animal damage

Harm caused to the environment by animals as, for instance, in the case of overgrazing, trampling, etc. Overgrazing damage is reduced by properly located watering facilities to decrease daily travel by livestock. Rotation of grazing areas allows time for recovery of grass. Some land can be easily restored if grazing is allowed only during one season. Animals may cause damage to crops when agriculture land borders on virgin territory or game reserves. In addition wild animals may bring disease in valuable domestic herds. Cattle overstocking has caused serious degradation of habitat, and cattle raising is thus, to some extent, counterproductive. (Source: WPR)

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Displaying results 1 - 11 of 11 record(s) tagged with this keywordClick/tap on any title to see full details of the record
Midgley JJ, Balfour D, Kerley GI 2005. Why do elephants damage savanna trees?: commentary. South African Journal of Science 101 (5-6) 213-215
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Why do elephants damage savanna trees_2005.pdf 233.55 KB
Sutton WR, Larson DM, Jarvis LS 2004. A new approach for assessing the costs of living with wildlife in developing countries.
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Research Discussion Paper 69_2004.pdf 490.67 KB
Mulonga S, Suich H, Murphy C 2003. The conflict continues: Human wildlife conflict and livelihoods in Caprivi.
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Research Discussion Paper 59_2003.pdf 763.44 KB
Martin RB 2009. The Elephants of North-Western Namibia: Options for Management.
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NW Elephants report.pdf 2.43 MB