breeding bird

The individuals in a bird population that are involved in reproduction during a particular period in a given place. (Source: ALL2a)

The listing below shows all records tagged with this term.

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Displaying results 951 - 1000 of 1739 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Simmons RE, Avery G, Avery DM 2009. Booted Eagles breeding and diet records from Brukkaros Crater 2009.
Downloadable files:
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Booted Eagles confirmed breeding in Brukkaros 2009.doc 116.5 KB
Simmons R 2009. Desert detour for Damaras. (December 2009/January 2010) 58-60
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
Desert detour for Damaras.pdf 496.48 KB
van Niekerk A 1996. Management of ostriches for egg production. Agricola 9 33 - 35
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
Management of ostriches for egg production_1996.pdf 370.39 KB
Braby J 2010. New migration records for the Damara Tern Sterna balaenarum. Ornithological Observations 1 38 - 41
Downloadable files:
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OO_2010_01_038-041 Damara Tern migration JB.pdf 99.23 KB
2010. National Plan of Action for the Conservation of the Cape Vulture (Gyps coprotheres) in Namibia. Proceedings of a Technical Workshop, 10 November 2010
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Cape_Vulture_Action_Plan_and_workshop_proceedings.pdf 1.36 MB
Brown CJ, Stander P, Mayes S, Conradie L, Haredoeb P, Singwangwa M, Cilliers W 2004. Status of Wattled Cranes on the floodplains of north-east Namibia: Results from an aerial survey during August 2004.
Downloadable files:
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Wattled Crane Survey_2004.pdf 1.02 MB
Simmons RE, Barnard P 2007. Breeding Booted Eagles at Brukkaros, Namibia?. Gabar 18 (1) 9 - 15
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Breeding Booted Eagles at Brukkaros_2007.pdf 46.88 KB
Sclater WL 1907. The Bird Islands of South Africa. The Condor 9 (3) 71 - 76
Downloadable files:
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The Bird Islands of South Africa.pdf 443.13 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP all: 411 Common swift to 887 Lark-like bunting.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size 7.8 MB
SABAP_411-887.kmz 1.49 MB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP all: 001 Ostrich to 410 Pennant winged nightjar.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_1-410.kmz 1.11 MB 7.8 MB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 099 White-faced Duck.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
SABAP_99_White-faced 78.86 KB
SABAP_99_White-faced Duck.kmz 3.08 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 097 Lesser Flamingo.
Downloadable files:
Attachment Size
SABAP_97_Lesser 79.02 KB
SABAP_97_Lesser Flamingo.kmz 3.65 KB
SABAP_097_Lesser Flamingo.kml 81.52 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 096 Greater Flamingo.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_96_Greater 79.14 KB
SABAP_95_African Spoonbill.kmz 4.3 KB
SABAP_096_Greater Flamingo.kml 97.52 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 095 African Spoonbill.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_95_African 79.19 KB
SABAP_95_African Spoonbill.kmz 4.3 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 094 Hadeda Ibis.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_94_Hadeda 78.43 KB
SABAP_94_Hadeda Ibis.kmz 2.09 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 093 Glossy Ibis.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_93_Glossy 78.57 KB
SABAP_93_Glossy Ibis.kmz 2.81 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 091 African Sacred Ibis.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_91_African Sacred 78.87 KB
SABAP_91_African Sacred Ibis.kmz 2.91 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 090 Yellow-billed Stork.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_90_Yellow-billed 78.84 KB
SABAP_90_Yellow-billed Stork.kmz 2.82 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 008 Little Grebe.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_8_Little 79.76 KB
SABAP_8_Little Grebe.kmz 7.36 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 089 Marabou Stork.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_89_Marabou 79.33 KB
SABAP_89_Marabou Stork.kmz 5.76 KB
SABAP_089_Marabou Stork.kml 157.99 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 088 Saddle-billed Stork.
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 887 Lark-like Bunting.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_887_Lark-like 80.82 KB
SABAP_887_Lark-like Bunting.kmz 13.17 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 886 Cinnamon-breasted Bunting.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_886_Cinnamon-breasted 79.73 KB
SABAP_886_Cinnamon-breasted Bunting.kmz 5.98 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 885 Cape Bunting.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_885_Cape 79.42 KB
SABAP_885_Cape Bunting.kmz 5.63 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 884 Golden-breasted Bunting.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_884_Golden-breasted 79.84 KB
SABAP_884_Golden-breasted Bunting.kmz 9.56 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 087 African Openbill.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_87_African 78.77 KB
SABAP_87_African Openbill.kmz 3.34 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 879 White-throated Canary.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_879_White-throated 80.15 KB
SABAP_879_White-throated Canary.kmz 9 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 878 Yellow Canary.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_878_Yellow 80.7 KB
SABAP_878_Yellow Canary.kmz 13.61 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 876 Black-headed Canary.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_876_Black-headed 78.82 KB
SABAP_876_Black-headed Canary.kmz 2.78 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 870 Black-throated Canary.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_870_Black-throated 80.72 KB
SABAP_870_Black-throated Canary.kmz 13.5 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 086 Woolly-necked Stork.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_86_Woolly-necked 78.71 KB
SABAP_86_Woolly-necked Stork.kmz 2.37 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 869 Yellow-fronted Canary.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_869_Yellow-fronted 78.84 KB
SABAP_869_Yellow-fronted Canary.kmz 3.61 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 867 Village Indigobird.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_867_Village 78.47 KB
SABAP_867_Village Indigobird.kmz 1.64 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 866 Violet Indigobird.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_866_Violet 78.33 KB
SABAP_866_Violet Indigobird.kmz 1.19 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 865 Purple Indigobird.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_865_Purple 78.33 KB
SABAP_865_Purple Indigobird.kmz 1.2 KB
Southern African Bird Atlas Project (SABAP) 1997. SABAP: 864 Dusky Indigobird.
Downloadable files:
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SABAP_864_Dusky 78.28 KB
SABAP_864_Dusky Indigobird.kmz 1.12 KB