
Etosha National Park aerial survey 2005 first draft, 14 October 2005

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Conducting aerial surveys is one of the core functions of the Ministry of Environment and Tourism. The surveys are essential management tools, allowing for informed decision making. Aerial surveys have been conducted in Etosha National Park since 1968. Apart from a series of elephant surveys, these surveys were strictly speaking not comparable as they were undertaken at irregular intervals with different sampling intensities and area cover. The first comprehensive multi-species sample count was conducted in 1995, and repeated in 1998, 2000, 2002 and 2004. The objectives of the 2005 aerial survey were: 1. To provide comparable estimates and trend data for some key species in support of species and park management, 2. To obtain a population estimate of elephants as required within the MIKE program and for CITES, 3. To update the population estimate of black rhino in support of the black rhino National Management Plan. The survey was conducted from 23 August to 11 September 2005 using the Ministry’s two aircraft, a Cessna 206 (V5-PRO) and a Cessna 182 (V5-ISE).

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Etosha NP_NP2005_Survey_Report.pdf 939.26 KB