national park

Areas of outstanding natural beauty, set aside for the conservation of flora, fauna and scenery, and for recreation, if this does not conflict with the conservation objectives of the parks and their landscapes. Hunting, logging, mining, commercial fishing, agriculture and livestock grazing are all controlled within national parks, as is industrial activity. (Source: WRIGHT)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 767 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
de Villiers JS 1958. Report on the birdlife of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park. Koedoe 1 143 - 161
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Report on the birdlife of the Kalahari Gemsbok National Park.pdf 2.98 MB
Kolberg C, Kolberg H, Boorman M, Kolb H, Madden A, Madden B 2016. Terra Incognito: Bird Atlasing Expedition to the Tsaukhaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park. Lanioturdus 49 (2) 2-7
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Bird Atlasing Expedition to the Tsaukhaeb National Park_2016.pdf 713.75 KB
Demasius E 2016. How a springbok birth turned into a birding story. Lanioturdus 49 (1) 16
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How a springbok birth turned into a birding story.pdf 461.83 KB
Allan DG, Steele WK, Velasquez CR 1989. Lesser blackbacked gull at Etosha. Lanioturdus 25 (1-2) 58-59
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Lesser Blackbacked gull at Etosha_1989.pdf 145.26 KB
Williams AJ 1987. Namutoni, December 1986. Lanioturdus 23 (3-4) 85-86
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Namutoni 1986.pdf 245.1 KB
Beale CM, van Rensberg S, Bond WJ, Coughenour M, Fynn R, Gaylard A, Grant R, Harris B, Jones T, Mdumai S, Owen-Smith N, Sinclair ARE 2013. Ten lessons for the conservation of African savannah ecosystems. Biological Conservation 167 224-232
Ishida Y, Van Coeverden de Groot PJ, Leggett KEA, Putnam AS, Fox VE, Lai J, Boag PT, Georgiadis NJ, Roca AL 2016. Genetic connectivity across marginal habitats: the elephants of the Namib Desert. Ecology and Evolution 6 (17) 6189-6201
van de Reep J, van de Reep S 1987. Notes from an Etosha diary. Lanioturdus 22 (4) 82
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Notes from an Etosha Diary_1987.pdf 181.31 KB
Kolberg H 1975. Birds of Etosha National Park. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 11 (1) 7-8
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Birds of Etosha National Park_1975 Kolberg H.pdf 218.17 KB
Herrmann K, Stöck H 1971. Flamingos in der Etoschapfanne. Ornithologische Arbeitsgruppe SWA Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft 7 (5-7) 2-4
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Flamingos in der Etosha Pfanne_1971.pdf 307.13 KB
Pesch V 1978. Vogelbeobachtungen in der Etoscha Pfanne, 18-24 September 1977. Lanioturdus 14 (1-2) 2-3
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Vogelbeobachtungen in der Etoscha Pfanne_1978.pdf 225.21 KB
Bridgeford PA, Bridgeford M 1993. More birds of the Naukluft Mountains. Lanioturdus 27 64-66
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More birds of the Naukluft Mountains.pdf 219.74 KB
Friede G 1995. Vögel in und um Namutoni. Lanioturdus 28 16-22
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Voegel in und um Namutoni.pdf 474.05 KB
Duffield-Harding J 1997. May field trip to Arbeid Adelt, Namib-Naukluft Mountains. Lanioturdus 30 (2) 24-27
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May field trip to Arbeid Adelt_Namib_Naukluft Mountains.pdf 252.48 KB
Duffield-Harding J, Osborne T 1999. West Etosha Bird Monitoring Project. Lanioturdus 32 (2,3 & 4) 23-28
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West Etosha Bird Monitoring Project.pdf 396.3 KB
Osborne T, Osborne L 1998. Etosha bird notes. Lanioturdus 31 (2) 23-25
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Etosha bird notes_1998.pdf 218.81 KB
Hines C, Mendelsohn J 1998. Whitebellied Korhaan in Namibia: A first record from the Andoni grasslands. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 19-21
Osborne TO 1998. Suspended breeding: Effects of the current drought in Etosha. Lanioturdus 31 (1) 17-19
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Suspended breeding_Effects of the current drought in Etosha.pdf 238.16 KB
Branch B 1998. Feeding observations on raptors in Etosha. Lanioturdus 31 (4) 20
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Feeding observations on raptors in Etosha.pdf 142.38 KB
Osborne T, Osborne L 1998. Etosha bird notes II. Lanioturdus 31 (4) 18-19
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Etosha bird notes II_1998.pdf 138.01 KB
Paxton M, Sheehan L 2002. Mahango bird count January 2002. Lanioturdus 35 (4) 24-28
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Mahango bird count January 2002.pdf 353.37 KB
Steenkamp J, Bridgeford P 2002. Pale-winged Starlings breeding in the Namib-Naukluft Park. Lanioturdus 35 (4) 5-8
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Pale_winged Starlings breeding in the Namib_Naukluft Park.pdf 323.33 KB
White R, Hassell C 2004. American Golden Plover near Etosha NP, Namibia. Lanioturdus 37 (2) 6-10
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American Golden Plover near Etosha NP_2004.pdf 700.22 KB
Cunningham P, Adank W, Mulisa C, Simataa B 2003. The diet of the Barn Owl Tyto alba from the Otjivasando area, Etosha National Park. Lanioturdus 36 (4) 7-11
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Diet of the Barn Owl from the Otjivasando area.pdf 300.26 KB
Kestenholz M 2003. First record of the European Turtle-Dove (Streptopelia turtur) for Namibia. Lanioturdus 36 (2) 18-19
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First record of the European Turtle_Dove.pdf 146.43 KB
Paxton M 2003. Mahango count (July 2002). Lanioturdus 36 (1) 32-35
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Mahango count.pdf 245.39 KB
Paxton M 2003. Kavango bird observations. Lanioturdus 36 (1) 31-32
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Kavango bird observations.pdf 223.9 KB
Paxton M, Sheehan L 2001. Mahango wetland bird count - January 2001. Lanioturdus 34 (2) 2-7
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Mahango wetland bird count_January 2001.pdf 292.11 KB
Osborne T, Versfeld W 2001. Raptor research conducted within Etosha National Park. Lanioturdus 34 (1) 19-20
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Raptor research conducted within Etosha National Park.pdf 208.7 KB
Paxton M 2000. July wetland bird count - Mahango Game Reserve. Lanioturdus 33 (1&2) 13-19
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July wetland bird count_Mahango Game Park.pdf 400.34 KB
Kolberg H 2009. Population Census of Flamingos in Namibia, July 2008. Lanioturdus 42 (2) 12-14
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Population Census of Flamingos in Namibia July 2008.pdf 316.42 KB
Demasius E 2010. Some birding notes on a trip to Etosha. Lanioturdus 43 (4) 3-4
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Some Birding Notes on a Trip to Etosha.pdf 391.2 KB
Niddrie R 2010. Mahango Game Reserve in the Rainy season. Lanioturdus 43 (4) 14-15
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Mahango Game Reserve in the Rainy season.pdf 269.2 KB
Gaerdes J 1967. Eine unerforschte Höhle in der Naukluft. Newsletter of the SWA Scientific Society 8 (5) 5-6
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Eine unerforschte Hoehle in der Naukluft_1967.pdf 1.92 MB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2010. Game counts in Hardap Game Park, May 2010.
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Hardap game count poster 2010.pdf 774.2 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2012. Game counts in Hardap Game Park, May 2012.
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Hardap_game_count_poster_2012.pdf 494.97 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2013. Game counts in Hardap Game Park, May 2013.
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Hardap_game_count_poster_2013.pdf 630.9 KB
Namibian Association of CBNRM Support Organisations (NACSO) 2014. Game counts: Khaudum North Complex.
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Khaudum count poster 2014.pdf 601.98 KB