Symposia of the Zoological Society of London 65 127-143
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Hunting success of lions in a semi_arid environment.pdf 401.02 KB
Funston P, Henschel P, Petracca L, Maclennan S, Whitesell C, Fabiano E, Castro I 2017. The distribution and status of lions and other large carnivores in Luengue-Luiana and Mavinga National Parks, Angola.
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Final Report_Luengue_Luiana and Mavinga survey.pdf 3.82 MB
Stander PE 1990. Notes on foraging habits of cheetah. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 20 (4) 130-132
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Notes on foraging habits of cheetah.pdf 217.51 KB