1) Genetic diversity: the variation between individuals and between populations within a species; species diversity: the different types of plants, animals and other life forms within a region; community or ecosystem diversity: the variety of habitats found within an area (grassland, marsh, and woodland for instance. 2) An umbrella term to describe collectively the variety and variability of nature. It encompasses three basic levels of organisation in living systems: the genetic, species, and ecosystem levels. Plant and animal species are the most commonly recognized units of biological diversity, thus public concern has been mainly devoted to conserving species diversity. (Source: WRES / GILP96)

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Displaying results 551 - 573 of 573 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
1998. Chapter 3. Biodiversity of marine habitats - 3.5 Potential threats to Namibian marine biodiversity. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 205-213
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3_5 Potential threats to Namibian marine biodiversity.pdf 14.14 MB
1998. Chapter 3. Biodiversity of marine habitats - 3.4 Overview of Namibian marine biodiversity. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 204
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3_4 Overview of Namibian marine biodiversity_1998.pdf 1.82 MB
1998. Chapter 3. Biodiversity of marine habitats - 3.3 Biota of the major habitats. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 193-204
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3_3 Biota of the major habitats.pdf 19.79 MB
1998. Chapter 3. Biodiversity of marine habitats - 3.2 Namibia's marine environment. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 190-193
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3_2 Namibias marine environement.pdf 6.57 MB
1998. Chapter 3. Biodiversity of marine habitats - 3.1 Characteristics of marine environments. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 189-190
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3_1 Characteristics of marine environments_1998.pdf 3.38 MB
1998. Chapter 2. Biodiversity of terrestrial and freshwater habitats - 2.7 Ex-situ conservation facilities. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 91-97
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2_7 Ex_situ conservation facilities_1998.pdf 9.58 MB
1998. Chapter 2. Biodiversity of terrestrial and freshwater habitats - 2.6 Underprotected habitats. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 85-90
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2_6 Unprotected habitats_1998.pdf 8.12 MB
1998. Chapter 2. Biodiversity of terrestrial and freshwater habitats - 2.5 Threatened species: Case studies. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 78-85
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2_5 Threatened species_Case studies_1998.pdf 12.54 MB
1998. Chapter 2. Biodiversity of terrestrial and freshwater habitats - 2.3 Areas of high species endemism. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 72-74
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2_3 Areass of high species endemism_1998.pdf 4.08 MB
1998. Chapter 2. Biodiversity of terrestrial and freshwater habitats - 2.2 Environmental change. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 67-72
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2_2 Environmental change_1998.pdf 9.73 MB
1998. Chapter 2. Biodiversity of terrestrial and freshwater habitats - 2.1 Ecological diversity in Namibia. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 57-66
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2_1 Ecological diversity in Namibia_1998.pdf 17.65 MB
1998. Chapter 1. Overview of Namibia and its biological diversity - 1.2 Social and economic features. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 28-50
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1_2 Social and economic features.pdf 37.88 MB
1998. Chapter 1. Overview of Namibia and its biological diversity - 1.1 Geographical features. Biological Diversity in Namibia: A Country Study 15-28
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1_1 Geographical features.pdf 19.65 MB
Barnard P, Roberts K, Simmons R, Seely MK, Nakanuku L, Kolberg H, Hay C 2003. An integrated framework for wetland health monitoring in Dryland Namibia. Conference: Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Monitoring of Tropical and Subtropical Wetlands, At Maun, Botswana, 4-7 December 2002. Proceedings of the International Conference on Environmental Monitoring of Tropical and Subtropical Wetlands, 4-7 December 2002
Kolberg H, Griffin M, Simmons RE 1996. Case Study 1: Namibia - The ephemeral wetland systems of central northern Namibia. Wetlands, Biodiversity, and the Ramsar Convention 40-42
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The ephemeral wetland systems of central northern Namibia.PDF 378.49 KB
Blackmore AC 2017. Public trust doctrine, research and responsible wildlife management in South Africa. Bothalia 47 (1) a2217
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PTD_Responsible Wildlife Management.pdf 2.76 MB