big game

Large wild animals that weigh typically more than 30 lb when fully grown, hunted for food, sport or profit. (Source: CORBIT / AMHER)

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Displaying results 251 - 300 of 2503 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Gaidet-Drapier N, Fritz H, Bourgarel M, Renaud P-C, Poilecot P, Chardonnet P, Coid C, Poulet D, Le Bel S 2006. Cost and efficiency of large mammal census techniques: Comparison of methods for a participatory approach in a communal area, Zimbabwe. Biodiversity and Conservation 15 (2) 735-754
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Cost and efficiency of large mammal census techniques.pdf 229.64 KB
Lindsay K, Chase M, Landen K, Nowak K 2017. The shared nature of Africa's elephants. Biological Conservation (215) 260-267
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The shared nature of Africas elephants.pdf 702.18 KB
Kioko J, Muruthi P, Omondi P, Chiyo PI 2007. The performance of electric fences as elephant barriers in Amboseli, Kenya. South African Journal of Wildlife Research (38) 52-58
Brown C, Goldbeck M, Cooper T, Cooper S, Gondwana Collection 2013. Giraffe back in the Fish River Canyon area of southern Namibia after 160 years of local extinction. Giraffid (7) 13-15
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Giraffe reintroduction to Fish River Canyon.doc 589.5 KB
Evans LA, Adams WM 2016. Fencing elephants: The hidden politics of wildlife fencing in Laikipia, Kenya. Land Use Policy (51) 215-228
Jones T, Cusack JJ, Pozo RA, Smit J, Mkuburo L, Baran P, Lobora AL, Mduma A, Foley C 2018. Age structure as an indicator of poaching pressure: Insights from rapid assessments of elephant populations across space and time. Ecological Indicators (88) 115-125
Damm GR 2008. Recreational Trophy Hunting: “What do we know and what should we do?”. Best Practices in Sustainable Hunting – A Guide to Best Practices from Around the World 5–11
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Best practices in sustainable hunting.pdf 1.22 MB
Holechek J, Valdez R 2018. Wildlife conservation on the rangelands of eastern and southern Africa: Past, present, and future. Rangeland Ecology and Management (71) 245–258
Leader-Williams N, Milledge S, Adcock K, Brooks M, Conway A, Knight M, Mainka S, Martin EB, Teferi T 2005. Trophy Hunting of Black Rhino Diceros bicornis: Proposals to Ensure Its Future Sustainability. Journal of International Wildlife Law and Policy (8) 1-11
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Trophy Hunting of Black Rhino Diceros bicornis.pdf 213.42 KB
Caro TM, Young CR, Cauldwell AE, Brown DDE 2009. Animal breeding systems and big game hunting: Models and application. Biological Conservation (142) 909-929
Barichievy C, Munro L, Clinning G, Whittington-Jones B, Masterson G 2017. Do armed field-rangers deter rhino poachers? An empirical analysis. Biological Conservation (209) 554-560
Milner-Gulland EJ, Beddington JR, Leader-Williams N 1992. Dehorning african rhinos: A model of optimal frequency and profitability. Proceedings: Biological Sciences (249) 83-87
Moodley Y, Russo I-RM, Robovsky J, Dalton DL, Kotze A, Smith S, Stejskal J, Ryder OA, Hermes R, Walzer C, Bruford MW 2018. Contrasting evolutionary history, anthropogenic declines and genetic contact in the northern and southern white rhinoceros (Ceratotherium simum). Proceedings of the Royal Society B (285) 20181567
Muntifering JR, Linklater WL, Naidoo R, !Uri‐≠Khob S, Preez PD, Beytell P, Jacobs S, Knight AT 2018. Sustainable close encounters: integrating tourist and animal behaviour to improve rhinoceros viewing protocols. Animal Conservation
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2018. Ministry of Environment and Tourism aerial survey data - Hunting metadata.
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MET trophy hunting metadata.xlsx 14.52 KB
Winter S, Fennessy J, Fennessy S, Janke A 2018. Matrilineal population structure and distribution of the Angolan giraffe in the Namib desert and beyond. Ecological Genetics and Genomics (7-8) 1-5
Prins HHT, van der Jeugd H 1993. Herbivore population crashes and woodland structure in East Africa. Journal of Ecology (81) 305-314
Berry HH 1993. Surveillance and control of anthrax and rabies in wild herbivores and carnivores in Namibia. Revue scientifique et technique (International Office of Epizootics) (12) 137-146
Ministry of Environment and Tourism (MET) 2015. Poaching should be considered a Priority Crime. (2)
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Poaching should be considered a Priority Crime.pdf 26.32 MB
Morkel PvdB, Geldenhuys LJ 1993. Dehorning of black rhinoceros (Diceros bicornis bicornis) in Namibia. 350-353
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Dehorning of black rhinoceros in Namibia.pdf 297.42 KB
Berger J 1994. Science, conservation, and black rhinos. Journal of Mammalogy (75) 298-308
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Science_conservation_and black rhinos.pdf 355.69 KB
Carl R 2016. Desert elephants pass on knowledge - not mutations - to survive. Despite reported differences in appearance and behavior, DNA evidence finds that Namibian desert elephants share the same DNA as African savanna elephants. However, Namibian desert-dwelling elephants should be protected so they can continue to pass on their unique knowledge and survival skills to future generations.
Göttert T, Schöne J, Zinner D, Hodges JK, Böer M 2010. Habitat use and spatial organisation of relocated black rhinos in Namibia. Mammalia (74) 35-42
Duffy R, Emslie RH, Knight MH 2013. Rhino Poaching: How do we respond?.
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Rhino Poaching_How do we respond_2013.pdf 286.43 KB