
Towards a Coastal Policy for Namibia. Green Paper - April 2009. Produced for the Ministry of Environment and Tourism - Namibian Coast Conservation and Management (NACOMA) project

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This Coastal Policy Green Paper is the product of an extensive process of public consultation and specialist studies undertaken since early 2006, spearheaded by the Government of Namibia through the Namibian Coast Conservation and Management (NACOMA) project. One of the key goals of NACOMA is to strengthen the process of evolving coastal governance in Namibia that begun many years ago, which includes discussions and consultations held during a number of different initiatives, such as: the Erongo region ICZM project (1997 - 1999 DANCED); Walvis Bay Agenda 21 initiative (2001 - 2005 DANCED/ DANIDA); and preparatory processes during the development of the NACOMA project in 2004-2005. The document provides an outline of the key findings, the need for a Coastal Policy, a Vision for our coast, and principles, goals and objectives for coastal governance. The Green Paper also presents the options for institutional and legal arrangements towards implementing the emerging Namibian Coastal Policy options for coastal governance in Namibia. The contents of the Green Paper are not set in concrete. The primary aim of this document is to stimulate constructive debate which will inform the development of a Coastal Policy White Paper that will set out Namibia's future policy directions on coastal governance. The eventual Coastal Policy will then be implemented through appropriate institutional, legal and programmatic channels.

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Coastal Policy Green Paper 2009.pdf 2.85 MB