
A buffer for Etosha: The attitudes towards a buffer zone on private farmland at the south-western border of the Etosha National Park (Namibia)  and chances for its implementation.

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The results of the study vary from very positive attitudes to very negative attitudes, mainly depending on the land use (livestock farming, combined livestock and game farming, pure game farming). Among other reasons, financial gain due to the close proximity of the Etosha National Park leads to positive attitudes (game farming), while financial loss due to the negative influence (predators) from the park leads to negative attitudes (livestock farming, partly game farming). Furthermore, research has shown that commercial livestock farming in the study area is not compatible with the Buffer Zone Concept. Therefore consistent landuse strategies in the form of some sort of wildlife farming and management are needed for the implementation of a buffer zone. Given the negative economic development of livestock farming in Namibia, especially at the border of the Etosha National Park and the increasing development of the tourism sector in the Namibian economy, which is furthermore favoured due to the close proximity of the study area to the Etosha National Park, the realisation of a buffer zone in the study area seems to be possible. Examples for that can be found all over Africa.

Humboldt Universität zu Berlin
Diploma Thesis
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