big game

Large wild animals that weigh typically more than 30 lb when fully grown, hunted for food, sport or profit. (Source: CORBIT / AMHER)

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Displaying results 301 - 350 of 2503 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Steynberg F, Springer M 2019. Farmer suffers millions loss .
Rookmaaker K 2018. Debunked: the name of the White rhinoceros. Pachyderm (60) 131-132
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2019 Rookmaaker 243 Name White - Pachyderm.pdf 134.45 KB
Rookmaaker LC 1983. The observations of Robert Jacob Gordon (1743- 1795) on giraffes (Giraffa camelopardalis) found in Namaqualand. Jounral of the Namibia Scientific Society (XXXVI/XXXVII) 71-90
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1983 Rookmaaker 030 Gordons Giraffes - J SWA Soc.pdf 3.87 MB
Bulte EH, Horan RD, Shogren JF 2003. Elephants: Comment. The American Economic Review (93) 1437-1445
Kremer M, Morcom C 2000. Elephants. American Economic Review (90) 212-234
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Elephants_American Economic Review 2000.pdf 273.37 KB
de Alessi M 2004. An ivory-tower take on the ivory trade. Econ Journal Watch (1)
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An ivory_tower take on the ivory trade.pdf 173.73 KB
Nadal A, Aguayo F 2015. Use or destruction: on the economics of ivory stockpiles. Pachyderm (57) 57-67
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Use or destruction_on the economics of ivory stockpiles.pdf 4.76 MB
Yi S 2016. Namibia’s secret ivory business.
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Oxpeckers_Namibias secret ivory business.pdf 265.83 KB
Grobler J 2014. Strange death of a rhino protector.
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Oxpeckers_Strange death of a rhino protector.pdf 381.08 KB
Grobler J 2016. The horn scam at Windhoek's airport.
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Oxpeckers_The horn scam at Windhoeks airport.pdf 241.34 KB
Nkala O 2018. Confessions of an ivory poacher.
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Oxpeckers_Confessions of an ivory poacher.pdf 244.99 KB
2019. Renoster in Etosha gestamp.
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NAM_2019-08_Renoster in Etosha gestamp_Republikein.pdf 155.15 KB
Smit E 2019. 14 arrested for wildlife crimes.
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NAM_2019-12_14 arrested for wildlife crimes_Namibian Sun.pdf 119.23 KB
Smit E 2019. 19 arrested for wildlife crime.
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NAM_2019-08_19 arrested for wildlife crime_Namibian Sun.pdf 103.93 KB
Steynberg F 2019. 19 vas oor wildmisdaad.
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NAM_2019-08_19 vas oor wildmisdaad_Republikein.pdf 79.12 KB
Shapwanale N 2017. Four arrested over Zambezi poaching.
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NAM_2017-03_Four arrested over Zambezi poaching_The Namibian.pdf 191.68 KB
Smit E 2017. 18 horns received in Windhoek.
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NAM_2017-02_18 horns received in Windhoek_Namibian Sun.pdf 108.29 KB