The spatial distribution of tree species across the Kuiseb river channel in relation to watercourse
At least seven of perennial plants occur in the Kuiseb River system, in the Namib Desert: Acacia erioloba, Acanthosicyos horrid us, Faidherbia albida, Euclea pseudebenus, Ficus sycomorus, Tamarix usneoides and Salvadora persica. Their number, vitality, and spatial distribution (including position relative to the main channel of the river) were measured to allow comparison between transects surveyed at Gobabeb and Swartbank The profile patterns were different between the two-study sites, within transects perpendicular to the river. The average percent canopy cover of tree species and distance length of their microhabitat were determined in transect laid at Gobabeb.The vitality and canopy width of specific tree by species at Gobabeb were compared to the data gathered in 2002 of vegetation mapping done by Grieve & Hensel. Keywords: Patterns of tree species distribution and position from the main watercourse, Vegetation changes based on canopy cover and vitality between 2002 and 2005, to determine vegetation changes based on previous studies.
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