A wide, open, comparatively barren tract of land with few forms of life and little rainfall. (Source: MGH)

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Displaying results 1 - 50 of 1823 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Merxmüller H 1964. Die Stammsukkulenten Pelargonien des Lüderitz-Distriktes (Südwestafrika). Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 5 229-245
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Die Stammsukkulenten Pelargonien des Luederitz_1964.pdf 4.44 MB
Döderlein L 1908. Asterina lüderitziana, eine neue Art aus Sudwest-Afrika. Jahrbuecher Des Vereins Fuer Naturkunde Wiesbaden 61 196-198
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Asterina luderitziana_a new species from South West Africa.pdf 571.44 KB
Giess W 1969. Eine neue Aloe aus der Namib. Mitteilungen der Botanischen Staatssammlung München 8 123-126
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Eine neue Aloe aus der Namib_1969.pdf 1.33 MB
Kolberg C, Kolberg H, Boorman M, Kolb H, Madden A, Madden B 2016. Terra Incognito: Bird Atlasing Expedition to the Tsaukhaeb (Sperrgebiet) National Park. Lanioturdus 49 (2) 2-7
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Bird Atlasing Expedition to the Tsaukhaeb National Park_2016.pdf 713.75 KB
Wilson GA 1991. Strange visitors to the desert. Lanioturdus 26 (1) 30
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Strange visitors to the desert_1991.pdf 160.98 KB
Koch C 1962. Composition, xerophilous character and origin of the Namib Tenebrionidae. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 5 66-69
Kaszab Z 1980. Eine neue Paractenodia- art (Col. Meloidae) aus der Wüste Namib. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 50 119-120
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Eine neue Paractenodia_art aus der wuste Namib.pdf 157.61 KB
1977. Thermoregulatory behaviour. Scientific Papers of the Namib Desert Research Station 47 96-98
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Thermoregulatory behaviour_1977.pdf 233.7 KB
Henschel J, Beysens D, Milimouk I, Muselli M, Heusinkveld B, Jacobs A 2007. Dew occurrence and collection in Gobabeb, Central Namib Desert.
Seely MK, Klintenberg P, Henschel JR 2009. Learning from the Desert. Journal of Arid Land Studies 19 (1) 1-3
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Learning from the Desert.pdf 54.2 KB
Soderberg K, Henschel J, Billmark K, Swap R, Macko S 2010. Multiple stable isotope tracers of fog use by Namib Desert plants. Geophysical Research Abstracts 12 EGU2010-7683
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Multiple stable isotope tracers of fog use by Namib Desert plants.pdf 50.54 KB
Mtuleni V, Henschel JR, Seely MK 1998. Evaluation of Fog-Harvesting Potential in Namibia.
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Evaluation of Fog_Harvesting Potential in Namibia_1998.pdf 183.32 KB
Henschel JR, Robertson MB, Seely MK 1991. Animal ecophysiology in the Namib Desert: Coping with little water, scarce food and elevated. Ecology of Desert Environments 423-457
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Animal ecophysiology in the Namib Desert_1991.pdf 2.34 MB
Withers PC, Louw GN, Henschel J 1980. Energetics and water relations of Namib desert rodents. South African Journal of Zoology 15 (3) 131-137
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Energetics and water relations of Namib desert rodents_1980.pdf 1002.65 KB
Bristow CS, Duller GAT, Lancaster N 2007. Age and dynamics of linear dunes in the Namib Desert. Geology 35 (6) 555-558
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Age and dynamics of linear dunes in the Namib Desert_2007.pdf 449.87 KB
Li B, Wang L, Kaseke KF, Li L, Seely MK 2016. The impact of rainfall on soil moisture dynamics in a foggy desert. Plos ONE 11 (10) e0164982
2008. Walvis Bay Biodiversity Report 2008.
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Walvis Bay Biodiversity Report 2008.pdf 3.37 MB
Lamb T, Meeker AM, Bauer AM, Branch WR 2003. On the systematic status of the desert plated lizard (Angolosaurus skoogi): phylogenetic inference from DNA sequence analysis of the African Gerrhosauridae. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 78 253-261
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On the systematic status of the desert plated lizard.pdf 298.19 KB
Murray IW, Fuller A, Lease HM, Mitchell D, Wolf BO, Hetem RS 2014. The actively foraging desert lizard Pedioplanis husabensis (Husab Sand Lizard) behaviorally optimizes its energetic economy. Canadian Journal of Zoology 92 (19) 905-913
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The actively foraging desert lizard Pedioplanis husabensis.pdf 282.9 KB
Kensley BF 1976. The genus Nebalia in South and South West Africa (Crustacea, Leptostraca). Cimbebasia 4 (8) 155-162
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The genus Nebalia in South and South West Africa.pdf 4.13 MB
Rössl R, Henschel JR 1999. Ecology and diet of Psammoduon deserticola (Simon) (Araneae: Zodariidae). Bulletin of the British Arachnological Society 11 (4) 155-157
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Ecology and diet of Psammoduon deserticola_1999.pdf 159.1 KB
Henschel JR 1991. A trap to capture burrowing arachnids. Journal of Arachnology 19 150-152
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A trap to capture burrowing arachnids_1991.pdf 118.6 KB
Henschel JR 1990. Spiders wheel to escape. South Africa Journal of Science 86 (3) 151-152
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Spiders wheel to escape.pdf 168.79 KB
Norgaard T, Nilsson D-E, Henschel JR, Garm A, Wehner R 2008. Vision in the nocturnal wandering spider Leucorchestris arenicola (Araneae: Sparassidae). The Journal of Experimental Biology 211 816-823
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Vision in the nocturnal wandering spider Leucorchestris arenicola.pdf 703.72 KB
Henschel JR 1990. The biology of Leucorchestris arenicola (Araneae: Heteropodidae), a burrowing spider of the Namib dunes. Namib Ecology, 25 Years Of Namib Research 7 115-127
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The biology of Leucorchestris arenicola.pdf 637.31 KB
Brain C, Bohrmann R 1992. Tick infestation of baboons (Papio ursinus) in the Namib Desert. Journal of Wildlife Diseases 28 (2) 188-191
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Tick infestation of baboons_Namib Desert.pdf 596.35 KB
Hesse AJ 1972. New Mydaidae (Diptera) from the Namib Desert and South-Western Africa. Annals of the South African Museum 60 (3) 109-171
Naky KA, Knight MH 1994. Energy, water, and food use by springbok antelope (Antidorcas marsupialis) in the Kalahari Desert. Journal of Mammalogy 75 (4) 860-872
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Energy_water_and food use by springbok antelope_1994.pdf 6.57 MB
Colahan BD 1987. The birds around the Rössing Uranium Mine, central Namib Desert, a preliminary list. Lanioturdus 23 (3/4) 61 - 74
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The birds around Roessing_1987.pdf 552.12 KB
Ishida Y, Van Coeverden de Groot PJ, Leggett KEA, Putnam AS, Fox VE, Lai J, Boag PT, Georgiadis NJ, Roca AL 2016. Genetic connectivity across marginal habitats: the elephants of the Namib Desert. Ecology and Evolution 6 (17) 6189-6201
Costa G, Petralia A, Conti E, Hänel C, Seely MK 1993. Seven stone spiders on the gravel plains of the Namib Desert. Bollettino dell'Accademia Gioenia di Scienze Naturali in Catania 26 77-83
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Seven stone spiders on the gravel plains of the Namib Desert.pdf 343.37 KB
Williams AJ 1987. Historical records of birds along the Namib Coast. Lanioturdus 23 (3/4) 75-79
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Historical records of birds along the Namib coast_1987.pdf 337.49 KB